Resignation, Russia |
Another Buffoon aide has resigned for sexual abuse allegations. I can't remember his name and don't really care. The most interesting aspect of this story is why the allegations surfaced. Some say it's a power play to get rid of a John Kelly ally and eventually John Kelly himself. He is from my understanding the more reasonable ones in the Whitehouse so if he goes grab the popcorn it'll be more insanity.
Apparently the Dutch hacked Russia and saw people literally hacking the DNC. I say apparently because this sounds too convenient. If anything is going to doubt the Russia story it's convenient facts like this. Note to everyone. DON'T TAPE PEOPLE HACKING INTO THINGS! I don't want to be regarded as a conspiracy theorist, so let's say it's true. This is yet another example of FBI and CIA incompetence. Remember the iPhone that the FBI couldn't get into and they had to get a private company to do it? Apparently you don't find the best and brightest in American intelligence. Why did the Dutch uncover this and not Uncle Sam? Finally a top figure in US cyber security said that Russia successfully hacked the voting system of 22 states. It's largely unknown what they did. I would be very interested in what they did in swing states. Not just the voting system itself but throwing people off rolls. Perhaps a more important question is why the US allow itself to be hacked? I think that they should go back to paper ballots. Someone suggested block chain voting, I was dismissive at the time but maybe it's worth considering if an electronic system must be used. I still say paper and you can trust me as a technology enthusiast. Technology is probably not the best option. | |||
Memo, Deep State, Stormy Daniels |
I am not sure what to cover with this memo bullshit, because it's bullshit. Republicans freaked out that there was a memo that was supposed to clear Orange Buffoon and open a new investigation into Hillary Clinton, or something. Anyway it turns out it was written by Republicans, and basically just explains what their interpretation of the investigation is. So the memo was totally worthless.
Republicans are also going on about a secret society and a deep state after a recent text message questioned whether someone was going to a meeting of the secret society. Any normal person would interpret that as a joke, but not tinfoil hat Republicans. They think that this non existant secret society is trying to overthrow Buffoon. By the way if Dear Leader is so great, why is he allowing this to happen? Isn't he in charge of everything? (except the justice department) Is he that incompetent that he can't control his own agencies? Actually, probably. However there is no plot to overthrow him. He probably would already be in jail or assassinated if that was the case. Instead there are legitimate investigations happening to find out what went on with Russia. Finally Farron Cussins from The Ring O Fire radio argued that the Stormy Daniels story mattered because if campaign money was used to pay her off that's a felony. While technically true campaign laws are broken all the time including by the Clintons, though I don't know if they broke them to such a serious degree. I don't think he would go down for breaking campaign laws; there's probably more viable routes legally to take him down. | |||
Stormy Daniels |
Orange Buffoon had an affair with a porn star named Stormy Daniels. Let me first say if I was rich I would have sex with porn stars too. If anything he should be praised for having a consential relationship. There are at least a dozen relationships when consent wasn't granted, which obviously makes them much worse. The only reason why this is news is it is with a porn star. It is nothing but sensatonism. I am covering this because part of this blog is criticizing the media. I won't go into too many further details of the story, he should not have cheated on his wife, but I am not the marriage police, i don't even like the concept of monogamyI don't care. That is between him and his wife, which already seemed to hate him before all this.
The news organization that was sitting on the story was criticized for not releasing it before the election. I however seriously doubt that it would made a difference. It was known that he committed sexual assault before the election, this is no worse, if you think that it is, you're an idiot. However since the margns were so thin in several purple states he won I guess that it is possible. Finally he paid her off to not tell anyone but the story was released anyway by a magazine that interviewed her before the pay off occurred. Typical winning from Buffoon. People have renewed interest in the pee tape because he now has a history of paying people off to cover up sexual activity. Personally I don't think that it makes it more or less likely. Just think that it exists. Because why the fuck not? | |||
Government shut down, Jacinda Ardern |
One year into Buffoon's presidency, the government is shut down. I thought he was good at making deals; he's like a smart person at making deals. A very stable genius at making deals! There are people who want to see if a business negotiator would be better than politics as usual. Considering no major reforms have past congress apart from the tax cuts and the government has shut down after a year, I think you have your answer! There are people who claim Buffoon is succeeding, but what does that mean? He's succeeding at making the rich richer. Some people point to economic growth, but there was economic growth under Bush too, then after about seven years it collapsed. The same thing will happen here, do you know why? In trickle down economies when deregulation is also a factor people get greedy and take more and more risk, sooner or later it blows up in everyone's faces and they have to get a bail out. Also due to the tax cuts companies are buying back their own stock, that's called market fixing. I thought corporations were going to use tax cuts for job growth. Turns out, no! While many are boosting about bonuses, the same companies are cutting jobs. The rich are just pocketing the tax cuts. What a surprise.
Over in New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is having a baby after three months in she was pregnant before the election but found out last month. I have a different point of view than many liberals. Firstly I have no interest in people's personal lives, particularly when it comes to the royal family; I don't want to see their baby photos, wedding pictures, don't care, boring. I immediately thought of a media frenzy, and it has already happened. So that's what we have for the next few years. Secondly about Clarke being a stay at home dad, great, but wages are so low the majority can't afford to do that. So maybe Jacinda should consider that point. Also if it was any other job the employer would not be thrilled. Jacinda is lucky, especially if in a 90 day right to sack environment. However people should realize that politicians and employees are allowed to have lives. Labour should form employment law accordingly. Employers telling people what to do in their private lives is a massive problem. | |||
Orange Buffoon, Oprah |
Orange Buffoon called Hatti a shit hole, everyone is outraged. I think I am just going to let them be outraged for me rather than writing yet another Orange Buffoon is an insensitive prick story.
It's a never ending cycle Buffoon is an insensitive prick. Says something horrible Everyone is outraged This is fucking boring now It's like an untrained dog who shits on the carpet, yeah that's what he does, get used to it. The difference is a dog can be trained. And while the media oxygen is sucked on the two billionith racist thing Buffoon said the muli billion utterly pointless wall is being considered for funding, no DACA deal, Democrates and Republicans agreed to continue spying on their citizens. For international reasons the shit hole story has some importance but there's more significant shit going on. Oprah gave a speech and now people want her to run for president. People love Oprah, she pretty much universally liked. Let me go against popular opinion as usual. First she created TV quack doctors like Doctor Oz and Doctor Phil; one devotes over a half of his show to false information, the other allegedly gives addicts drugs and alcohol before shows. Strike one, you're out! That's enough for me to view her as incredibly sketchy. Sorry Oprah cult. She also has someone on her show telling people to stick a substance in their vagina claiming they will age slower. She also devoted a show to the Iraq war having war mongers on. You may argue she was just going towards the trend and perhaps was uneducated, but again the medical stuff is sketchy and she's not worth considering further. Additionally she has a reputation of being a-political. OK, so why do people want her as president? I keep saying that policy doesn't matter, this is just another example of it. Mike from The Humanist Report also points out the her entire thing is branding, just like the current president. She has a TV channel and Magazine named after her. She's also a billionaire, though devotes her show to hearing stories. An analyst on that is she promotes self improvement rather than fairness when it comes to economics. To me this is what religions do; never mind that your circumstances are shitty, just prey (or watch my TV show) and you will be inspired or some shit. She does give to charities, let's give her the benefit of the doubt and assume they're not complete scams like the Buffoon charities. In conclusion she promotes sketchy things and has no policy at all. A big NO for me. I probably wouldn't trust her even if she came out as being super progressive, maybe if she came out with who would be her administration. Other than that she should be dismissed. | |||
Lorde, book |
Following the last entry someone with obviously too much money took out a newspaper advertisement claiming Lorde and New Zealand are anti-semitic. Firstly criticizing Israel is not anti-semitism no more than criticizing Orange Buffoon is bigoted against the United States. About a hundred countries have criticized Israel on issues mainly their illegal occupation. All of them aren't anti-semitic, OK? Second if you want actual anti-semitism perhaps you should look at the White House. People with nazi ties are in the current administration let alone former chief strategist Steve Bannon. The dear leader called people on both sides very fine people in response to a nazi rally and previously retweeted nazi propaganda. Look at your own fucking country before making bullshit claims.
Michael Wolf has a new book out. If you haven't heard of Michael Wolf before, that's okay, nobody has. Basically he wrote a book about how everybody in the white house thinks the Dear Leader is stupid and crazy. He was able to get quotes from the majority of the aides and they all said the same way thing. I don't know how much I will cover this as the fact Orange Buffoon is stupid is a running theme of this blog; but again everyone in the White House thinks so. We know that Rex Tillison called him a moron and there has been countless stories on how he cannot pay attention to anything. They have to give him information in 140 characters and mention he's great. He's a complete idiot, I have maintained this all along. If you think he's a secret genius and it's all an act, you're possibly as dumb as him. This book also reveals that his wife was crying on the election night, but not tears of joy. One of his sons looked like he had seen a ghost when he realized his dad could actually win. I go back and forth with whether it was a serious campaign or not, I think that I am back in the not camp. I was also amused by the fact Rupert Murdoch called him a fucking idiot. Buffoon's response, he's like a smart person and a very stable genius. He also says that his greatest asset is his mental stability. Well, I am convinced. Who the fuck says these things? Well apparently Orange Buffoon. If if was me, I think that I would resign. I'd probably resign in embarrassment six months ago, but I'm not completely crazy and wouldn't do 90% of the shit he does! Seriously, he should take his money and fuck off. Perhaps the best thing the Buffoon family could do is get Orange into care and play the role of the caring family. They probably don't have the collective intelligence to do this, so their brand is fucked. Do I feel bad? No I don't. | |||
Taylor Swift, Lorde |
I don't like Taylor Swift! I do like her music but as a person and corporate identity she's a shitty person. Here is an example: A random website labelled her as being pro white supremacy because she hasn't spoken out against it; a ridiculous argument on its face. Her legal team went on and issued take down notices. Firstly she also complains about royalties on spotify but if she really wanted to acquire more money perhaps she should stop paying lawyers to do stupid things like this. Secondly obviously she has not learned of the Streisand effect. Nobody knew of such blog posts until she got her lawyers on to it. If it was me I would have just sent a tweet: We're all equal, down with white supremacy! The fact that she couldn't do that... Well maybe she's pro white supremacy. Maybe under that long blond hair there is a Swastika tattoo! I am asking to be sued, I need the publicity.
Lorde refuses to go to Israel because its government is oppressing the Palestinians. I am split on the issue. I absolutely believe in sanctions, but sanctions work only if the items are valuable. Sorry Lorde but you're not that valuable. I also note that she is punishing fans in Israel that do not agree with the government. She could quite as easily do the same with the US over meddling in world affairs, fueling wars etc. I expect that would hurt her bottom line more. What she should do instead is go to Israel and promote peace, and if she felt that strongly write a song about the situation and launch it there. I have a history of going to Australia and making fun of its political figures, so if I was in her situation that is something I'd consider doing. | |||
Justice Democrats and Cenk Uygur |
Cenk Uygur and Kyle Kulinski have resigned from the board of Justice Democrats; a movement designed to get corporate money out of the Democrat Party. This is a massive fuck up by almost everyone involved. Blogs surfaced of Cenk written in 2000 calling girls whores and trannies and saying they're genetically flawed because they didn't want to have sex with him. This was in 2000; since this time he changed from being conservative to a liberal and now runs a show people probably accused of being too feminist friendly, well by people I mean assholes but that's beside the point. His show does hire one in particular "fringe feminist" that says stupid shit such as a wink is like sexual assault and two men shouldn't say disgusting things about women over email, ok but you're living in a fantasy world if you think that you can police such thoughts. My point is Cenk has evolved and is a feminist and his TheYoungTurks network also echos this. I am a feminist too, but some people are utterly ridiculous, like with any group; there's utterly ridiculous disability advocates too. We're going off topic!
Cenk's blogs and tweets were reckless and stupid, but some people evolve. He would tweet nothing like that now. Now we get to the Justice Democrats. First they created this entire drama. If I was in their position, it's an open question whether I would have done the same. Honestly considering it was 18 years ago and he doesn't think like that now. I would have solely weighed the public backlash. If I don't think it was significant, there would be no way I am asking for resignations. Kyle resigned and that was fucking stupid. He better hope the movement doesn't get hijacked. I would have stayed on and ensured the movement stayed on track. Then again would the media dig up some crazy thing he said in the past too? He is standing by Cenk by doing this, but strategically this was a terrible move. Two main lessons here 1. I was right not to go into politics or get too famous. I constantly say crazy shit and this is deliberate. I would rather continue making technology and productions/music than fuck around with the media. Other people are welcome to the fame; the media can piss off. I'd rather get rich with software. People point to the president to say people like honesty but he lost by 3 million votes. Also he's psychologically incapable of honestly, but let's forget he exists for the remainder of this post. 2. Keep control of your own movements otherwise they'll screw you. I have always held on to ownership of what I create, this does have its downsides but keeping control is good. I do question the motivation; was were the blog posts just an excuse to get rid of him? I hope not. Also who's behind the revealing of information? Was it a right wing troll who tries to get people fired? Or did it come from the Establishment Left. Finally I don't endorsed the blogs or tweets but let me be clear if it was just Cenk complaining that he doesn't get laid I'd give him a pass and would be much harsher on the Justice Democrats. He was probably just bullshitting with the genetically flawed stuff but if not he definitely doesn't think this way now, the language was also extreme. Saying it's an ocean of tits and he wants to swim, sorry but if you're offended you can fuck off, I don't see this as anything more than guy talk. The language at the beginning is more the issue. He was young and stupid. It's a shame he was punished for something nearly two decades old. Watching him for five years I know he's a different person. If I was him I would just find more strategic ways of doing things. | |||
Viral video about bullying |
Some kid made an anti bullying video that went viral, then it turns out that his mum is a white supremacist. I will use this story to explain how stupid humanity is. First point: There are millions of bullying victims across the globe but people gave $51,000 to this kid. People can do what they want with their money, but I find this weird and stupid. There are probably numerous victims at their local school, but they gave money to this random person on the internet. Senseless! Humans are visual people, if they can't see it, they don't care. It's the same with stand up comedy, people don't care that I spent my entire working life programming; they only like the posts when I mention that I am doing stand up. Even though the whole reason that I am about to do stand up comedy is that I built software to pause lines. People only recognize me as a stand up comedian. You could adapt use climate change as an example; for years people have been denying it and still do, but less people are denying it due to major disasters. This is humanity's problem; it is obsessed with visual things and celebrities. Another example with comedy is people recognize characters like Sheldon Cooper as the actor, but the character wouldn't exist if it wasn't for the writers and producers. People need a face otherwise they are not interested. This is humanity's weakness. Extending this to politics, people are more comfortable voting for candidates that they feel like they have a beer with for example George W Bush or John Key in New Zealand. In New Zealand they changed the Labour leader three months out from an election; it was an instant 7 percentage point boost. as a policy wonk and screen writer this is a bit depressing, but facts are facts. Humanity largely is stupid and only care about what's directly in front of them.
As for people giving to a random white supremacist family; that's on them for sending money to a person based on one video. AngryAussie pointed out that this has similarities to Kony 2012. Everyone was happily raising money until it turns out the guy went bonkers. You don't always know who is behind the cause. If people care so much about bullying may I suggest again stopping it in their own neighborhood. | |||
Orange Buffoon, Al Frankin |
Not much of interest going on.
Orange Buffoon used a racial slur in front of native Americans. He is racist. Knew that. Boring. Micheal Flynn plead guilty to charges involving Russia. This is also boring but could lead to other developments. It is assumed that he will give up other information in exchange for a deal. Buffoon is now denying the Access Hollywood tape is real, which considering he apologize for it is another lie. Duh. My question is why is the media giving so much coverage to this. This is just another crazy thing Buffoon said probably meant to distract from Roy Moore's allegations from females that were minors at the time. I doubt that he beliefs his own bullshit this time. Then again according to reports he is still going on about Obama's birth certificate. So who knows how crazy he is? However it is probably more likely that he is outright lying about the tape. I really don't know why Buffoon commented on Roy Moore, all it did was further remind people he Buffoon has more than a dozen allegations against him. While Roy Moore was banned from a Mall for coming on to teenagers, Orange Buffoon liked going into the dressing room of Miss Teen USA. It is neck and neck between Roy Moore and Doug Jones in the Senate race. I guess a problem is that the Republicans don't trust the media and don't believe the women, I guess that the latter is a problem with intelligence but also sexism. To be clear I wouldn't care if all parties were at least at the age of consent. This is not what we're talking about. People are losing jobs because of their behaviour, time will tell if this includes Roy Moore. Al Frankin resigned over sexual harassment allegations. Cenk Uygur from TheYoungTurks is a bit skeptical of the more anonymous allegations and Frankin didn't accept responsibility of his resignation speech. My take; he took responsibility for one act a few weeks ago. If he didn't do the others, that's on him to fight. He didn't, so he is the weakest link, good bye! Either he is a serial harasser or is incapable of defending against smears, either way I wouldn't want him in office. | |||
Net Neutrality |
Net neutrality is about to be killed, there seems nothing anybody can do as the person making the decision formally worked as a lawyer for an ISP. It's important to note this only affects the US but other countries may follow suit. In New Zealand we have about ten ISPs so we shouldn't be that concerned. However companies can always cooperate together and do certain things, but there's no sign that will happen. Back to the US, there are only two main internet providers and they mostly stay out of each other's areas so it's pretty much a monopoly. Side note, there is no fibre in some parts of the US, sounds backwards. Anyway the change would mean that the providers can slow down specific sites. The potential uses of this would be slowing down your competition, slowing down certain sites until they pay you, perhaps they don't like sites that are critical of them or the beliefs of their executives like this site and they slow them down. I have owned sites basically half my life. You have to pay for hosting, you could also additionally pay the ISPs that deliver content to the customers if the change happens. The ISPs already get revenue from their customers. This is how the internet is supposed to operate. Anybody can get to whatever site/service that is operational at the time. This change would give ultimate control to the ISPs. If you don't like the government telling you what you can access, would a corporation doing it be any better? If you say yes, you're probably an idiot. Taking the control to the extreme; if an ISP doesn't like TheYoungTurks they could they tell YouTube and Facebook to shut them down or they'll penalize them. Same thing with Alex Jones if he accused the executives of hosting a donkey fucking ring. (the appropriate action would be suing him) I personally don't think they'll censor but rather make the giants pay them, but I don't know. Other companies could theoretically pay them to penalize their competition.
I can see only one solution; people have to build an ISP as an social enterprise. Nobody is suggesting this but not considering this is a mistake; you could probably crowd fund the startup costs and start in the most profitable areas, then expand. The same thing could be done with health insurance. If I had the money maybe I would do it myself. It's beyond bonkers that people aren't doing this already. | |||
I thought that TPP was dead, apparently not! There's a new version called CPTPP which is basically TPP without the United States. As I understand it it's a bit watered down for New Zealand; corporations can't sue us to change our laws, can restrict who owns property. So things are a bit better. However I simply don't see the evidence trade deals are worthwhile. Trade deals are basically outsourcing deals and ultimately cost jobs. I am skeptical that signing it would be beneficial. In New Zealand there was no way to ensure we didn't get the TPP out of the recent election. Sure, you could have voted Greens or New Zealand First who won't vote for it, but we're getting the TPP anyway, so what fucking good does that to? Look, progressives need to go to where the power is, not isolated in some hippy party which can be ignored when it suits.
Meanwhile, it's not completely dead in the United States; from my understanding they're quietly signing agreements with individual countries without calling it the TPP, CPTPP, or whatever pee abbreviation it's going under. | |||
Indictments, Mueller, Donna Brazile revelations |
Three people from the Buffoon campaign have been indicted including Paul Manaford and his business partner. Paul was Buffoon's campaign manager until he had to quit because of ties to Russia. No surprises he was indicted. George Papadopoulos has also plead guilty to crimes including Buffoon and Russia; he was working closely with them including trying to get Buffoon to go to Russia during the campaign, that didn't happen. Buffoon insiders knew of his connections, apparently this includes Jeff Sessions who previously denied about knowing anybody involved with Russia on the Buffoon campaign, a clear lie. The investigation is still ongoing and these developments shouldn't be dismissed because they will likely lead to bigger prosecutions later.
Cenk Uygur had the right idea; the republicans are only going after Hillary Clinton's deal with Russia because Robert Mueller was high ranking at the FBI at the time of the FBI's approval of the deal. So progressive shows that are harping on about the story which was dead for a year are doing nothing but help republicans. Progressives are shitting themselves about Donna Brazile's revelation of the fact that the DNC were rigging the primaries. Yawn, didn't everybody already knew this? Some aspects of it were still interesting. Obama starved the DNC of cash and the current chair at the time (who was also Hillary's former campaign chair prior) didn't go after fund raising like previous chairs. You can make up your own mind whether the lack of fund raising was intentional by the chair. By happy coincidence Hillary had to inject money into the DNC and the organization started working for her. This was before the so called neutral primary was over. Again the fact that it was a rigged primary isn't new information but the fact that the DNC was basically brought by Hillary is. | |||
Duh: Russia and entertainment predators |
A few duh stories for you
A republican, Hillary Clinton and the DNC were behind the famous dossier. Duh. It's called opposition research. This is not particularly interesting. Some people suggest that this proves Hillary Clinton and the DNC were working together all along as the DNC payments to the company behind the dossier were from April 2016. Didn't we already know they were working together? I am struggling to find anything substantive to this story. While we are on the subject of Hillary Clinton, I was going to comment on the Hillary Clinton Russia story but I actually agree with David Pakman, this seems to be a repeat of a story a year ago. The quick gist is that Russia paid Bill Clinton for speeches near the time a deal with the Obama administration and Russia was done. Firstly we already knew about the deal a year ago and Hillary Clinton was only one of many people to approve the deal. I am not sure this story has substance to it, maybe a year ago when it was legitimately news. Since at least 80% of the facts were known then I can label it a duh story. A producer in Hollywood is a predator. Duh. I bring this up often THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY IS FULL OF PREDATORS. Of course by full I don't mean everyone in the industry is a predator but proportionately I have no doubt that there are more predators in the entertainment industry. An interesting angle would be why is this? Logically people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder would be attracted to business, politics but also entertainment. Sexual abuse is more to do with power. There's a certain type of NPD that makes the person not go in the limelight but get others to do so. This perfectly explains abusive producers like Havey Weinstein, Roger Ailes, Dr Luke, Lou Pearlman. Of course you also have the Bill Cosbys, Bill O'Reillys of the world. So what is the solution? I expect that the only real solution is to create societal conditions so that there are fewer people with NPD. | |||
Orange Buffoon, New Zealand election 2017 |
The latest bullshit is Orange Buffoon was insensitive to a woman that lost her loved one during war. Of course he was insensitive, he's Orange Buffoon. This story is boring. He told several lies during this story, blah blah blah, not interesting. Moving on.
More people are noticing Orange Buffoon is insane, even Republicans. When Republicans are calling you insane, then you have major problems. A Congressman has described the Whitehouse as an adult day care centre. There is talk of tacklling him if he orders a nuclar strike. Aides already have reported to be ignoring his more crazy requests; they try to distract him until he forgets about the requests. The after aides could be the only thing stopping World War 3. None of this is satire. This is the state of the world Series today. Psychologists have done a march because they think that Donald Trump is so unstable he needs to be removed from office. I will say again I predicted that he would be removed from office or resign in my biggest ever post election rant. I would be shocked if I was wrong. I expect he won't even last until the end of the first term. New Zealand has a government, finally, it's Labour, New Zealand First and the Green Party. I did softly predict in a Facebook comment that I thought New Zealand First would go back with Labour, so I can claim credit as being right. Conservatives were gloating that National got more votes, opps! It is obviously the three opposing parties that got more votes and that's the only thing that matters in New Zealand democracy. Honestly I didn't predict this outcome until Ardern was elected leader and from then it took me a while until I saw her as viable. I like to be a realist and not cheerlead for a side. I think that on the sole factor of the majority of New Zealand First being against National and at least some fractions of the party are deologically closer to Labour, the right result was reached. | |||
Rex Tillerson, NFL |
Rex Tillerson called Orange Buffoon a moron. He is a moron, there is not much to say about the story. An additional part of the story was Rex wanted to resign but was talked out of it by John Kelly. Some speculate that Rex only wanted the job to lift sanctions on Russia to benefit the company Exoon Mobil which he was CEO of and they are probably correct. He may be next in line to go through.
I have avoided talking about the NFL so far and I am fucking sick of the story. However Orange Buffoon always has to take things further. This all started when Colin Kaepernick protested the national anthem by kneeling to protest the amount of black people getting shot by police. Conservative snowflakes cried and cried about it until he was fired. Orange Buffoon made it worse by calling the players \'sons of bitches" and more importantly have has now threatned the NFL's tax breaks and said that the players must get in line. Dear Leader is offended. I ultimately come out on the more moderate side. Players should do what their contract says but Orange Buffoon shouldn't be allowed to threaten players or owners. Players used to stay in the locker room when the national anthem was sung, it was only because of the Pentagon paying the NFL millions of dollars that the standing for the anthem began. It's propaganda. Additionally the NFL covers up evidence of their players getting brain damage which potentially leads to depression and suicide. They also hire domestic abusers. Fuck the NFL actually. People should stop watching it. Obviously not because of the protest. Fuck the people who say they are offended by it because the players are disrespecting the flag. Fuck off. You're a stupid person. Conservatives insist on being the victims. Black people are getting killed by police but conservatives are crying about people not standing for the national anthem. Sorry that the flag was disrespected, I will buy it some flowers. If you are offended by symbols getting offended, you are a stupid person. Flags and anthems don't have feelings, OK? You sound like a fundamentalist muslim getting pissy about someone drawing Mahummad. Try asking WHY people are protesting and try to resolve the problem, otherwise people will keep on protesting. | |||
Las Vegas, Puerto Rico |
The worst mass shooting in the history of the US happened. I believe that I reported on another biggest ever mass shooting last year. I probably covered gun control at the time, or undoubtedly covered it when I reported on another mass shooting. I will cover different aspects this time. First, I have noticed the gun control problem is similar to the climate change problem. Taking action wouldn't necessarily stop the future events in the short term but will eventually reduce the problem. There are people who deny the cause of the problem or say there is nothing we can do about it. Politicians don't act on both issues because of corporations donating to them. Both have idiot conspiracy theorists providing alternative facts. On that note I will get to my second angle. Some conspiracy theorists are just liars; they know what they are saying is not true and their entire business model is built around lying to people, sometimes about people dying. They are scum, that call others scum. Nothing like projection! It is important to be skeptical of the media and people in power. However it is equally important not to go down rabbit holes and into fantasy land. Before I get people (being polite) saying ohhhhhhh but they've proven 9/11 was an inside job. NO THEY FUCKING HAVEN'T! For fuck sakes they have physics online that explain how the towers fell, why don't you fucking research? Oh but the towers couldn't have fallen OH SHUT THE FUCK UP, HAVE YOU SEEN MANY PLANES CRASH INTO BUILDINGS? When you say that you have seen buildings fall down you cite as evidence, not one of them had a heavy jet crashing into it, not one. If I can find physics on a 9/11 conspiracies debunked site, it shouldn't be too hard. Do you know what if you're not convinced by my unhinged rants, go and find five local physicists, don't just settle for people online, you have no idea of their credentials or motivations. Five would give a good balance in case there is one with different views.. By the way if you do that and they say it's all bullshit, feel free to let me know. OK final point on conspiracy theorists, I do genuinely hate them because they distract people from legitimate issues. You can't solve problems if you're in fantasy land with the lizard people, chemtrials, gay frogs, homosexual space cults. These people are frauds and con people out of money and time.
A hurricane hit Puerto Rico, Orange Buffoon responded late and acted like a complete clown. That's not interesting. I think that the most outrageous thing he did was say that they owe money to Wall Street after the hurricane, then say their infrastructure was in terrible shape before the hurricane. Firstly asshole, the overall infrastructure of the US gets a grade of D+. Fix your own fucking face. Secondly I agree that the President of Puerto Rico has done a terrible job, but that is also you! In fairness maybe Obama could have done better, but you're insulting victims of a hurricane, fuck you with a million rusty polls! His response was late and inadequate, why does anybody expect any different? Also stop sending him to places, every time he makes an arse out of himself so stop taking him on day trips. You're only hurting yourself America. | |||
Equifax, Russia, Tom Price, Hugh Hefner, NFL |
Credit agency Equifax has been hacked potentially exposing 140 million customers; this included names, addresses, birth dates, social security numbers and possibly drivers licenseS for some people. Obviously the sheer number is staggering. I imagine you could make a fortune on the dark web with a tiny fraction of what was stolen. There are questions here; why not have adequate security if you're in control of that many records? Should there be more regulations in this area? (although you could just setup a website in any country without them) I have personally run membership sites with thousands of members and perhaps will again. You could theoretically start a website with millions of members with little oversight. Should this be allowed to happen? What should be the threshold? I am actually am improving security in my software with things like two factor authorization. The Equifax hack in particular was caused by software that did not have the latest patches which means it could have been prevented. I'll say something controversial: the company should shut down for this; obviously they cannot be trusted. If you're a victim of this firstly join a class action lawsuit against the company. Secondly if you are particularly worried there's something called a credit freeze that could be useful which prevents new loans from being taken out under your name.
Speaking of the internet there was a big story where Russia were buying all sorts of ads on Facebook and Twitter to influence the election; this includes everything from targeting Black Lives Matter supporters, gun rights supporters and the people opposed to these groups. It is alleged that the troll army is still active and is planning things for 2018 and 2020, they rely on low information persons to spread their message; perhaps people that do not check out who is behind a particular facebook page or website although sometimes this is not easy. Perhaps to better protect yourself don't just like every page that you agree with; see if they have verifiable information first. The Health secretary has resigned after a scandal involving private jets. I think at this point it would be quicker to name the people in the white house that haven't resigned. Tom Price was particularly corrupt because he brought stocks in companies and passing legislation to affect those company. Oh yeah you're drainning the swamp by having this guy in your administration. Hugh Heftner died, he was like a trillion years old, this cannot be a surprise to anyone. He was credited as being a pioneer as well as objectifying women. Personally I admire people who work in the industries that they are interested in, that is what I try to do, although maybe could be better at it. Whether you agree with him or not he did have an effect on the world including fighting against sodomy laws which helped out homosexuals at the time. So he was about sexual freedom in general, which isn't a bad thing. At times the world needs controversy and someone to shake things up, so to speak, he was one of those people. No interest in the NFL scandal, maybe I will cover parts of it next week. If you're offended by people kneeling, you're a giant special snowflake. | |||
Health-care, Pharma Bro, UN, New Zealand Elections |
Not content on failing with health care twice, republicans are trying a third time. Will it pass? Probably not. This bill is even worse. There is no coverage of pre existing conditions and the number of uninsured people goes up from the last bill. Rand Paul wants more cuts, so apparently won't vote for it. There are three people who are additionally unlikely to vote for it, basically the same as last time. This is a bill that doesn't require the filibuster because it's passed in the budget process
Now for a hilarious story I forgot to post last week. No, this is actually not about Orange Buffoon. Martin Shkreli the infamous Phama Bro was sent to jail after requesting a lock of Hillary Clinton's hair on Facebook. I feel like I am writing satire, but I am not, this story is real. He was out on bai but the judge sent him to jail after thinking the post was a threat. To me, this proves rich people aren't that bright, it's his own fault he's unnecessarily sitting in jail. I almost feel bad. No I don't, not at all. Orange Buffoon went to the UN, made up the country Nambia which doesn't exists, called Kim Jon-Un rocket man and threatened North Korea. I don't have time for this shit. All I will say is if anybody is going to start a war it's Orange Buffoon and George W Bush also had nicknames for leaders like PuDePu for Putin. I am reminded of a joke. Great minds think alike, but idiots also think the same. Two republican presidents, two complete idiots. New Zealand had an election, the outcome is not great for the left but also not a total disaster, in fact we may still win. It entirely depends on Winston Peters whether he will go left or right. Now he and the Greens hate each other over some petty fucking argument they had years ago. The question is whether they can put aside their differences. Many New Zealand First voters are no fans of National. There's a real chance he will go left. I am not sure what that means for the long term stability because the public mostly hate him. Then again if he does go right he'll probably fuck the government's chances in 2020. I don't know what he'll do. I have ideas that are in limbo until I know what the king maker decides. Of course I prefer left but I have some alternate plans to enact if we get the status quo. Act is also irrelevant either way, they won't be in the next government with any luck. Good riddance to the Maori Party, if you actually represented Maori perhaps I'll be sad, you can fuck off! The Opportunities Party did not get in, absolutely no surprise to anyone that can read polls without going into some delusional conspiracy theory. Actually last thing, the polling was in fact off but surprisingly had a left-wing bias instead of a right-wing bias as the landline conspiracy lunatics would have you believe. At one point close to the election Labour was polling 42-44%, they got 36%, maybe 37% after special votes. This is a massive swing in a week or two. Two conclusions. People should shut the fuck up about polling favouring the right wing, the numbers very clearly state the opposite. Secondly we can't take too much stock in polls, although they were all over the show near the end. You can only look for the trends, percentage wise they don't appear to be accurate weeks out. The last people who should shut the fuck up are the people who say don't worry about votes early on, they're rural and Labour will increase, didn't happen! I have the data points to prove it, and I casually observed the same thing in a previous election. There's absolutely no truth to this assertion. Finally (really this time) if you're a complete moron you would take me seriously when I say shut the fuck up. Don't take my ranting too seriously, I exaggerate my feelings for comedic purposes. Don't get me wrong, you're still incorrect if you're looking at the numbers but maybe you should focus on other things instead of outright false assumptions, OK? Good! | |||
Dreamers |
The latest drama with Buffoon Of Our Lives is he threatened to deport "dreamers" who are basically people that are undocumented immigrants but have lived in the US since they were very young. Then he didn't after a meeting with leaders from the Democrate side, Then they said a deal was made with the President. Then the President said no deal was made. The reality? He's a complete idiot with no clue what he's doing. There was a story out in which it says he listens to the last person in the room, this is completely consistent with this. The bottom line, this is a side show; it was always about making a deal with the Democrates and the business community is not going to allow a source of cheap labour to be deported. It's noteworthy that he wants to deal with the Democrates with his party can govern alone; but of course some Republicans don't want to govern and want to destroy the government. Obviously go further enough right your ideas are so unpopular you turn toxic and dysfunctional, I believe that I have said this before.
I prefer Days Of Our Lives, Friday's show ended with Wil coming back from the dead. Hell I'm not sure which is more ridiculous; DAYS or the fact Orange Buffoon is president. | |||
Hllary Clinton, disasters |
Hillary Clinton released a new book titled What happened? Well you lost to what should have been the easiest candidate to beat ever. That's what happened. Of course she blames Bernie and Russia etc blah blah blah. She claims her aides were making her pander to progressives and told her not to alienate them. First she didn't do a very good job. Second, yeah Hillary in order to win elections you need your side to vote for you. Your aides were right. If you were a little more convincing instead of going after Republicans (who by the way have hated you for years, really smart strategy that) perhaps you would have been president. Instead I'm reporting on how much of a moron Orange Buffoon is. Thank you Hillary, thank you very much! Now take your millions of dollars, and go hide in a cave. (or probably a mansion)
Two more disasters happened or are about to an earthquake in Mexico and hurricane Irma. They should name a hurricane after the president just to see his reaction. Harvey hit Texas and oil refineries, Irma will hit America's retirement village: Florida and old people watch the climate change denying channel Fox News. There is a sad irony to this, and it is important not to take glee in people's houses possibly being destroyed, not even Rush Limbaugh's right after he called Hurricanes hoaxes. I have nothing more to add as I commented on this last week. I'll just say this his is sadly ironic and urgent action needs to be taken. | |||
Trans in military, Hurricane Harvey |
Orange Buffoon banned trans people from the military. About a month ago he announced it via Twitter without any process behind it. A few weeks later he signed an executive order making it official. There's no schedule for removing existing trans people but it will probably be done. Buffoon cited health care costs as the reason but the military spends three times more on Viagra. Also we have covered that the Pentagon wastes tens of billions per year, they can't even account for some of the money. Orange Buffoon is simply being horrible, there is no valid reason to do this. Additionally it costs $96,000 to train and recruit a new soldier, there is 10,000 trans people in the army, do the math on that. Finally when he was called to fight in Vietnam he didn't go and went to sex parties instead, he called getting STDs his own personal Vietnam, he has absolutely no creditability when It comes to who is serving.
Hurricane Harvey has practically destroyed parts of Texas. The scenes there have been not been pretty, at least 15 people died, entire communities destroyed. I knew instinctively that sending the president to the area was a very bad idea, he did his usual buffoonish thing. Progressives are talking about climate change. The time for action on that was 20 years ago. However while future actions will not prevent the probable countless devastating storms coming it will stop a bad situation from becoming even worse. The world needs to take action on this. Luckily most of the world are not climate change deniers like the US Republicans and are taking this seriously. However we need to consider climate change a current threat and be concerned about what comes next. Probably best to move to the middle of the land unless the area get things like tornadoes or earthquakes. | |||
The absurdity of the Afghanistan war |
The US is putting more troops in Afghanistan, 15,000 in total. At one time there was over 100,000. If they can't win with that, why would they be able to win with a fraction of that? The Afghanistan war is a lost cause, they should abort and should have aborted a decade ago. I worked out the Afghanistan war has been going on half my life. 16 years. You know what they say 17th years the charm. The best solution would be to work with the Taliban to stabilized the country; trying to defeat them hasn't worked. Actually I heard an amazing story this week that the Taliban did actually surrender in 2001 but the Bush Administration was too incompetent to register it. The surrender ceased when the US wouldn't stop attacking. This sounded unbelievable, until I remembered that they had Osama Bin Laden cornered in 2001 but Donald Rumsfield didn't send in the troops and he got away. If all this is true you are right to question whether this utter incompetence was deliberate or whether the Bush Administration had shit for brains. Remember also that George W Bush was also warned about a possible terrorist attack several months before 9/11 on vacation and told the people to go home. When right wingers get involved in foreign policy, they tend to fuck it up. To an extent this also includes Obama, but at least he was competent enough to get Bin Laden. I personally just generally assume people in power are incompetent at their job. Really, is there any clearer proof than the US election last year? In conclusion I regret not buying stocks in defense contractors after the election, the war machine rolls on.
4 more years, they'll get a gold watch. - Jimmy Dore | |||
Nazis, Steve Bannon |
So Orange Buffoon can't adequately call out neo nazis and white supremacists. Everyone else is outraged; that's not interesting. At the beginning of the presidency I said that I believe that he had a self destructive trait in his personally. Nothing has proven me wrong. The obsession he has with calling both sides even is part of his self destructive personality. Any competent person and someone who isn't self destructive would have no problem adequately calling out white supremacists and neo nazis. It's a problem for him because he's both incompetent and self destructive. Yes it's true that the now fired Steve Bannon may have had a hand in his response, but the fact is Buffoon could not do the absolute minimum the situation required; this shows utter incompetence.
Bannon has been fired from the whitehouse; finally some good news. Steve recently did an interview where he claimed to be in charged. I don't know if he was fired because of that, or the obvious fact that he was a horrible strategist that lead the administration down a shit hole. Whatever the reason; this is good news. The question is if a new strategist can turn this administration around. I am firmly in the no camp. Again Buffoon seems entirely self destructive. With the Russia investigation and now probable trolling from Bannon's deplorable propaganda outlet, this will not get better. He openly fights with morning TV show hosts, he will probably do the same with Bannon. If a fire requires water to be put out he's there pouring petrol all over it. He has no ability to defuse situations; he only makes them worse. With Bannon gone Buffoon really has very limited friends. The people who work for him don't respect him and are constantly leaking how incompetent he is. He has fucked off both the Senate and House leaders, the Attorney General and probably countless others. Business leaders are fleeing; the manufacturing council and strategic policy forum both have shut down. Once you lose rich people and the establishment, you're on borrowed time. Especially if you're not popular. I said from the beginning that he will be impeached or resign. The ducks are almost in a row. | |||
North Korea, Charlottesville |
Orange Buffoon threatened North Korea with "Fire and fury like the world has never seen". Everybody has blown this out of proportion. Let me explain. North Korea has a history of empty threats. When they threaten places like Guam we shouldn't take them seriously; other presidents didn't and nothing happened. They do this to make noise and for their own propaganda purposes. I have maintained from the beginning that they are very unlikely to attack, hopefully they know if they do it will be game over for the government. The difference today is we should probably ignore the US president too. EVERYTHING WITH THE PRESIDENT HAS TO BE THE BIGGEST EVER! He has size issues, we get it. Taking him at face value is a mistake. He talks shit the majority of the time. Other more rational people at the whitehouse (as rational as right wingers can be) say there is no threat and they are not going in. Unless this changes there is no need to panic.
Charlottesville, tragedy occurred out of a confederate statue removal protest. A helicopter crash, very unfortunate. One piece of violence that happened and was no accident was a radical right winger trying to run over counter protesters. Violence for a political or ideological cause has a name: terrorism. Most groups have their fundamentalists and moderates, not just muslims. I don't want to dwell on this point, I am sure other pundits are not shutting up about this. All I will stress is that it is important to try and encourage moderation in religious ideologies no matter if it is Muslim, Christian, or something else. You don't encourage moderation by calling them all terrorists, or calling them stupid. If you still do this; you are part of the problem. The Confederation wanted to keep slavery. If you are claiming heritage for the reasons to keep the statutes up please know what your heritage is. There is a case to made for ignorance. African Americans simply don't want statutes of people up that were hell bent on keeping their race as slaves. This is really what this issue boils down to. If you really feel strongly about either side a sensible course of action would be petitioning the government. If you truly live in a democracy, the majority should rule. Personally I am not a fan of tradition for tradition sake (actually I really have no time for people that think tradition should dictate our lives, assess ideas on merit) so therefore I would probably side with African Americans. | |||
Buffoon, Diana |
Buffoon Of Our Lives update
Shaun Spicer OUT after objecting to Buffoon hiring Anthony Scaramucci Anthony Scaramucci is IN, WRONG GONE! He only lasted ten days. Only purpose appeared to fire Ryan Prebis. Ryan Prebis, obviously is gone. He was the Chief Of Staff. He was replaced by a General. Ryan came from the RNC and was seen as an more establishment figure. Scaramucci was the shortest serving Communication Director in history. There's speculation that Buffoon thought he was stealing the limelight and that is why he was fired. However Scaramucci also said "I am not like Steve Bannon, I don't try to suck my own cock" I suspect saying that about a top adviser to Buffoon was a mistake. Scaramucci was also critical of Buffoon in now deleted tweets. Whoever was behind the firing wouldn't have had a tough time convincing Orange Buffoon to do it. Meanwhile a Grand Jury has been established for the Buffoon/Russia investigation. This means that it isn't going away anytime soon and they can uncover more evidence with this procedure. They have hired a lawyer that specializes in money laundering, bribery and corruption. You don't leave your well paid private sector job for something irrelevant. Tick tock, tick tock. Buffoon's approval is now down to 33%, perfect time to go on a 17 day vacation. What's the difference? He isn't accomplishing much on the job anyway. According to a magazine he called the Whitehouse a dump. Sounds like he doesn't want to be president, lucky for him he probably will be removed from office eventually. It is so bad that psychologists have lifted their own gag rule which prevented psychologists from commenting on people that they haven't examined. The fact that Orange Buffoon may have a personality disorder isn't revolutionary information but it is quite telling that psychologists feel so strongly they modified their own ethics rules. There was a news alert on TV2 about Princess Diana's love life. What the fuck? Firstly she has been dead for 20 years. This is not news! It reminds me of a headline on CNN "Breaking news: The Titanic sunk 100 years ago today". I don't care about Diana's love life. I can think of nothing that is less relevant. I hate stories about Diana, it was the three years of constant coverage after her death that will forever haunt me. I was young, I didn't know her. It was just 3 years of the media going on about someone I had no interest in, and still have no interest in. Are people really interested in her love life at this point? Does it really deserve a TV news alert? There seems to be a resurgence of stories about her. When will it end? Seriously, I'm asking! Some want her to be left alone; she was harassed by the media during her life. Nothing has changed. The media needs to stop its unhealthy obsession with this woman. I really don't think she would want to be used for ratings and to sell papers. Either way, Diana is long gone, there doesn't need to be another news story about her, ever. Yes, I am triggered by stories of Diana. The outright excessive media coverage when she died will forever haunt me and probably has something to do with why I can't stand news media. | |||
Health-care, Linkin Park |
I avoided talking about health care updates because I just need assumed the bill would die. The bill is now dead. How brilliant am I? With the Democrates shift to the right this allowed the Republicans to be populated by fringe right wingers. Their ideas are unpopular and incompatible with the moderates in swing states. They're pretty much the headless chicken party; flapping around accomplishing nothing. The Koch Brothers are also to blame for funding the Tea Party in 2010. They may be able to pass tax reform but much else.
Chester Bennington is dead at 41. I am just covering this because Linkin Park were my favourite rock band, particularly their earlier stuff. 41 is too young to die. He took his own life, I don't know if I have already said this but famous people could do with mental health treatment rather than yes men. This is the reason I say being famous can decrease your life span. I am grateful to have seen Linkin Park in 2013, I do regret being preoccupied with trying to keep my ex. This is also why I say see singers while you can. You never know when they might go. He had some other problems such as child abuse and substance abuse. Fame didn't help at the end of the day. You can be a famous rock star, but in the end it doesn't even matter. | |||
Eric met with foreigners regarding the campaign |
So it turns out Eric Buffoon met with someone associated with Russia to get dirt on Hillary Clinton. I don't care what you're personal feelings are, the fact is this is illegal. I don't care about right wingers; I expect them to live in lala land. I have said before that there are a bunch of left wingers that claim that there's nothing to the russia story including people I frequently watch. It is getting to the point of denialism at this point. The mental gymnastics are becoming absurd. Here's an idea: If you don't want to talk about Russia, don't talk about russia. Left-wing russia gate truthers are sounding like republicans. Apparently most people have particular issues that they go crazy on.
The meeting was illegal, foreign entities are not allowed to give anything of value to the campaign. The fact that nothing was given is not relevant legally. Sting operations work for this reason. If he showed intent; he can theoretically be prosecuted. Saying "I love it" in response to someone saying they have damaging information on Hillary Clinton shows intent. I say theoretically be prosecuted because his father is the president. The entire Buffoon ship would need to sink before that happens, could be possible though! People are calling Eric the equivalent of the Godfather's stupid son that brings everything down. I have a problem with this. I don't think there's a stupid son in comparison to Buffoon Senior; there may be a slightly more stupid son. Orange Buffoon is a low bar for intelligence. A little person couldn't limbo under it. Einstein said stupidity was infinite, he's probably right. | |||
Fatal Fame Quest |
This is a story that I meant to cover last week but ended up just ranting instead.
There was a couple that wanted YouTube fame. They did a stunt with a gun, now one is dead. Firstly this isn't abnormal; one of my stand up jokes was about the stupid challenges on YouTube including the Fire Challenge; setting yourself on fire, because, I don't fucking know why masses of people did that. So this is not the first dangerous stunt people did for internet fame and it won't be the last. Society glorifies fame. Let me tell you something: it isn't worth it. Get past the glorification and many famous people seem to be miserable. Kloe Kardashian compared it to be being in a wheelchair, I think it was Kloe, I don't care. Justin Bieber is a miserable fucker. Michael Jackson, errrrrrr do I really need to continue with explaining how he was messed up. Whitney Huston had problems, till death to them part, Amy Whinehouse too. Sure, I am cherry picking celebrities. However it's no coincidence that young stars frequently go off the rails; Linsay Lohan, Britney Spears, Amanda Bynes. There is no need to chase fame; it is not that great. You give up your privacy by having the paparazzi on you 24/7. A new problem is having your nudes leaks, if you aren't famous there's no incentive to violate your privacy. You can't go out in public without being annoyed. You get strange people obsessed with you and people criticize your every move. (I got pissy when someone said that they preferred my hair in a certain style, FUCK YOU I don't give a fuck about what someone on the other side the world thinks about my physical appearance) Similarly lottery winners have their lives screwed up too, but that's going on a tangent. Society glorifies fame. YouTube makes it easier than ever before to be famous. People will therefore try to get famous through any means possible. We need to stop glorifying fame and being obsessed with personalities. This probably won't happen anytime soon, so people dying caused by their need for fame is going to keep happening. | |||
Buffoon attacks morning show host |
Ugh time for another episodes of Buffoon of our lives. I am as frustrated with this as with Days Of Our Lives; the young guys get shirtless fuck all.
The latest in this Orange Buffoon soap opera is he now insults morning show host (Mika from Morning Joe) on Twitter. Do you know what? FUCK YOU! You're the president of the United States and THIS is what you spend your time on? Oh a woman on TV called my hands small I'm going to throw a tantrom. Utterly fucking pathetic! And I thought I have wasted opportunities in my life, this man is the president of the US and too stupid to do anything with it. My dog could do a better job, AND SHE'S DEAD! Progressives are morons too, I am guessing that it wouldn't be too hard to completely hijack the White House. USE SHINY OBJECTS FOR FUCK SAKES. Advocate for single payer health-care and we'll give you a gold star, that would probably work! At minimum he should be bombarded with signs CHINA IS WINNING WITH RENEWABLE ENERGY, that may work. Again, the most powerful man on earth, tweets about a breakfast TV show host. The man is a fucking idiot. There's also blackmail allegations related to the relationship of Joe and Mika. Apparently they were told to stop covering Buffoon negatively or continue to be harassed by the National Inquirer. If this is true they should immediately press charges instead of doing story time on the TV. Whether this is real, I don't know, this is the stuff of dictators if true. It's possible they are making up this scandal and Buffoon is in on it. That is my own conspiracy theory. Let's assume that I am incorrect, they should provide further proof! Maybe there's further details about their personal lives and they don't want to rock the boat further. Never be famous! Why would you invite a spotlight? | |||
Losers, Wages, Nuts, Tower |
The Democrates lost another special election, four for four. I am basically only covering this because the guy was kind of cute. The race made national headlines after the his Republican opponent said that she "doesn't support a liveable wage". The Georgian district elected that person. The Democrates couldn't beat that person and had more money. Pathetic. He was a milktoast centrist, used the same arguments against the republican that the republicans in the primary did. Genius. Use the arguments used by people that already lost to her. That's the Clinton campaign reincarnated. Loser. Pathetic. Sad!
Inequality in the USA has gotten so bad that you can work full time and not afford a two bedroom apartment without government assistance. Aren't conservatives meant to be against government assistance? A living wage is actually good for the economy because it means that more money is flowing throw the system, and very importantly the wage increased more than makes up for the slightly higher priced goodsthere is no reason not to do it, and considering 40 years of neoliberalism has shifted the tax burden increasingly from the rich to the poor it's regular citizens that fund this absurd system. A person shot at some congressman a few weeks ago. Some people are blaming Bernie Sanders. Yes the politician that constantly advocates for peace and justice is responsible for some lone nut. No. If he used violent words and imagery perhaps you have a point. Every group has their crazies whether left-wing, right-wing or muslims. By the way muslim extremists are really just right wing extremists under a different religion. There is also more christian right-wing extremists attacks in the US than muslim fundamentalist attacks. For every nut on the left, you can probably find five on the right; they are the ones obsessed about the second amendment and claiming tyranny. You obviously shouldn't shoot at people to solve problems. Unfortunately a small percentage of any group will do that, maybe not give them weapons to begin with? A tower in London caught fire killing 79 people. Tragic but avoidable. The company brought flammable materials costing $5000 less. If this decision was not made those lives probably wouldn't have been lost. The Conservative government once congratulated themselves on lessening fire regulations. The lessons here are skyscrapers need adequate fire protections and they need to be enforced. You can't rely on corporations to have protections all by themselves. It's neoliberalism, it's free market and it's a fantasy. Protections must be enforced. | |||
Press confidence, Russia |
A few days after Comey's testimony Orange Buffoon held a press conference, and it one of the most ridiculous things that I have ever seen. When Buffoon was answering questions he was moving his arms from side to side. I expect that is a sign he's lying. He said things like "No I did not do that, but even if I did there would be nothing wrong with that" O...K..., has anybody sounded more guilty in their life? From an analytical perspective he distance himself from Comey, "No I didn't ask for loyalty, I barely know Comey". Liars frequently distance themselves from the people involved. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" they teach this stuff in talks and lectures. So, absurd press conference, Made Buffoon look worse.
The Russia investigation has extended to the Buffoon son-in-law and Buffoon itself. A special prosecutor has been assigned to the case. It's probably only a matter of time before another revelation is uncovered. Surely there's a reason why Buffoon's staff keep dropping off due to connections to Russia dating back to the campaign manager who changed the GOP'S platform to ease Crimea related sanctions. There's also reports that Buffoon wanted to do things that benefit Russia but wasn't able to do them. I guess this is like how Obama wanted to be more hawkish but ran into obstacles. People, including some progressives that say \'there's nothing there" are in denial. I have additionally come to the conclusion that the hookers pissing tape could be a real thing. Yes it's ridiculous but everything about this administration is ridiculous. Of course other things should be talked about; I am only covering the press conference because it was funny. The republicans have basically taken an axe to Dodd Frank. I have mixed thoughts, the legislation was basically piss weak so in essence they weakened already piss weak. Another crash was always coming, it will come slightly sooner. Buffoon's approval rating is already lower than the percentage of people that want him impeached. A crash could lower this considerably from the current 35-40% approval rating, which is already record breaking disapproval since data on this began. | |||
Corbyn, UK Internet, Buffoon |
So the UK had its election. The left is bizarrely celebrating. Jeremy Corbyn lost. This is nothing to celebrate. I know he turned a 30 point deficit in the polls into less than 10 and took seats away from the Conservative Party and blah blah blah. He lost. He doesn't get a participation trophy from me. He deserves credit; it was the first time Labour received an increase since 1997. The Conservative Party now can't govern on its own and may do a deal with a fundamentalist religious party. There is nothing here to celebrate. Maybe he will be victorious next but I predict he will be removed as Labour leader and a neoliberal put in, hopefully I am wrong. Some of Clinton's people "helped" the Conservative campaign, you could say they helped it lose seats hahaha. Neither campaign did particularly well. This is a bad result for the left, but could end up winning us the long game if people dislike the new governing arrangement and Corbyn stays, I have doubts the latter will happen. Jeremy Corbyn lost, this is not time to be patting him on the back for giving a good try. Stop being ridiculous!
The current Conservative PM now wants to regulate the internet to help stop ISIS. I surprisingly will agree with this approach in theory, but in practice just assume that it will be implemented with the intention of taking people's rights and privacy away. I think ISIS should be shut down through very agressive means. Terrorists shouldn't be allowed to communicate via the internet, that's the most ridiculous thing ever! Shut the fuckers down. Sites and social media, gone. The status quo doesn't do this but instead collects everyone's data which does fuck all to solve the problem. I expect more status quo from the Conservatives instead of solutions that actually work. Buffoon Of Our Lives update. James Comey testified after being fired, called Orange Buffoon a liar, boring. You'd have to be braindead not to know that. Perhaps the interesting thing is the reason why Russia interfered. Apparently they hate democracy and view it as a threat to their rule. So they try to undermine it. On reflection countries hating democracy sounds awfully like the terrorist explanation. So I guess make up your own mind whether you believe that. Surely it's not just some random coincidence that a Buffoon daughter and Putin's girlfriend hang out, not to mention Buffoon's zillion business ties to the russian oligarchs. Putin interfered because he hates democracy? Sorry, I'm going full skeptic on this. If we're being generous there could be a number of reasons he interfered. Why not interfere with someone you have ties to? Two birds, one stone I guess. | |||
Manchester, Saudi Arabia |
I am acknowledging the terror attack in Manchester but ultimately I really don't feel like I have too much to say on this. This randomly happens, they kill a lot of people in one place but ultimately your chances of dying at a concert is much lower than in a car crash. This will be my point. We must not let the terrorists win. They want to install fear upon us. We must continue to live. They must not be allowed to stop people having fun. Sometimes terrible things happen, 99.999% of the time they don't. We absolutely have to dismantle toxic ideologies, but should not stop our lives in the process. We need to continue going to concerts, marathons, nightclubs. We also need to be wary of any \'solutions" that governments impose. The terrorists love taking away freedoms, we shouldn't let the government do that for them. We should judge solutions on their merrits.
When talking about terrorism it is important to understand the root causes. I have said before the the US keeps giving arms and power to terrorists. Today is no different. The US signed a 110 BILLION DOLLAR deal with Saudi Arabia. This country is involved in the civil war in Yemon and has a similar ideology to ISIS. 15/19 of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis. Their government is a fundamentalist kingdom propped up by the west. It's a really bad idea to further weaponize them. There's Muslim theocracies that are more moderate, then there's Saudi Arabia that does everything to spread its toxic version of Islam around the world. Do you know how to win the war on terror? STOP ARMING THE TERRORISTS! | |||
Ransomware, Ailes, Buffoon |
There was a ransomware tech story recently. I generally think that tech VIRUS AHHHHHH stories are overhyped, this was no exception. 300,000 computers were infected but there are probably hundreds of millions of computers in existence, this would seem a tiny fraction. However from my understanding the ransomware was targeted, some predict that another attack will come later. In my opinion the most interesting aspect of this story was the fact the NSA knew of the hole but told Microsoft not to close it. Genius! I hope the lesson learned is not to follow such instructions in future. If the government can violate your technology, so can other people!
Roger Alies died. Many people believe that it is not right to criticize the dead, if you followed this blog for a while you know I am not one of those people. He was a horrible person, but ultimately was an evil genius. Before Fox News he advised Nixon, Regan and Bush senior. His channel also was the first to push the incorrect notion that Bush junior won Florida which shaped the conversation. Other channels to some degree follow Fox News; he knew that. He also knew by serving his base red meat he could also feed them propaganda. He shaped conservatism for a generation or more. He catered largely to bigots and idiots and used them for his own purposes, played them like a violin to vote against their own interest. He was successful at avoiding criticisms from other mainstream media, possibly due to the blackmail files he kept on his competitors, also if you criticize outlets they generally won't hire you should you need a job later. I already covered his abuse; the only thing I will add is I'm constantly baffled on why the rich don't just find willing participants to have sex with them; buy them a car or house. I know that it is a power thing, but to me it seems unnecessary. Roger was a true inspiration, to psychopaths and creepers. In the latest episode of Buffoons Of Our Lives it turns out that Orange Buffoon asked Comey to drop the case against Mike Flynn who according to sources didn't even want to be National Security Adviser because of his ties to foreign governments. until Orange Buffoon insisted. Asking Comey to drop investigations is obstruction of justice. Now a Special Prosecutor has been assigned to the case. It's not looking good for Orange Buffoon. Before celebrating President Pence would be more competent at getting horrible shit done and would they let Russia off the hook? Things could get very ugly. It may be a case of better the devil you know. | |||
Comey, Royals |
James Comey was fired. People are speculating it was because of the Russia investigation but some say that Orange Baffon just wanted a lacky. Comey has made a name for himself by standing up to administrations. This has made him enemies on the left and the right. Buffon thought that the Democrates would be pleased pleased with the firing of Comey but as the saying goes; the enemy of my enemy is my friend. He was also well liked in one place: the FBI! Fire their leader and many will turn on the person who fired him.
In irrelevant monarchy news Philip is retiring from royal duties (smiling and waving must take its toll) and Diana's ex is in the hospital. The first broke my Facebook feed. I wasn't sure why friends were posting about a fucking meeting at a palace. Old guy retires. Boring! Abolishing the monarchy would be worth it to get less news about irrelevant crap. They are even reporting on people not even related by blood to the family. Fuck the media for covering this garbage. FUCK THEM WITH A GIANT AXE | |||
Health-care, Obama, France |
Republicans passed a replacement to the Affordable Care Act. In short it gives away 600 billion in tax cuts to the rich, includes an option for the states to do away with pre existing conditions, funds high risk pools by 8 billion but 200 billion, raises the uninsured rate from 10% to 19%. Fuck the Republicans. Democrates are singing this will be the end for them in the 2018 midterms. Well fuck the democrates too. Nobody should sing when people lose health-care. The Affordable Care Act is a largely shitty piece of legislation; it isn't a single payer system like every other developed country on earth and health-care costs are much higher. If the Democrates had the guts to fix these problems when they had a filibuster proof majority they would probably be popular enough that Orange Buffoon would never have become president. Instead they had to appease the Big Tent Fuckwit Brigade AKA the "moderate democrates" This means any reforms has to be piss weak. The lesson here is NEVER let your ideological opposition into your own party! They take over and even when you're in power you're practically useless!
Obama did a speech on Wall Street for 400 million dollars. For people who don't think it's a big deal ask yourself if he would still be doing it if he prosecuted the bankers for fraud or significantly tightened regulations by bringing back Glass Steagell? If you think yes, it's possible you're a stupid person. He was soft on the banks and now he's getting paid, much like the Clintons who took away Glass Steagell. When the next crash comes it is important not to just blame Orange Buffoon, some of the blame will be on the New Democrates. France is about to get more right wing, the question is how much. Similarly to the US the possibilities are now between a neoliberal character and a fascist one. There was more candidates for the dominate party but they got eliminated, sounds like a reality TV show. Many people believe that the Orange Buffoon type character won't win, but then again "many many" people thought that about the man itself. France has been previously more socialist so it's possible the "fuck it" voter won't have so much of an effect. Let's hope they don't go all the way to the insane right. UPDaTE: the insane right was not chosen. | |||
Tax Plan, Bill O'Reilly |
Buffoon released his tax plan, it's a huge give away to the rich. Duh! Gets rid of the estate tax, as an old rich guy his family would benefit tremendously. Reduces tax on investments such as stocks. So far this affects the middle class fuck all. Also gets rid of the Alternative Minimum Tax which forces people like Orange Buffoon to pay 25% tax instead of 5% with various accounting tricks. They basically doubled the itemized deduction threshold but from my understanding this affects very limited poor people. It additionally allows for pass through corporations so that (again rich) people can be taxed at a lower rate for corporations instead of 39%. This is nothing but a windfall for the rich. It will fuck the budget so they're forced to cut programs, mainly for low to medium income earners which by the way would off set some of the few benefits those people get. Giving more money to already rich people does nothing to stimulate the economy, that is just a convenient myth and puts the con in conservative! The only way an economy can grow is by ensuring that people who are more likely to spend money can actually do that. The people who proportionately spend more of their income are the poor and the middle class. Austerity and trickle down economics ensures the reverse of this and are miserable failures as economic policy.
Bill O'Reilly has gone from Fox News following a string of sexual assault allegations. This is the same thing that got Roger Alies, although with Bill O'Reilly it was also because the advertisers were fleeing from his show. Despite the behaviour (and I say that because some cases were settled) his ratings didn't suffer but turns out all the ratings in the world mean nothing if you can't be monetized. Bill O'Reilly, you won't be missed for long, mainly because the bigoted 72 year olds that watch you will not be among the living for much longer. | |||
War Hawk Media, North Korea |
Orange Buffoon launched the biggest bomb possible without going nuclear. Firstly for people who claim focusing on American politics is pointless, well it actually affects other parts of the world too, so please, shut the fuck up. Now this is stupidity from all around here. As stated last time what really grows terrorism is killing random civilians. Logically using bigger bombs would kill more civilians, fuck more people off because you kill their family members which many had nothing to do with terrorism, so those left behind turn to terrorism, and on and on it goes. Of course Orange Buffoon is stupid, that's not really an riveting point. What is more interesting is the media and the relationship to a media obsessed President. Media largely praised Orange Buffoon for the strike last week. I would say Buffoon is watching closely so if they praised him he would be more likely to authorised more military action, and now we get to this week. This is a cycle that should be discussed. Of course it is just a theory, but the media should be cautious about praising a vein buffoon at times when he launch strikes.
Also North Korea and America are threatening each other. Both have narcissistic maniacs as leaders. I don't think North Korea will do anything, but who knows? A bomb by North Korea would trigger a war for sure, and they'll surely lose considering starved people are unable to fight and may not be willing. Kim Jong-un might be a maniac but I don't think he's also brain dead stupid as well like Orange Buffoon. Maybe I am wrong. It is convenient for the Buffoon Administration to keep hyping up threats so the media talks about that instead of his "many many" flaws. Let's hope this does not end badly. | |||
Syria, Neil Gorsuch |
Buffoon launched missiles on a Syrian air base after a chemical weapons attack . This may not be as bad as I thought. Turns out the Russians were warned about the attack prior and they warned the Syrians. The result was limited damaged. I only say this is good because if Russia gets fucked off somehow because they're closely allied with Syria it could lead to World War 3. Best case this is theater to show how tough Buffoon is. You could claim Buffoon warned Russia out of curiosity and if this is the case at least Syria knows there will be consequences for chemical weapons attacks. Of course I prefer they didn't bomb and do sanctions but if this doesn't go further, avoiding crisis with Russia is a good thing. I am definitely not a fan of the Russian government, I can't stand them and have repeatedly blasted the bastards. However the world doesn't need a war with them. We don't need Iraq 2.0 with Syria. ISIS is stronger because of the Iraq invasion, hell they didn't even exist until much after the Invasion. Side note the group that became Al Qaeda was given arms and money to fight the "godless communists" in Russia. This wasn't done on purpose, but they don't know what the fuck they're doing! They are known to arm groups that later turn against them. Today great ally Saudi Arabia is arming Al Qaeda. The US has been known to arm groups that FIGHT EACH OTHER! The West should leave the Middle East the fuck alone. By the way drones kill 90% innocent civilians and Buffoon has increased them by 400%. If America wants to send missiles to those who kill innocent civilians; it should start with the Pentagon!
Neil Gorsuch has been confirmed as the new Supreme Court Justice which basically replaces one right wing zealot with another. The real story here is Democrates are useless fuckwits. The Republicans had no problem taking away the filibuster, why didn't the Democrates? Because they're useless fuckwits. In their mild defense the Republicans didn't hold hearings. This should have been Obama's seat to fill; instead they got a social conservative fundamentalist. Nice one! | |||
Health-care, Buffoon Relatives, Internet Privacy, YouTube |
If Corporate Clinton won I predicted that the Republicans would stonewall and she wouldn't get anything done; this happened under Obama, and surprisingly is still happening under Trump. The Health-care act is now gone for now There are fractions of the Republican Party; namely the Koch Brothers Tea Party republicans who don't want compromise at all, and the more mainstream republicans that understand taking away health-care will be unpopular. There is a possibility this will happen on many major issues. I am not convinced that this will happen on taxes, but who knows.
Buffoon has officially given his daughter a job at the Oval Office, except she's not being paid as a way to go around rules and doesn't have to follow ethics rules. She says that she will voluntarily follow them, believe that at your own risk. Republicans would go ape shit if Chelsea Clinton did the same in the Clinton Administration. The son-in-law also has a paying job at the White House. On the bright side I believe that the two are less social conservative than standard republicans. The republicans fucked over internet privacy by allowing ISPs to sell Americans' browsing history. Theoretically any company could purchase anyone's web browsing data. Of course the standard fear is porn sites, but hang on what if you frequent affair sites too? Now a corporation can know that. What if a person that knows you personally can get that information. It's not only the NSA that you should be worried about, but random corporations. This was always the case, but this makes it even more so. Some insecure websites also would put sensitive information like social security numbers in URLs and countless other things. This isn't acceptable. People have a right to privacy from the government and corporations. If people's browsing histories can be purchased I would like to see Buffoon's history and anti gay republicans. If the US government doesn't believe in privacy anymore let's see how much gay porn anti gay republicans are watching. YouTube is further cracking down on controversial creators. In the latest attempt it is widened the net on what cannot be monetized and it is developing AI to detect swearing in videos. Last year they added terrorism as a banned subject. Apparently they will soon add religion which penalizes pro religion channels as well as channels who criticize religion. Of course ads are not the be all end all of revenue; there's donations; patron, and merchandise. However YouTube has been fucking the creators for years and there's probably a tipping point. Other platfors can emerge and probably will. MySpace was once very popular, also Yahoo! Now fuck all people go to those sites, particularly MySpace. YouTube should tread carefully. | |||
Quick BS, Wiretapping, Health-care,CIA |
I am creating a segment specifically for the Buffoon Administration. Quick BS. Issues that people are talking about but I don't find particularly relevant.
Quick BS. Buffoon says Obama wire tapped him. Bottom line he's the President, he can release such information. However there is no evidence because he got the information from right wing conspiracy websites. If I was him I would just manufacturer the evidence to prevent me from looking stupid. A warrant was issued to wiretap Buffoon Tower but was rejected. No evidence of actual wiretapping, bullshit claims from President Buffoon! The Republican health-care plan has been released; basically it's the Affordable Care Act without the individual mandate, without the extra taxes on the rich plus some deregulation. On the positive side those with pre existing conditions are not denied coverage and under 26s can stay on their parents plan. Medicaid expansion also ends in 2020. The plan may not get passed because Right Wing Nut Jobs want to dismantle it more. The plan also has age based premiums, good for young people, not so good if you're old. If you lapse you pay a penalty to the insurance company instead of the government. Paul Ryan did a Powerpoint presentation complaining that healthy people pay for sick people. Yeah that's how insurance works, idiot! When you buy car insurance you don't assume you'll crash, but if you do you're covered. Healthy people would pay for years but if they get cancer in two decades they don't have to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars. Paul Ryan is considered an intellect but in reality is a well presented moron. Wikileaks has revealed that the CIA can use Smart TVs as listening devices and can hack into cars. I am not terribly surprised by this, I have voiced concern about the car issue before. As the world moves towards automated cars this should get attention. As much as we should advocate for privacy random corporations have all sorts of information on you. There is little you can do about it. At the same time, do you really need a Smart TV if privacy is important to you? There is a difference between letting things go, and actively giving them more information than necessary. I'm on the letting things go, but I don't want to expose myself to additional spying if I don't really need to. I am actually going to build myself a home automation system. Suddenly Infrared sounds like a good idea. Also if the CIA can hack and crash cars, so can other people. Manufacturers should be very careful about how they program cars. Sadly I don't think that a serious conversation is happening. | |||
Sessions, Speech, Bush, Icahn |
Jeff Sessions is the latest controversy in the Buffoon Administration. Just like Michael Flynn he lied about conversations he had with Russians; he lied in hearings. They have an Attorney General that has committed p; he should immediately resign. Of course that won't happen; they won't ask him to resign because they already had Michael Flynn going. That would be too many cabinet members going in a short amount of time. People may think they're incompetent and corrupt if he resigned. Because nobody would think that the Buffoon Administration is incompetent and corrupt otherwise!
Buffoon gave a joint address to Congress, didn't open his zip and piss on the floor so the media gave him a pass, some pundits even suggested that he may get a second term if he carries on like that. Such pundits are delusional. Buffoon is a buffoon and will continue to be so. When he isn't shitting himself, it's an exception and will continue to be an exception. The entire administration is shitting itself every few days. Hell, I don't think that he had a net favorable rating since launching his campaign. It's utterly delusional to suggest that if he starts speaking better things will go in his favour. Buffoon is going to be a buffoon. This is a desperate attempt for the media to be neutral, and it's pathetic! Objective journalism is different than neutral journalism. You could neutrally cover the flat earth theory by saying some think the earth is flat and some think it's round. Neutrally is bullshit. You can't be an effective watchdog if you insist on covering everything neutrally. In the same speech he said that he was going to record crimes by immigrants in a public database; something Hitler did to the Jews. Fuck your neutrality obsession. George W Bush can fuck off too. Although I agree with him that the media should be tough on Trump. The media were largely lapdogs to the Bush Administration while they started two wars. The media did such a horrible job at informing the public that many Americans thought Saddam Hussein personally organized 9/11. If only the media was more cynical to George W Bush. He is a war criminal and those who want to glorify him can fuck off. Carl Icahn is basically a consultant on deregulation issues which means that he doesn't need to divest since he is not officially at the Whitehouse. He also owns a majority stake in an oil refinery. Guess where this is going. It was announced that a new Executive Order will move the requirement of oil being 15% Ethanol from the refiner to the wholesaler, saving Icahn's company 200 million dollars. A government contractor is using his public policy influence to enrich himself. I expect this will be the first of many. Perhaps I'll call the administration Swamp Administration, or use this occasionally. | |||
National Security Adviser, Labor Secretary, EPA Head, Literary |
The Baffoon Administration is already falling apart. The National Security Adviser is gone after he was involved in conversations with Russia before he was confirmed. Before anyone celebrates, I think that he is going to be replaced by a more extreme person. Michael Flynn is now the shortest serving National Security Adviser in history. This also has fuelled the Russia talk surrounding the Buffoon Administration. My take is extremists on either side are idiots. If you say that there's nothing there you are just denying reality at this point. If you're obsessed with it at the expense of everything else including many possible impeachable offenses, you're in lala land.
One good thing was the Secretary of Labor pick wasn't confirmed; the former Carl's Jr boss that was in favour of automation and had questionable labor practices. It's hard to imagine a worst pick, but I'm sure that I will be surprised. He didn't have hearings because it got out that he hired an undocumented immigrant and beat his wife. It could be the undocumented immigrant; they practically have Orange Bill Cosby as president, though Buffoon's ex didn't go on Oprah to talk about it. The new Environmental Protection Agency head got confirmed, he previously sued the Environmental Protection Agency. So expect that department to go to shit. This polices things like air pollution and lead levels. Lead levels are already a massive problem. 2,000 areas have lead levels higher than Flint. So things are bad but they're about to get worse. More evidence that the Buffoon is barely literate; it was exposed that he likes reports one page with pictures. *facepalm* The only way it would be worse is they were giving him things to colour in! Though he probably doesn't have the attention span for that. You cannot get all the information that you need to be president in one page, this includes national security information. There is some chance America will be in danger due to his incompetence. If he got a phone call at 3AM he probably will be too busy tweeting to answer it. | |||
Bannon, Literacy, Conway, Terrorism, Muslim ban |
Steve Bannon is now on the US National Security Council. Who is Steve Bannon? A white supremist that ran alt right conspiracy website Britbert. You might remember him as Trump's campaign manager and top adviser. Apparently he is on the National Security Council now. Apparently Trump didn't know what he was signing when he signed the Executive Order/Action! So apparently the President of the US doesn't even read the Executive Orders/Actions he is signing and he has signed about 14 of them at this point. Either the President is too lazy to read, or is barely literate and doesn't know how to read complex material.
David Pakman now is convinced President Buffoon is barely literate and I can't say that I've seen any evidence proving him wrong. Apparently as a barely literate person you can run multi million dollar businesses. Obviously not very well as many went bankrupt. I think that he did it all through delegation. It's also possible that some people would scam a thick rich person; might explain some of his failures, but this is my own speculation. I would be very interested to know if he suffered any major trauma when he was 8 or 9. I know early trauma triggers Narcissistic Personality Disorder in people and the brain freezes, some people with the condition still remain highly intelligent, obviously he isn't one of them. To add to her alternative facts Kellyanne Conway just made up a massacre. To justify the muslim Conway said there was a massacre in Atlanta. Here's the thing; it didn't actually happen. What she was referring to was there being two Iraqis that had fingerprints that were on some bombs back in Iraq. There was no evidence that they were planning something in America. They certainly didn't kill anybody in America. So week three and already the Orange Buffoon administration is making up massacres! What is week four? Claiming a country nuked Texas! Week 5 an alien invasion? Orange Buffoon is claiming that the media is ignoring terrorist attacks. Of course the reality is the opposite. When Muslim terrorist attack happens it's covered for days. When a white Christian terrorist attack happens which by the way is more frequent the media is much less likely to call it terrorism. Instead they're crazy or lone wolves. Even if you disagree on that point it's crazy to suggest that the media doesn't cover terrorist attacks by Muslims. The Muslim ban is now suspended, several judges have blocked it and this includes at the ninth circuit court. I was never convinced that it would pass the constitutional test. Then again I also was not convinced it would be attempted; I was wrong about that. In my defense President Buffoon is a pathological liar and constantly changes his mind including about the Muslim ban at one point. I hope that the ban on the muslim ban sticks. | |||
Two signature Orange Buffon policies are stupid |
Both the wall and ban on certain Muslim countries are stupid ideas. Net immigration from Mexico to the United States is close to zero or in the negatives by some estimates. Undocumented immigrates also generally help the economy by taking out more than they put in due to sales taxes. The wall wouldn't work anyway due to tunnels and many migrants just stay after flying. All the tariff on imports from Mexico will do is raising the cost for goods from Mexico that are brought in America. Mexico won't pay for the wall; Americans will.
The Muslim ban is even more senseless because none of the people from the countries on the list committed a terrorist attack on US soil. 15/19 hijackers from the 9/11 attacks were from Saudi Arabia, this country isn't on the list. I am sure that it is just a coin that the Orange Buffon registered 7 companies during the election campaign. President Buffon also has business with Qatar which isn't on the list; you should get a theme here. This ban is bullshit and is just designed to drum up hate. Several federal judges have ruled it unconstitutional but the Buffon Administration refuses to comply, this from the President who said that he was the law and order candidate. If your intention is to encourage fewer fundamentalists in the Muslim community the last thing you should do is isolate them, which will only encourage more hostility. Isolation didn't work for Cuba. Letting fundamentalists see an alternative culture has to be the way forward. Of course you should stop arming them and toppling their governments too. These are stupid policies from a stupid president. There are rumors that some of the GOP Congress are questioning his mental state. If just some feel like he's taking their away and ignoring institutions we could be looking at impeachments perhaps even sooner than I expected. | |||
Orange Baffoon, Justice Democrats |
I have made a decision, from now on I will refer to the President as Orange Baffon. The reason being he loves his name being mentioned. I predict that he will have the most mentions on the web. I will not add to that.
Orange Baffon issued a number of Executive Orders. Obama only issued about 40 in total, a low among recent presidents. President Baffon has done things like approved pipelines, he has a personal financial interest in at least one of them. He has also banned refugees from many muslim countries and also to build a wall. He has also cancelled the TPPA, he deserves temporary credit; I still say that he will do another trade deal of a similar nature. He's also going to redo NAFTA. What that means, I don't know. If you're being generous, you could say he'll improve trade laws but does tremendous damage elsewhere. I don't believe that he'll significantly improve trade laws, but also have no evidence at this time. So on this, he deserves credit temporarily at least. He also has ordered scientific bodies not to report science to the public and a freeze on EPA resources. So the environment will go to hell in the next few years. Two talk shows I listen to; The Young Turks and Secular Talk are fed up with the Corporate Democrats and have formed a group to take back the party for the people. Their site is JusticeDemocrats.com. My feeling is if anybody can do it, these people can. Secular Talk nearly raised 100K for a studio, The Young Turks just raised 1.5 million for new reporters. They're new media powerhouses and frequently break new ground. T.Y.T has already formed Wolf PAC and successfully got resolutions passed to get money out of politics via a constitutional convention, they need 30 states to pass it, they have 6. Now they're targeting the candidates themselves. See what happens, maybe they will be successful. I have two criticisms. "People Democrats" sounds better. Some stupid people would dismiss Justice as Social Justice Warriors, this is bad for marketing, this will lead to hostility and dismissive behaviour. Personally I couldn't care less about labeling people SJWs. I'd sooner assess the issues I perceive to be fringe on a case by case basis and argue against them if necessary. Second criticism, this should have been done years ago. However I love the fact people that I admire are doing this! | |||
Rick Perry, Betsy DeVoss, Projection, Inauguration |
Rick Perry, once described as a dumb George W Bush, let that sink in. He now has had hearings to lead the Department Of Energy, a department he once famously said he wanted to eliminate, and couldn't remember the name, and apparently even didn't know what the department did. Turns out one of the department functions is maintaining the nuclear aerosol. Opps! Perry is a friend to big oil so forget about climate change progress. Our best hope is if China continues to take the lead. If I had Trump's ear, I'd just bait him to be competitive with China over this.
Betsy DeVoss does not believe in public education, so naturally has been appointed to Education Secretary. Her main qualifier is donating millions of dollars to the republican party. Her organization worked to promote charter schools and religious schools. Yesterday I discovered Corey Booker is supportive of the organization and gave a speech there. Thanks for that video Jimmy Dore. In her hearings she wouldn't say that public and charter schools should have equal accountability, didn't know the difference between growth vs proficiency and suggested that schools don't need to be gun free because of possible bear attacks which as far as I can tell don't actually happen. Now, the so called left Obama administration has continued the trend of charter schools despite 40% performing worse than public schools. DeVoss is going to make the problem worse with less accountability for the corporations that run the school. Obama did do a positive change to make testing less rigid, probably going to rolled back. Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte has been accused of abusing fentanyl. This was not surprising to me at all. Humanity has a long history of taking whatever they think is bad about themselves and projecting it on to others. Many anti gay republicans get caught in gay affairs, in bathrooms or taking male companions on trips as "bag carriers". Recently it was revealed a founder of a Neo Nazi website married a Jew. In the majority of these cases the issue is self hatred rather than just hatred. People need to cut out hatred; both of themselves and others. Trump's inauguration happened. Crowds were about half that of Obama's. The media is reporting Trump is insistent they are lying about the inauguration crowd numbers. Of course; he's not going to be less crazy now that he's President. The President is utterly disconnected from reality; buckle up. | |||
Appointees, Corey Booker, Pissgate, People Power |
Hearings began on the Trump cabinet appointees. Jeff Sessions the Attorney General pretended he was not racist or homophobic. The Exxon Mobile CEO Secretary of State pretended to care about climate change. Ben Carson was unable to rule out conflict of interest for Trump. Corey Booker pretended to give a fuck about anything other than his presidential ambitions in 2020. That is the gist of things.
Corey Booker also voted down an bill that would allow medications to be imported from Canada, effectively lowering the price. Progressives already see him as Hillary Clinton 2.0. If he was smart he would side with progressives in most cases instead he'll be view as a tool of corporations. He's fucking his chances. I would cover pissgate, but I don't have time to cover bullshit. The republicans wanted to gut the House Ethics Committee but the population pushed back hard with phone calls and their plans were stopped. The lesson here is people power does work on occasion provided it is effective. Although the move wouldn't have affected corporations so I guess it has limited power. You should absolutely use people power when you can get results. Also it is critical to use it on so-called left-wing governments like Obama and Bill Clinton. The people shouldn't go to sleep just because their men (or women) are in power. You should argueably fight harder when you encounter more receptive people. | |||
Schumer, Pelosi, War Room |
Chuck Schumer is an idiot; he leads the Democrates in the Senate and has said that the Republicans will pay a price for not voting on a Supreme Court justice "In time". "In time"? What the fuck? You just had an election. The time to make them pay was then. Instead you sat on your ass while Hillary Clinton painted Republicans as not as extreme as Donald Trump. Chuck is just as moronic and stupid as Hillary Clinton. He said that for every blue collar worker they shun; they'll pick up two Republican votes. How the fuck did that work out? Not well.
Nancy Pelosi is also an idiot because she said in an interview that the Republicans won't try to Repeal the Affordable Care Act. Apparently the Republicans trying to do just that 45 million times since its inception is no indication of anything. Republicans seem totally cool with the Affordable Care Act. What fucking fantasy world do the Democrates live in? Legislation has since been introduced, to repeal the Affordable Care Act, with the added bonus of defunding Planned Parenthood, because fuck women! Luckily this bonus is too extreme for some Republicans and it is unlikely to be accepted. Donald Trump has claimed he will keep the A.C.A. My prediction is they will probably try to gut the legislation, at minimum. Meanwhile the Democrates have built a "War Room" for fighting Donald Trump filled with former Hillary campaign staffers, because they just did a bang up job during the election they just lost! | |||
Israel, Russia, Lunatic |
12 countries called out Israel for building settlements, the US didn't veto. I am pleased but it's too little to late from the Obama Administration. The government of Israel has proceeded to cut ties with many of the countries. OK, they are really only hurting themselves by doing that. The non veto and the resolution for that matter is largely symbolic; it doesn't do anyway and in 2 minutes Trump will take over. He and the Republicans will continue to kiss the ass of Israel's government. Some members of Trump's upcoming cabinet favor a one state solution; absurd position because the rest of the UN and the more progressive fractions of Israel will never agree to this. Even the right wing government of Israel is not outwardly for this position. Fantasy land in Trump's administration.
Obama has place new sanctions on Russia for alleged interference in the election. The CIA still has not released evidence. Whatever Obama. Trump will just come in and reverse it. Perhaps if Obama had not pushed the TPPA Hillary would of had a better shot. Also if the deal is really dead (I'm still skeptical) pushing the deal accomplished you nothing, and probably would have hurt Democrates in the long run. Congratulations on being stupid and fucking your own base. You can just go join Bill Clinton on being a poor excuse of a Democrate. Luckily for him he's still massively popular. By the way if the Republicans let him do a "Grand Bargain" that would have cut Social Security he probably wouldn't be as popular at this time. The next President will go in the opposite direction. In random lunatic news Rodrigo Duterte who is President of the Philippines threatened to throw corrupt officials off a helicopter as he "has done before". He may be the only person in the world that makes Trump look sane and reasonable. This guy is an absolute lunatic and I hope that he is voted out promptly. | |||
John Bolton, Russia, Clinton |
John Bolton is a deplorable human being; strong supporter of the Iraq war, never met a war that he didn't like. For a long time it appeared that he would get the number two job at the State Department. New reports alleged that this is not happening because Trump doesn't like his Moustache. I feel like I am writing satire, but apparently this is a real thing that happened. Chris Christie's weight was also a factor is his VP pick; Christie didn't get the job. This information is from anonymous sources within the Trump team, but an open source John Miller said that presentation was very important.
The Russia ambassador to Turkey has been assassinated and from what I can gather it's because of Russia's support of the Syrian government. I strongly dislike the Russian leadership but would never wish something like this to happen. I was beginning to think that there may be some advantages to Trump and Putin being pows, then Putin announced that Russia will be expanding their nukes. Donald Trump announced the same. So we may have a nuclear arms race. This is a disaster. However in the short term it may be peaceful, that could be a good thing even though I predict Russia will take more territory. Continuing to beat the Hillary Clinton dead horse. There was a story out saying that Clinton refused help from the Sanders camp and the words "Fucking Ignored" came up. Now OK if your position is Sanders lost the primary why would Clinton want help from losers? OK. Fair point but the fact is that Sanders won most of the open primaries, where independent voters could vote. This includes some states where Hillary Clinton lost in the general election. The Sanders camp were offering Clinton their strategies for the election. The theme of the Hillary Clinton campaign is arrogance. They just assumed all along that she will win. Didn't really work out, did it? | |||
Hackings, Picks, Fake News |
There are claims that Russia did hacking to influence the election. First allegation is the Clinton campaign chair Emais the second is the vote itself. Sources from the CIA is alleging Russia hacked the emails, if so they should release the evidence instead of allowing all sorts of conspiracies about whether the CIA is lying to take place. I don't see a reason why they would lie. I don't see the government going after Russia considering Trump and Putin are best friends. Unless it's a super long game by the Democrates for after Trump; I think that is far fetched. However many people are skeptical about these allegations, if the CIA has creditable proof they should release it otherwise people will remain skeptical. It is an open question on whether they hacked the vote itself; there was a story out today about the voting machine security checking agency being hacked into; this could have exposed security secrets. I know they at least attempted to hack voting machines in at least two states months before the election. At minimum they should do a full audit.
Sarah Palin and Mitt Romney are apparently not getting positions. Exxon Mobile CEO is in the running for Secretary of State. I actually like this apportionment; there's no better way of signaling that you're a tool for a corporations than appointing an oil CEO as Secretary of State. It is a giant fuck you to people that voted for Trump to drain the swamp. A percentage of them will not vote for him next time. Hillary Clinton made a speech about how damaging fake news is. (ironic considering she voted for the war in Iraq based on fake news) She thinks the government should crack down on it. Yet it's Democrates that are always gleeful about doing interviews with Fox News. If you really want to address fake news the first step would be to stop treating Fox News as a legitimate news organization; beyond batshit crazy conspiracies like PizzaGate that conspiracy outlets push there was a shooting at Planned Parenthood because of fake news by Fox News which incorrectly claimed Planned Parenthood was selling aborted fetuses. If their solution is to have the government decide what is news that is nonsense; does Hillary Clinton really want the Donald Trump to have such powers? However i don't have a problem with liable laws if the published claim can be proved untrue. I would argue that it is perfectly acceptable for the government to very heavily fine a news organization for someone commiting a violent or terroristic act based on false information that they got from the organization. However be very careful how you verify the information is false. A government body alone is not enough. | |||
Heads, Iran, Carrier, Apprentice |
Ben Carson is up for the department of Housing and Urban Department. People find this bizarre considering he's a brain surgeon and has no experience in housing planning. Some believe he only got it because Trump thinks the word urban relates to black people. "Urban? Where's African-American? Tremendous!" Carson previously labelled the department a communist department; now he may lead it. I am thinking wouldn't Surgeon General as a position made more sense. Similarly Rick Perry is considered for the Department Of Energy; a department he said that he wanted to eliminate during his famous "Opps" line. The new proposed head of the "Department of Environmental" known by everyone other than Trump as the Environmental Protection Agency actually sued the E.P.A. numerous times, he also donated to the Trump campaign what a wild coincidence bahahaha. This is right wing 101: They assign people to departments that hate government; when the department turns to shit they turn around and say government does not work. This is how the game is played.
If you are afraid Donald Trump will tear up the Iran deal, it seems the Republicans have done it for him. House Republicans have voted to put sanctions on Iran; a violation of the deal. Why? I will just parrot Kyle from Secular Talk "HEAD ASS, HEAD! RIGHT UP THE ASS! HEAD ASS ASSY ASS ASS" I interpret this as the Republicans (or defence contractors) war with Iran. However there is one other explanation; they just hate Obama and want to destroy everything he has accomplished. Either way, I predict there will be a fresh push to go to war with Iran. Trump did a deal with Carrier to keep jobs in America. A win for him on face value but under the surface he was only able to save 33% of the jobs they said they were sending to Mexico, and apparently some of them they never intended to ship out. He only did this through Corporate Welfare and promising to gut regulations. Additionally they're spending the Corporate Welfare on automation which means some of the jobs remaining will be lost anyway. A quick win for Trump but in reality the deal is a lemon. Trump has reportedly signed on to be an Executive Producer of the Celebrity Apprentice. What the fuck? He has one job! Literally! He's the President of the United States! It is not appropriate to moonlight on a reality TV show Donald Trump! I wonder if he will be credited as President Trump. Not even Hillary Clinton would be arrogant enough to get money directly from a corporation; it would go through the Clinton Foundation. Could the corporation paying Trump get special favors? They're probably banking on it. Fuck you Hillary Clinton for losing to this baffoon! Does Trump really need the 50K per episode considering he's the president? The Clintons made tens of millions afterwards. I know he's old, but really? So called billionaire takes money for a reality TV show while President. You can't make this shit up! In other news he is supposed to get an intelligence briefing everyday but only wants them once per week. This guy is a total clown and probably will get impeached. | |||
Administration of deplorables |
The administration of deplorables continues; Sarah Palin is apparently going to lead the VA, though maybe she quits half way through like she did Governor. Mitt Romney is a possible Secretary of State; the same Mitt Romney that dedicated a speech to saying what a failure Donald Trump was. Trump's former campaign manager is not happy and has bashed Romney in the media since the announcement. The probable education secretary is a big fan of giving vouchers for private schools. This takes funds out of the public system. You may think that this is fine and good until they start reducing or eliminating vouchers. I've saved the worst to last; the probable Treasury Secretary foreclosed on homes that was occupied by old people. In one case the payment was off by 27 cents; I'm not making this up! He has worked for numerous banks; even started one. He also fund raised for Donald Trump so this appears to be a reward. Trump has drained the swamp, of water and found some sharks and snakes to put into his administration.
If you thought that since Trump won the election he wouldn't be tweeting offensive crap you are wrong. His explanation on why he lost the popular vote is that a few million illegal immigrants voted for Hillary. It turns out there is no creditable evidence to this and it is a conspiracy theory brought to you by InfoWars and Alex Jones! What is he going to Tweet about next? Chemtrials? 9/11 was an inside job? Lizard people? InfoWars and Fox News shouldn't be considered legitimate news sources for the president. After a Fox News story; Trump also tweeted that flag burning should be illegal punished by lost of citizenship or jail. The courts have established for a long time that you can't take away citizenship as a form of punishment and flag burning is a form of constitutionally protected free speech. Hillary Clinton once proposed fines for flag burning. Both of them are wrong. I don't like flag burning as a form of protest but recognize they have a right to do it. I would rather figure out why they are doing it rather than getting hung up over the symbolism; they are just burning material when it comes down to it. | |||
Jill Stien, Trump |
Since the election Jil Stien has been busy. First she filed lawsuits alleging both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton broke campaign finance rules. Second she has raised money for some recounts in several key states. It probably won't change the electoral results but it appears more than the Clinton camp is doing. Other people have been trying to get the Electoral College representatives to go with the popular vote instead of the Electoral College result. Turns out the Electoral College results are not binding and can be changed willy nilly, who knew? If I was Clinton I would be lobbying hard for this as Clinton won the popular vote by over 2 million. If your position is Clinton lost the Electoral College and that's that, that is entirely fair and is probably the correct position. However if I was Clinton I would be like "Fuck it" and would certainly go for it.2 million votes is 2 million votes. Some people think that Al Gore didn't fight hard enough. Fighting doesn't seem like Democrate's strong point even when they're in office.
In flip flop number #31926 Donald Trump now thinks that climate change is real and that humans are causing it. This makes a change from his previous position of climate change being a hoax. The change is positive but I wonder if he will set a record for flip flops. In other news Trump registered about 7 companies in Saudi Arabia just before the election. Apparently this is all legal. So basically don't expect any action from him on things like human rights abuses and funding 9/11 hijackers. The Clintons also had financial ties to Saudi Arabia, so it matters little who is president and more where the money comes from. | |||
Upcoming administration is already a shitshow |
The upcoming Trump Administration is already a shitshow, did you really expect any different? Trump met with Obama and didn't seem to understand what responsibilities the president has according to a video by David Pakman, he doesn't want to live in the white house. TheYoungTurks did a video outlining the different factions of the Trump Administration: corporatists, alt right nazi types, special interest donors and family. One of Trump's main advisers hates jews. The factions are fighting each other. If Trump had any sense he'd dump the neonazi types; but of course Trump is Trump so he made one his top adviser.
People say give him a chance. No! His chance was the campaign and he was massacring that every two weeks. OBAMA IS THE FOUNDER OF ISIS! FOUNDER FOUNDER FOUNDER! THAT WOMAN IS UGLY. Terrible campaign, didn't deserve to win. The only reason he won was he was running against Hillary Clinton. Ironically people thought Trump was a grand conspiracy to let Clinton win. If you wanted to give him a chance after his campaign. OK. His chance ends with appointing white supremacst, jew haters and people who want to throw Muslims in camps to his administration. Chance over! I predict this will be a deeply unpopular administration and will only last four years. There are silver linings; he is not going ahead with the more extreme policies such as building a wall, mass deporting of illegal immigrants, and even repealling the Affordable Care Act. However his administration still has deplorable people in it and this should not be looked at lightly. There are also indication of Trump going back on his promise not to cut social security but George W Bush couldn't do it when he tried; the population may be even more hostile towards Trump if he tries, it probably won't be done under Trump in my opinion. Donald Trump has settled his Trump University lawsuit for 15 million dollars. Basically a person with a history of being a fraudster is about to be president. He still has at least one sexual assault lawsuits to deal with. Crooked Hillary? Crooked both! | |||
Clinton lost, Trump won |
Donald Trump is the next president of the United States. Oh fuck. I could rant at voters and that could be coming, but first...
The reason this happened can be summed up in two words: Hillary Clinton! If you think otherwise you're living in a fucking fantasy world. She was a bad politician, people know her record, people hate her record, the name Clinton has been demonized for 30 years, people on the right hate her, people on the left dislike her; a dozen scandals, play for play allegations, email server, FBI investigation, unconvincing and politically arrogant. I am sure I have forgotten points. There were polls about a year ago and 55% or more found her unfavourable, she only did slightly better than Donald fucking Trump! For people that ignored this fact YOU WERE FUCKING WRONG AND PEOPLE HATED YOUR CANDIDATE! Oh hall the mighty Clinton Machine, that didn't win in 2008 and couldn't win in 2016. Now Chelsea Clinton is considering a senate run. For fuck sakes. The Clintons need to fuck off. I'm done with them, I'm done with their supporters. Clinton supporters are reality deniers and are just as misguided as republicans. Clinton did not offer any hope. Her entire campaign can be summed up as "I'm not Donald Trump" and "I'm with her". That's such a shitty slogan by the way, Why the fuck wasn't it #ShesWithYou. Apparently the idiots at her campaign couldn't think of that, I know "I'm with her" has history, but it was politician centered rather than voter centered. People vote for REPRESENTATIVES, you're supposed to REPRESENT them, or at the very least act like you do! Demonizing Donald Trump by itself didn't work, she needed to get people excited, give them something to vote for, she never did that convincingly! Millennials just didn't believe her; she needed to do better. You don't do this by pissing on Bernie Sanders supporters, I admit eventually this did sink in, but it was months too late. She got the endorsement of people like Henry Kissenger and other deplorables; namely neocons. If you are into compromise; fine, but understand there's a difference between compromise and blowing the other side kisses. Martin O'Malley didn't have an email server in his house, neither did Bernie Sanders, neither did Corey Booker, Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and countless others. Nobody made Hillary have an email server in her house. I don't give a fuck about Colin Powell; he did not have a FBI investigation just before an election. Brilliant idea for Obama to put a republican in charge of the FBI. Fan fucking tastic. Hillary did things that she did not have to do and were politically dumb, and not just in the previous campaign cycle. In all likelihood this cost her the election. 90% of other Democrates didn't have as many problems as Hillary Clinton and would have wiped the floor with Donald Trump. Sure Republicans would have made up stuff, but no name is as damaged on the Democrate side than Clinton. It wouldn't have had such of an effect. Clinton won because of racists they say. How the fuck did a black guy win twice then? You could make an argument for mobilization but Hillary was also rubbish at mobilization; particularly with young voters. You couldn't have had Bernie Sanders as the nominee because of anti Jewish hate. OK and people who hate jews would have voted for Trump that even without a jew in the race was already retweeting neo nazi propaganda. Jew S A was a chant at Trump rallies. I am pretty fucking sure Donald Trump had the antisemite vote on lock down already. People hate socialism they say. Possibly, but people voted for Obama because of change, people voted for Trump partly because of change. Hillary Clinton didn't offer change, Bernie Sanders would have. Donald Trump was against trade deals or so he says; Bill Clinton pushed through NAFTA. Donald Trump couldn't have said the same about Jane Sanders. Hillary Clinton already named Bill Clinton as a top economic adviser; Trump wouldn't have riled up the anti trade sentiment as effectively; Sanders also spoke against TPPA and NAFTA. Even though Hillary Clinton also was apparently anti TPPA; she just wasn't creditable. I am not in the camp of Bernie Sanders would have definitely won like almost all progressive pundits I listen to. I think that the media would have massively sided with Trump and it would be a massive gamble. However I do think that he would have a decent shot. Doesn't matter now. Hillary Clinton was chosen and that was a mistake; irrelevant if you wanted Bernie; I certainly did. Again 90% of other Democrates would have crushed a monster like Donald Trump. Just because you are fine with Hillary Clinton giving speeches to banks etc. doesn't mean everyone else is. A mistake in politics is assuming people feels the same way. I used to make that mistake; I learned that lesson after the 2011 election; I was even gullible enough to believe that the polls were massively wrong. The same people were still singing that conspiracy in 2014. This also that proves just because you are on the left does not mean you're not batshit crazy on some issues. Clinton supporters are the perfect example. Obama won because he was a good actor, Hillary Clinton was not. As Cenk Uygur said "people wanted to throw a brick through the establishment window" The left didn't come with a convincing brick, it came with Corporate Clinton. People voted for Obama not knowing that he was a corporatist. He was the CHANGE candidate but that change was really code for making "republicans and democrates to get along". He failed miserably at this, just like Hillary Clinton would have. Republicans launched about a billion investigations about her and impeached her husband over a blow job; they weren't going to get along with President Clinton and it's utterly delusional to think otherwise. Clinton didn't have to go out of her way to say she would work with Republicans. People just want a leader who will fight for them. Compromise is best left until after the election. Even her own strategy team and party insiders thought that being so buddy buddy with the republicans was a bad strategy and was going to hurt down ballot Democrates. Arrogant Clinton didn't listen, her strategy sucked. She is a terrible politician. If she said I have been defending the people against republicans for 30 years and know how to make them get things done; that would have been a better strategy. Gary Johnson took more from Trump than Jill Stien took from Hillary. Millennial turnout was also disastrous. People won't vote for a candidate if they aren't inspired to do so. You can blame Millennials all day long but the fact is Hillary Clinton didn't inspire people to vote for her; it's a fucking big part of her job. If nobody comes to your concert, would you blame the people or the singer. Of course you would blame the singer. I do think that it is very unfortunate that America won't have a woman president, they simply chose the wrong woman. I don't care that she won the popular vote, if she was a competent politician she would have gained enough support in swing states to win the electoral college, she didn't because she is a deeply unliked candidate. A portion of her voters only voted for Clinton to prevent Trump from taking the White House. Hillary Clinton lost, because Hillary Clinton was shit candidate; almost universally disliked and would have gotten slaughtered if she ran against a more likable republican. As stated in the beginning; you're living in your own fucking fantasy world if you think otherwise. Finally just because I'm done with Clinton supporters doesn't mean we can't be friends. I do genuinely believe that her supporters are fucking idiots when it comes to the topic of Hillary Clinton specifically; however many people are smart in some areas and stupid in others; that is just how humans operate. I can put aside our differences, but if you're going to be Clinton apologists; I will view you as batshit insane on the subject and frankly have no interest in your defenses or excuses. Hillary Clinton was a shit candidate; end of story. This is the longest I've ranted on any one subject; on to Donald Trump. George W Bush on steroids was just elected. What an absolute clusterfuck. Even Hillary Clinton would be better than this baffoon, are you fucking shitting me America? What the fuckidy fuck fuck. Just because I hate Hillary Clinton doesn't mean that Donald Trump was an acceptable choice. I also hate Donald Trump. He bankrupted 6 companies including several casinos. The guy is incompetent and probably has some kind of self destructive tendencies going on. Also the guy is unpopular; does loathsome things, and a good case can be made that this trait is intentional; I know a person that I suspect of having Narcissistic Personality Disorder and it's clear that he deliberately fucks people off to make people hate him, and no I'm not talking about myself. Self destructive tendencies combined with this is a toxic combination. Now he has an army and nuclear codes; good luck! I am not going to lecture you that he is racist; everyone else can do that; it is however concerning that his election will empower racists. If you really thought that President Trump wasn't going to screw you, then you are the most gullible people on the planet; he's a pathological liar. I don't believe him when he says he'll stop outsourcing, he personally benefits from outsourcing. The only way he'll stop the TPPA is if he brings it back under a different name. Very likely he will just pass the TPPA. However the New Zealand Publicity Clown which other people call the Prime Minister says it's dead in the water, so I could be wrong. Corporate America is lining up to work with President Trump as I predicted; I am only surprised this didn't happen much sooner. Donald Trump is the establishment with a clown mask. In conclusion: Fuck Corporate Clinton! Fuck Donald Trump! America was presented with two hideous choices but chose the more hideous one. (kind of, Corporate Clinton won the popular vote) I'll be watching with morbid curiosity. I regretted not being politically aware in the George W Bush years. You have over delivered. I await either impeachment or a massive disaster/collapse. This does not end any other way. | |||
Clinton losing ground, Third Parties |
I called the election a few weeks ago but it turns out you can never count on Hillary Clinton to keep support. Since Comey's announcement the race has tightened significantly in swing states. A Trump has gone back to no being impossible. The upside to this is if Hillary wins by a smaller margin she can't shun progressives as much, so some people say. She will probably shun progressives either way. A close race against Donald Trump could make a primary of Hillary Clinton more likely. LBJ also stepped down. Neither case is terribly likely. Again, the United States will enter a right direction wing death spiral; especially if Hillary Clinton runs again.
I didn't find third party candidates terribly relevant to cover but I will do that now. Garry Johnson has been dubbed by the media as being stupid and crazy, which is a very accurate assesssment of libertarians. He is known for not knowing what Aleppo was, not being able to name a world leader is that he likes, perhaps the second is the most concerning. He occasionally does eccentric things, sometimes it's funny, other times it's weird. Libertarians are right on social issues, wrong on economic issues. That's basically the gist of things. Jill Stein I said I would vote for if I lived in America. This doesn't mean she is the perfect candidate. I think that her position on GMOs is downright anti-science. She panders to conspiracy theorists like anti vaxxers and 9/11 loons, but she does not believe in the conspiracy theories herself. Hillary Clinton however believes that Wall Street is best to tell her how to regulate it and pushed fracking around the world. Clinton supporters claiming that Jill Stein is crazy need to examine their own fucking candidate. At least I can admit my candidate is somewhat crazy and could happily vote for her knowing she will never get power. She is also closer to my beliefs than the other three batshit insane narsissists in the race. Hillary Clinton is so crazy she thinks that Republicans with her after they investigated her a billion times and impeached her husband over a blow job. I like her college proposal, before reactionary morons tell me it's too expensive the US just spent 1.5 trillion on fighter jets. That is just one wasteful spending by the US government; there is probably more. Student debt is about 200 billion less than the fighter jets. It's a terrible argument to keep students in debt just because that is what they agreed; what choice did they have if they wanted the education? I don't care if the other representatives wouldn't go for it; sometimes you have to negotiate and negotiating from a more radical position would make the final result more left-wing. Blue Dog Democrates like Obama and the Clintons negotiate from the center so the compromise position is more right leaning. Bad idea. Theory attributed to Kyle from Secular Talk. | |||
Clinton, Alex Jones, Leaks |
The media is reporting the FBI has reopened the case into Hillary Clinton's emails. When I called the election I did not expect this. Though apparently it is only 3 emails, not from her private server, so probably no big deal. However ultimately I think that Trump will fuck whatever opportunities he has up so I don't see this changing. By the way the way the number of times Hillary Clinton has been investigated by the FBI during an election campaign: 2. The number of times Bernie Sanders has been investigated by the FBI during an election campaign: 0. Just saying! 2020 is a different story; a Republican will probably win very easily if he's not an utter freak like Donald Trump. Of course assuming that Hillary Clinton is not impeached.
Speaking of utter freaks let's talk about Alex Jones. Hillary has been an attack ad out connecting Donald Trump to Alex Jones; she is right to do this. Alex Jones says 9/11 is a conspiracy, so is Sandy Hook, Newtown, almost everything else you can think of. The things he says are batshit crazy. BEING GAY IS A SPACE CULT TRYING TO MAKE PEOPLE ASEXUAL! Oh you need serious help if you take this guy seriously. Trump going on the Alex Jones Show should have been bigger news at the time. Hillary should call him out for associating with an utter lunatic. Wikileaks have released 21 batches of emails relating to Hillary Clinton. Why can't they find things on Donald Trump and release them like his taxes? This would give them the appearance of being neutral. The Clinton campaign were happy that Florida was a closed primary. It seems that they only want people voting if they vote their way. In other leaks Sweden were simultaneously lobbying the State Department under Hillary Clinton over doing business with Iran and donating to the Clinton Foundation. Hillary Clinton wanted to do a speech in Morocco shortly after her campaign launch but the other people in the campaign stopped her from doing so. This tells us that one of the most corrupt people in the Clinton campaign is Hillary Clinton herself. With her in charge cronyism will be alive and well. | |||
Clinton, Trump, Final Debate, Saudi Arabia |
More Clinton leaks; first there is email stating that she would be for the TPPA if things suddenly move on it. This is the least surprising thing ever. Hillary is pro TPPA and you would have to be extremely stupid to claim that she suddenly changed her mind on it after calling it the "gold standard" and lobbying for it 45 times. People say that Republicans must not be elected because this are all climate change deniers, that is true but Hillary Clinton gave a speech to trade unions saying that she will defend natural gas and fracking which also causes earthquakes. When she was Secretary Of State she was a big promoter of fracking; if nothing has changed this is a problem.
Melania Trump has defended her husband's pussy grabbing comments. Personally I think it would be a better strategy to say my husband is a giant asshole. What has the Trump campaign have to lose at this point? Maybe being honest where they can could work better. Trump is now saying polls are rigged and the election will be rigged too. To me, clearly he can't handle the fact that he is losing and wants to blame something else. "It's not my fault, the system is rigged." No, Donald, you're a shit candidate. He's such a shit candidate Roger Ailes has bailed calling him unfocused and debate preparation a waste of time. Casino Billionaire Sheldon Adelson has reportedly jumped ship too. Also Trump thing thinks that Hillary Clinton was on drugs in the second debate. He was the one who was constantly sipping water and more importantly constantly sniffing in the second debate. Doing things associated with drug users plus the accusations makes me think this is a case of projection. Also doesn't he tweet at 3AM? Questionable sleeping patterns is another red flag. He claims to not take drugs including alcohol ever but it's not as if he isn't a total liar or anything. In the final debate I thought that Trump undercut his message by saying that the US would have more free trade under his rule, he's been anti free trade agreement the entire campaign. Clinton pointed out the fact that Trump is apparently against outsourcing but makes his items overseas. She pointed out the fact that the Trump Tower in Navada was made from Chinese steel. Trump also interrupted with "wrong" and "I did not say that" which has all the validity of "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". He said that foreign governments were "very much smarter" than Obama, ironic choice of words. Hillary got asked about some of the revelations in Wikileaks and she just blamed Russia for leaking them, not a good strategy. They both attacked equally so Hillary won on debate skill. Hillary had a great line; while she was in the Situation Room with the Bin Laden raid Trump was filming Celebrity Apprentice. In further Hillary Clinton leak news she admitted Saudi Arabia are responsible for promoting the one of the most extreme versions of Islam. I do think that it is good that she has this knowledge but the question is will she do anything about it. Maybe it would be like Wall Street and she will tell they to cut it out out, not very effective. Saudi Arabia is also a donor to the Clinton Foundation, I would be not confident that she will be strong enough. I think the only reasonable solution is to try and move off cheap oil and hit them with economic sanctions when the time is right. This would take at least two years and heavy subsidises to the electric car industry. This is not a perfect plan, but it is the best solution other than reigme change. Saudi Arabia at least partially funded 9/11 according to internal US documents. Now the US is helping the Saudi side in Yemen. This has no logic. However one positive change is that US citizens can sue Saudi Arabia; Obama tried to veto the bill but he couldn't. One of the fears was it could open the US up to lawsuits however maybe they should just stop fucking up other countries because of oil interests. | |||
Trump, Clinton, Debate 2 |
I am calling it; there is no reviving the Trump campaign, Hillary Clinton is going to be the next President of the United States of America. As well as the tape of Trump saying all sorts of demeanning things about woman 3 or more women have come forward saying that Trump sexually assaulted them. Many Republicans have backed off. Although some have back tracked. In essence they jumped off The Titanic and tried to climb back on. Additionally Hillary's lead has widened to at least 7, some polls it's more than 10. There's no chance of a Trump victory. If I was a Republican billionaire I would pay him to leave the race.
WikiLeaks has released Hillary's paid speech transcripts and several thousand internal emails from the Clinton campaign. First transcripts; I don't think they're the bombshell I originally thought but they're still not good. Hillary spoke about having public and private positions which is not really good for the public to know if you're going to be the President. She describes herself as occupying the center left to center right; I think she means center right on fiscal and military issues, basically a corporatist war hawk. She pretty much said that she was in favour of Obama's Grand Bargain which would have cut social security. I recently learned her husband had a plan with Newt Gingrich to privatize social security but the Monica Lewinsky story broke and they lost the political capital. Seems that a blow job saved social security. This is another example of Republicans being idiots; they fuck over the Corporatist Democrates that want to help them. I have to wonder if her assertion that she will protect social security is a public position. Final paid transcripts point: she acknowledges that the banking sector has problems but she thinks that it's up to the industry to come up with solutions. Good luck with that. She's utterly delusional if she really thinks that. The separate Email leaks basically reveal that her campaign is working with media companies to formulate stories, there's also evidence that her campaign got debate questions in advance. Luckily for Hillary Trump is self imploding; I can't see these leaks or future leaks will have a significant effect. A second debate happened; I would award it to Trump for constantly putting Hillary on the defensive. It was not a blow out victory for Trump, many would argue Clinton won. Donald Trump did say that he'd put Hillary Clinton in prison if he was President; a move that many think comes from a dictatorship. A funny moment was when I assumed Trump said ISIS endorsed him, it was actually a security group called ICE. The debate was pretty scandal driven, 20 minutes until the first policy question. | |||
Trump, Vice Debate |
Two Donald Trump stories. 1. he literally asked dying people to hold off and vote for him. Yes I am sure cancer sufferers are like "I'm going to put off dying just to vote for Donald Trump" On the other hand they have nothing to lose, but if they care about their relatives, they probably don't want Donald Trump to be president. So dying sadists would probably respond well. 2. he was caught on mic saying things like I grabbed her by the pussy. People asserting this will tank his campaign might have more validity if we didn't have a "is this it" moment every two weeks. This won't tank his campaign, but I predict he will continue to trend down because of his self destructive tendencies I think he has.
The Vice Presidential debate happened; it was boring and irrelevant. 80% of it was about terrorism, it was entirely irrelevant to people's lives. Are the American people really interested about the hypothetical of North Korea setting off a nuke? All you need to know is if Trump or Clinton dies; America is still fucked. Actually Mike Pence might be president the moment of Trump's (unlikely) victory. Apparently Trump wanted to delegate "domestic and foreign policy" to John Kasich if he was Vice President. NO QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS! Un fucking believable! Pence is a religious extremist lunatic famous for allowing businesses to ban gays. Americans should be scared of him if he gets power, he could be the next Dick Cheney. | |||
Trump Campaign and Debate 1 |
Things are not getting any better for the Trump campaign. Firstly there was at least two people directly involved in criminal allegations including Mike Pence's pilot who is charged with running someone over intentionally, and there was another allegation with a Harley Davidson. Two state directors resigned over alleged criminal conduct; Georgia trespassing, damaging a laptop and slashing tyres. North carolina: The director pulled a gun on a campaign staffer. They can pick em!
But you say they are private citizens and have nothing to do with Donald Trump. You're right! Luckily I have a new story of alleged criminal activity by Donald Trump himself along with his businesses. It appears in 1998 Trump did business with Cuba. Doing so was illegal under US law due to the Cuban Embargo. I doubt he will be prosecuted and frankly it was a silly law to begin with. It is only one in a long line of questionable and/or illegal actions by Trump organizations. For example there is good evidence that the Trump Foundation was not acting as a legitimate nonprofit; buying paintings of Donald Trump and Tim Tebow helmet, donating to at least one candidate for office. Trump Modelling also did some questionable practices regarding immigration visas. Speaking of immigration Trump thought that it would be a brilliant idea to attack an immigrant model on Twitter. *facepalm* In the first debate Hillary brought up the fact he called a beauty contestant Miss Piggy for gaining weight and Miss Housekeeping for being Latino. I would have left this, he went on and attacked the woman for having a sex tape. This isn't even true, she just went on a Big Brother style reality TV show. Even if it was true, HIS IMMIGRANT WIFE IS A FORMER MODEL THAT POSED NAKED. She is allowed to do this, just like people are allowed to have sex tapes. This just makes Trump look worse. As for the rest of the debate: Trump won the first half when he said Bill Clinton did NAFTA and discussed how bad Bernie Sanders was treated. Clinton won the second half when she was discussing why Donald Trump won't release his tax returns. Additionally Trump sounded like a complete idiot using words like "bigly" and "cyber" instead of cybersecurity. At times Trump was funny but most of the time he sounded like an absolute moron. Overall I think that Clinton won. | |||
Anthems and Conservatives |
I will just rant about conservatives this week. They are currently offended that sportspeople aren't standing up for national anthems. On the one hand it's technically part of their job, I think? Even if it is, it is not critical. This is yet another example of how conservatives that claim for be for FREEDOM are actually not. They also get pissy when you say happy holidays instead of merry christmas. They are whiney little bitches who simultaneously accuse the left of being politically correct when we complain about racism and homophobia. In reality it's they who complain frequently if you're not adequately conforming to their ideology. if you don't do national pride in the right way or supporting the troops in the right way. Apparently it does not occur to conservatives that troops fighting for a free country means we can do whatever the fuck we want. I'm no hypocrite; if you're a racist asshole I don't really care. Feel free to come out and say it because it eliminates the desire for me to spend time with you. Unlike the authoritarian left; I actually want to know who the assholes in society are so I can educate them or counter their bullshit, if possible.
The anthem protests was about Black Lives Matter; black people getting killed by police at a much higher rate than whites. To be super clear about the context unarmed black men are over 10 times more likely to be killed by police than white individuals. This is a problem. Police need to be trained better so unnecessary deaths do not occur. Other countries have much lower statistics, also fewer civilian guns overall, this is not a coincidence. Conservatives saying All Lives Matter in response are idiots that do not or do not want to understand the problem. Of course all lives matter but it's mainly the black people who are being killed at a much higher rate in proportion to the population. | |||
Birtherism, Deplorables, Health, Leaks |
Donald Trump has now said that Obama was born in the United States; he ended the movement but Hillary Clinton started it. Both points not really true. I am sure this will do nothing but to end the conspiracy theories. Clinton has never said Obama is a muslim but has said questionable things. "Obama says he is a Christian and I take him at his word" There was also the picture of Obama photoshopped to make him looked Muslim which is tied to people indirectly connected to the Clinton campaign. Some people also interpret her comments on "Real Americans" as a dig at Obama. However this was never a big part of her campaign. She never demanded to see Obama's birth certificate, that was Donald Trum. She never sent people to Hawaii to investigate Obama, that was Donald Trump. She never demanded to see Obama's college transcripts, that was Donald Trump. It is also alleged that the original conspiracy theories started in 2004 with Obama's senate run. So while Hillary Clinton is not totally innocent; did not start the birther movement.
Hillary Clinton made a error in judgment and said that half of Donald Trump's supporters were in a basket of deplorables. Is that incorrect? My answer is kind of but not really. Firstly let's separate the enthusiastic supporters from the people who are voting for him because they hate Hillary Clinton or have some emotional attachment to the republican party. Let's just take a poll from his supporters in the primaries: 55% don't think that Obama was born in America, 60% say that he is not a Christian, 31% say that homosexuals should be banned from entering the United States. To be super fair to Trump supporters some people do believe that their interpretation of Christianity is the only true interpretation and therefore they're the only true Christian, same thing with American. Polls may be skewed too. After you be super fair and take those factors away. I'd say that a third of his enthusiastic can very easily be labelled as deplorable, the number is probably more. Donald Trump went on Doctor Oz and released his health records, because why not do that on a show that gives out 60% inaccurate medical advice and pushes bogus health products? They're a perfect match. Hillary Clinton has pneumonia, I really don't care about this story, but the Clintons did themselves no favours by trying to hide it. They should have just been up front because now it looks like secrecy from the Clintons, and it is! Hillary Clinton needed to stop campaigning for a bit. Perhaps get Obama or Bill to do some events so she could recover. Then again Bill recently did just that and said she had the flu, not pneumonia. This further fuels conspiracy theories about her health. I am not going to take part in this. A healthy Hillary Clinton is a corporatist war hawk. An unhealthy Hillary Clinton is a corporatist war hawk. I really don't give a fuck about her health to be honest. One more thing, people posting YouTube conspiracy videos with physicians that haven't examined Hillary Clinton saying that she only has one year to live are the stupidest people alive. Two sets of leaks from hackings. One Colin Powell's emails. He think Trump is a disaster and Clinton less of a disaster. Apparently he warned her team not to lie about her email server and didn't want to be tied to it. (Side note according to some sources the server was less secure than GMail, there goes the assertion that Powell using AOL was worse) What was interesting also if true was the Clintons still bitter about the 2008 defeat refer to Obama as \'that man". I don't know how accurate this is but I guess you can never trust if politicians are as chummy as they seem, this works in reverse too; political opponents can also be great mates behind closed doors. The second leak states Obama assigned positions in his administration to donors, I am sure that Hillary will be no different. The message is clear; donate a few million to a presidential campaign; you can probably get a government job for you or your mates. America doesn't have capitalism; it has crony capitalism. | |||
Clinton, Trump, North Korea |
Hillary Clinton is currently tied in the latest polls. What the fuck? How shitty are you as a candidate if you're tied with Donald Trump? If Donald Trump wins then the only people to blame are the fucking morons who think Hillary Clinton is electable and the only reason she isn't losing by a landslide is the republicans elected Donald fucking Trump as leader. Data on her unfavourables were available last year. Making her leader was a stupid decision advocated for by complete idiots. Let's get the most unpopular democrate we can find and make her leader. Genius!
There was a presidential town hall this week, let's just focus on Trump. It was obvious to everyone that watched that he has no clue what he is talking about. "We're losing jobs like babies" BABIES DON'T HAVE JOBS! This man is stupid and incompetent. It felt like the interviewer was giving him softballs deliberately and even then his answers were kind of ridiculous. Don't give Donald Trump softballs; don't give any presidential candidate softballs. If you refuse to challenge candidates then a complete idiot like George W Bush could be elected. Media today is afraid of being called bias; what's actually bias is pretending that all opinions are equal. Someone said climate change exists. Someone said it does not. All opinions are equal, doesn't matter that 97% of scientists agree that it does exists, why point out facts? As the forth estate we're not here to hold people accountable. Trump said he was always against the Iraq war. Doesn't matter that there is audio confirming the complete opposite, perhaps that was John Miller. North Korea is testing nuclear missiles, should we be concerned? Well more concerned than about Iran which didn't have nuclear weapons. Neither did Iraq but the US invaded then. Hopefully any government knows that if it launches a nuclear weapon to kill civilians their government is history. Although if we wouldn't tolerate such behaviour from Iran, we shouldn't from North Korea. We should put pressure on them and the governments that are propping them up (China from my understanding) to get them to stop. | |||
Clinton, Trump, YouTube |
Hillary Clinton's latest strategy; label republicans not as crazy as Donald Trump. This is why I've called her delusional in the past; because that's exactly what she is. This is a terrible idea. Firstly not to point out the fucking obvious but it is not her job to make republicans seem likable, she's the OPPOSITION! (Well in theory) It is the republicans job to make themselves seem likable! I am not one to say never compromise but the Clintons and the Obama administration default position is agree with the right wing position and fuck the left on at least 60% of the issues. They don't know how, or probably do not want to negotiate. They are in reality right wing neoliberals and do not give a fuck about left wing causes apart from gay rights and abortion.
In very quick Trump news he went to Mexico and appeared to be softening his stance on immigration, but no he did a supposedly major immigration speech which appeared to repeat the original position of kicking out everyone, having Mexico pay for the wall even though the President told him earlier that day that they won't pay for the wall. In other news four models have come forward with allegations that the Trump Modelling Agency hired them without ensuring they have the proper Visa requirements. This is a similar story to Trump's wife; she did shoots in 1995 but only got a work enabled Visa in 1996. So banging on about illegal immigrants, turns out his own wife and models are guilty of playing the immigration system. YouTube creators are pissed about YouTube banning monetization on controversial videos such as war and political conflicts. According to YouTube this has been the policy for quite sometime but they are now being more transparent on the issue and have an appeals process. Personally I think that YouTube should just create a system to allow advertisers to choose if there advertisements go on controversial topics, additionally they may want to create a system to allow channels or networks to sell advertisements directly more easily. It theoretically already has this feature as part of Multi Channel Networks; I would suggest that big channels utilize this function more even if you're creating a brand new MCN. There's other options like Pateron, sponsorship, many channels have membership options. If you're creative you can make do. For smaller channels the revenue is probably piss poor anyway; I get less than 50 cents a month from my videos. Smaller channels may want to consider joining a MCN that sells advertisements. Again this decision is reckless from YouTube; they should come up with better solutions. | |||
Rodrigo Duterte |
Something terrible is happening in the Philippines, they elected a new president (Rodrigo Duterte) and he turned out to be a monster, a Donald Trump style monster except he has power. Actually he is worse than Trump as Trump never advocates killing the country's own citizens. The problem is not just that, the problem is citizens killing each other. All for the grand crime of using drugs! This is the closest thing you would get to a genocide of drug users. I don't throw this word around. 1800 people have so far be killed. Of course this also allows murderers an easy way to kill people, just say they used drugs and who knows if you get away with it. This is a disaster and is a crisis. The question is what you do about it. I would strongly advocate for economic consequences. I know that the Philippines is a source of international cheap labour, it's time to move elsewhere. Governments need to stop trading with the Philippines until they stop the killings. Side note, it's best to target rich people, if you do this they would be more likely to change things. The answer to many problems is not war as the brain dead people on the right advocate, you have to be smart and strategic. Sadly I fear that the world is going to ignore this problem as they have the same braindead policy of punishing drug users just not to this extreme. Hopefully such policies will change, but it's going to take time. Unfortunately it'll be too late for many people in the Philippines. There's also striking parallels between Rodrigo and Donald Trump. He played the anti establishment card goin up against an investment banker. Perhaps more stunning he belittled a stroke victim on stage then claimed he was only joking. Until he goes I'll add the Philippines to the places I'd never visit list along with Uganda, North Korea and basically anywhere homosexuality is illegal. | |||
Trump campaign manager, Clinton |
Donald Trump has changed campaign managers for the third time, which is kind of like arranging chairs on the Titanic. The last one had to go after it was revealed that he had ties to Russian interests. The GOP platform had been changed to relax the stance on the war activities of Russia. In a separate story Trump's daughter was on holiday with Putin's girlfriend, I just love what a freak show this is. It's like the Trump campaign has no self awareness. If there are questions about Trump's ties to Russia. The last thing they should do is have a family member appear with Putin's significant other. She couldn't hold off on that trip until after the election? If my dad was about to become president I would do whatever it takes to make sure that happens. This is a clown show, even a shit show. Why would Donald Trump change campaign managers three times if he was not serious? On the other hand if the GOP platform was changed without him being elected that is still a win for Russia. OK now I am being conspiratoral, I have no idea what's in Trump's crazy head. I am very happy to just think he's an incompetent clown. He actually bankrupted 3 casinos, not just one. His new campaign manager is crazy conservative website Breitbart executive Steve Bannon which is a curious choice if he's really trying to get votes from people who don't believe in crazy stupid shit bordering on conspiracy theories. I also have to question how is this different from what he was doing previously. This would only go in a even more insane direction. Maybe that's the point?
Meanwhile Corporate Clinton has appointed a corporate lacky to find positions for her probable upcoming government. A piece of good news from the Clinton camp is the Clinton Foundation will stop taking money from offshore donors, only not for a year. So I guess foreign governments can still pour in money until that time. I reported last week that that Hillary Clinton did favors for donors of the Clinton Foundation when she was in the State Department, not banning foreign donors now seems arrogant. Perhaps this is like Trump's daughter going on holiday with Putin's girlfriend, do they not see what everybody else does? Fortunately for the Clintons it is Trump that gets most of the negative media attention if you're not including Fox News. There's speculation that this isn't the end of the scandals at the Clinton Foundation; apparently they have hired a cyber security firm and they may have been hacked. I'll keep you informed of further developments. Side note, Bill Clinton is also stepping down if Hillary becomes president, no opinion of this. | |||
Roger Ailes, Clinton, Trump |
Roger Ailes has been fired as the head of Fox News. Last month Gretchen Carlson filed a sexual harassment lawsuit, turns out this was the tip of the ice berg. More and more women have come forward with similar stories. It is also reported that some of the women and possibly himself kept recordings of some of the encounters. After his departure it was revealed that a black room existed where they would spy on people from other networks. It was kind of already known by other networks as when Cenk Uygur was at MSNBC he was told not to do a story on Fox News because of the spying, his independent network has done countless anti Fox News stories so he didn't pay too much attention.
Hillary Clinton will probably be the next president of the United States unless Donald Trump manages to dig himself out of the shit hole he's in or is replaced. There's still a problem with Hillary Clinton. There are new allegation of favours being done for people who have donated to the Clinton Foundation. This includes getting a job for someone at the State Department who was associated with a donor to the Clinton Foundation. I wonder what impact this types of things will have on the 2020 election. Instead of focusing on this Trump is currently calling Obama and Clinton the founders of ISIS. The guy is either self destructive or deliberately trying to lose. 6 bankruptcies is a pretty good sign that someone is self destructive everything he does turns to shit. Now the campaign is going the same way. I really don't know if he is capable of winning because of this reason. | |||
Trump possibly jumps the shark |
Things are not good for the Trump campaign. Maybe Trump has FINALLY jump the shark. It started when he insulted the father of a dead soldier. Apparently insulting John McCain was perfectly fine. This put his campaign in freefall but also Trump was apparently briefed on foreign policy and asked why can't he just use nukes, he asked this three times in an hour. The ghostwriter of his book "The Art of the Deal" says he's a psychopath and says he's incredibly scared of giving him the nuclear codes. There's serious talk of trying to replace Trump within the GOP, unfortunately for them he would have to voluntarily drop out. There's two circumstances I see; he has a massive ego so if he thinks he can't recover in the polls he may drop out. Then again some people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder actually like being hated. The second case is he's just paid to drop out. The other remote case is that he is assassinated but that is a remote possibly. More likely he'll drop out. I frequently debate to myself whether he actually wants to be president and some people say he's just throwing the election for Clinton. He could be throwing the election, however he could be just massively incompetent. Politifact looked into his bankruptcies and the number is actually at 6 including a casino. President Trump was always a possibility, however it's also possible that he tremendously fucks it up. If anybody can fuck things up it's Donald Trump! | |||
DNC, Hacking |
The Democratic National Convention was kind of a snore fest mixed in with some good speeches by Obama, half of Tim Kaine's and Joe Biden. Hillary Clinton does not have the best reputation with it comes to speeches and that reputation appears to be well earned, some good moments though. Overall the convention had too much emphasis on 9/11 and sounded a lot like what the republicans would do in normal elections. I also hated the fact that that they constantly used people with disabilities to push the narrative that you should vote for Hillary Clinton. Not being a dick to people with disabilities is like the easiest thing in the world. Though Donald Trump does things like mocking a reporter with a disability. It is important to show a contrast, but tone it the fuck down on using people with disabilities. To my surprise they did not spend the majority of the time attacking Donald Trump, you could even argue that they went too soft on him for the first two days. Picked up on the 3rd day. I think that they deserve credit for not over-doing the the attacks. The convention wasn't great but OK.
Donald Trump made headlines during the convention by suggesting that Russia should hack to uncover the emails that Hillary Clinton deleted. Some are calling this treason, even Donald Trump later walked this back. Donald Trump is particularly good at grabbing headlines, this is another example. I am not sure if Donald Trump can do anything else competently other than grab headlines. The story that sparked the story was Wikileaks releasing emails from the DNC that showed that they were advocating on behalf of Hillary's campaign, which basically confirmed what was fucking obvious anyway. | |||
Tim Kaine, RNC |
Hilary Clinton announced Tim Kaine as her running mate. Another "moderate" democrate. Good job at exciting the progressive base. By good job I mean miserable fucking failure. Does anybody in the country know who Tim Kaine is? I am very please on one thing, I WAS RIGHT! Elizabeth Warren was not the vice presidential nominee! She should have endorsed Bernie instead of playing a power game.
I did listen to much of the Republican National Convention, what a shit show. Not that I care but the celebrities were absolute shit, I did recognize a soap star who later called Obama a muslim, so obviously you can be an actor and still be a dumb fuck. The first day can be summed up by "My relative was killed by an illegal immigrant" and BENGAZI! I really don't know if Middle America cares about Bengazi. There has been nine reports into Bengazi, all found Hilary did nothing wrong. This is a really stupid strategy. The second day was Make America Work Again with absolutely no policy on how to do that apart from mine more coal. Apparently the coal industry is the only industry donating to the Trump campaign. Trump's wife gave a speech, I honestly thought that it was the best speech of the night. Then I found out they copied part of Michelle Obama's speech, you can't make this shit up! Absolute clowns running the Trump campaign. Day 3 Ted Cruz refused to endorse Trump, we'll see him when they nominate presidential candidates again. Perhaps the media focusing on these things prevents them from reporting on the even more scary aspects of the Republican party. Chris Christie lead a chant of "guilty", apparently legal proceedings on his own scandal Bridgegate start in September. Day 4 Trump spoke. It went on too long and was too shouty. The theme of the speech was the same of the entire convention. PEOPLE ARE COMING TO KILL YOU, FEAR THE OTHER. Sadly Hilary Clinton is primarily using fear to get people to vote for her, probably because she has the mindset of a republican. | |||
Pence, Clinton |
Trump chose a VP. Unfortunately he isn't a total clown. Well not to the extent of Sarah Palin, Ben Carson or Michele Bachmann. He is an establishment republican. The kind that hates gay people and wants to restrict their rights and while still claiming to be for small government. This is disappointing and not just because he isn't a total laughing stock. Trump just seemed less anti gay than usual, and maybe he is. The GOP has amended their platform clarifying they still hate gay people and they also see porn (all porn) as a public health risk which I am delighted about and invite them to shout that they are the party that wants to ban porn from the rooftops. Does this even attract votes? Surely the ultra conservative wing that wants to ban porn because they're jealous and insecure that their partner watches porn will probably vote Republican no matter want. Let's say in their crazy world porn in banned. How many people almost immediately start having affairs? Good luck banning porn from the internet by the way. Also I imagine the porn industry would just donate to the politicians and suddenly it's no longer a public health crisis. Back to Pence, a smoking truther; does not believe smoking causes cancer. He is also skeptical on climate change and evolution. Trump only picks the best people! Trump could have chosen him to appease mainstream republicans and donors; he isn't getting the same amount of support as Romney. They have probably decided that Hilary Clinton will best protect the establishment.
Bernie Sanders has endorsed Hilary Clinton. He's not a sellout. I am sure he thinks that he got enough progressive policy goals out of Hilary Clinton to be satisfied. Will Hilary Clinton stick to the policy goals? No. So maybe you can accuse Bernie Sanders of being gullible. (another theory is Sanders is setting Clinton up to fail.) Sanders also doesn't want Trump elected. Personally if I lived in a deep red or deep blue state I would absolutely vote for Jil Stein. If I was in a swing state, I would probably do the same but not encourage people to do so. | |||
Brexit |
Let's talk Brexit. Britain has voted in a referendum to leave the European Union. David Cameron resigned; the same David Cameron that was once revealed to do something sexual to a dead pig. In fairness him doing that didn't affect his governing, his governing was still shit. Any decision that leads to David Cameron resigning can't be that bad. The referendum however was driven by racists not wanting immigrants in but I understand that a minority of the left also wanted out for sensible reasons such as having issues with austerity etc. The anti EU camp has far more conservatives than liberals. Older people voted to leave more than younger people, probably because they are more likely to be uneducated on the issues and racist, the majority of conservative voters fall into at least one camp. In the short term there will be some economic consequences for Britain such as having to pay extra to access markets. Scotland may either attempt to block Brexit or have another referendum to leave the UK. Personally I think New Zealand should become a republic. Britain obviously doesn't mind when countries leave, let's follow their lead. I have no strong opinions, but I like opinions that fuck people off, so whatever I'll be pro Brexit just because it's unpopular! Again David Cameron resigning makes this all OK, though he'll be replace by another pig fucker! (figuratively speaking) Britain can always rebuild their economy. Though with Conservatives in charge they'll fuck it up. Actually conservatives would fuck up the economy with or without Brexit. The UK have voted against their interest for decades, so this is nothing new. I'm not sure if I would have voted for Brexit. I would have had to analyze the economic consequences before making such a decision. Ultimately I like being unpopular, so go Brexit! While countries are leaving things New Zealand should ditch the monarchy! Having a king or queen in another country makes absolutely no fucking sense at all. We should elect our own heads of state. Britain makes terrible decisions. I'm now anti Brexit because it fits my agenda. MY DECISION IS FINAL, until I change my mind. | |||
Orlando |
The biggest shooting in recent US history happened, it was targeted towards GLBT people. A day after I went on social media and said that this was done by a repressed homosexual, a day after my comments there were stories that people regarded him as a closeted homosexual. You have to understand, I wasn't satisfied labeling it as hate, I had to dig deeper. Yes hate is a poison, but self hate caused by religious extremists is even more of a poison. It prevents many people from being happy. Of course there were other factors such as easy access to assault rifles, mental health issues. I am sure hating his sexuality on top of mental health issues contributed. This is what happens when you tell people their natural desires are sinful, unnatural and in the words of the shooters father "god will punish them". If you tell people this for a lifetime, a certain percentage will snap and do hate crimes. They say that he was an angry person, but could a reason be he was struggling with his sexuality? I do not make excuses, I explain behaviour. Understanding behaviour won't bring 49 innocents back, but maybe you can recognized the behaviour in others. I am not naturally a very emotional person when it comes to news stories, I prefer to be cold and analytical, but I use to regularly frequent gay clubs. I used to do the same thing those people did. I would have gone clubbing when I went to America but wasn't able to. I'm not sure if I would be keen when I go again, I would at least think twice. The problem with America is random people get access to assault rifles.
The fact is he wouldn't have done as much damage with a hand gun, or knife. They need to stop sales of assault rifles. They won't. Nothing will be done. There will be another major shooting in six months. It's an endless cycle. The National Rifle Association has donated to the politicians to ensure that they won't regulate guns. The mass shootings are not going to stop. Every time this happens people send thoughts and prayers. You can't pray away mass shootings. Thoughts and prayers are effectively useless. I understand that this is all people can do. I personally will not do this. Publicly announcing sending thoughts seems like a bizarre reaction. The people involved are not going to read that I am thinking of them, I can't see the actual point of this. All you're doing is announcing to people unaffected by this tragedy that you're thinking of people affected by this tragedy. I see no value in doing this. This is not a muslim problem, this is a fundamentalist religious problem. Can I remind everyone that a group of Christians went over to Uganda and told the government to kill gay people. They're just more diplomatic in murder. How many suicides have fundamentalist religious people caused? Countless. The problem is fundamentalist religion, of all types. Republicans are now saying that they are the friends of the gay community because they will bomb ISIS. Can I suggest that you instead start with the Christian pastors on YouTube that are very happy 49 gays were killed? Of course my comments are sarcastic, I am no way advocating bombing. Republicans constantly tried to deny marriage rights, prevent transgender people from using bathrooms. If Republicans were really interesting in bombing those against gay people; I suggest bombing themselves! | |||
Google, Facebook, Warren, Trump |
SourceFed discovered that Google was preventing negative search suggestions from appearing. Hilary Clinton ind would return india, not indictment. Hilary Clinton cri would return crime reform, not crimes. What isn't reported by progressives is it is not impossible to play around with the suggestions yourself. All you need is some way to access a large number of computers searching terms that you want to move up. However considering the trends don't match how popular the terms are, this is probably not happening. There is currently no clear direction by the Clinton campaign to do this, perhaps Google is just giant Hilary Clinton fans, perhaps not.
Similarly facebook was caught censoring conservative news. Conservatives are notorious liars though for example Fox News reported on No Go Zones in the UK that banned non muslims from certain areas, complete bullshit, no truth to it at all. Is utter bullshit really news? Of course not! However this brings up another point; the rise of social media means corporations have complete control over what we see. They're the dictators. Although in old media you just have different corporations controlling the message. So the message is if you think being online is a safe haven for not having corporations control the message, think again. After Bernie Sanders lost California, Elizabeth Warren endorsed Hilary Clinton. Honestly I'm disappointed but Elizabeth Warren is a politician, she made the decision to go with power instead of principle. I find it very ironic that Warren said that when people get into the senate they get influenced, she said that ABOUT HILARY CLINTON! It could be in her mind this is the best way to push through her issues. I've got news for her, I bet Robert Reich thought the same thing, but ended up leaving his position as Secretary of Labour feeling disappointed. He revealed in the movie "Inequality For All" that eyes would roll when he would start to talk about inequality in meetings. I don't care if Hilary Clinton is supported by a progressive, she's not going to listen to a progressive on the majority of issues. I don't care about style, I care about substance. People are speculating that Warren is going for Vice President, because of this endorsement I'm moving her chances up from 0% to 40%. Obama also endorsed Clinton, that's boring: An establishment president endorsing a establishment candidate. You can sum up the Warren endorsement as a weak progressive endorsing a non progressive. The republican establishment is attacking Donald Trump over racist comments about a judge. Considering his campaign started off calling Mexicans rapists, this would seem curious. My prediction (they've been absolute shit this election) is they will suddenly stop attacking within two weeks. I think that donors are telling their lackys to attack in order to make Trump fall in line. It will probably work. | |||
Louie Gohmert, Trump |
Louie Gohmert, an elected US politician thinks about whether gays would be in space if an astroid hit. This is again a representative of the US. He's not thinking about ways to reduce inequality, how to save humanity from climate change. He's thinking about whether gays should be allowed on spaceships. Previously he mentioned something about a gay island. No idea if he is a closet case lashing out, or just a lunatic, maybe both. I will now mock him. So, explain to me: If Jesus came back to earth and the non gays are in space, would he be able to find the non gays? Would everyone have to wait for him to get the non gays? Otherwise if the earth is destroyed and Jesus said he'd come back and take the christians to heaven does that mean he lied? Are you calling Jesus a liar Louie? I am very happy to pay a reporter $200 if you get him on video answering these questions! I really want him to answer.
Hilary Clinton is under FBI investigation, and Donald Trump's University is being sued. These are your presidential candidates. Trump University appears to be a total scam. Trump said he hand picked tutors, he did no such thing. It even had to change its name because you're not allowed to use the word university if you are not accredited. The person who demanded Obama to release his college transcripts, ran a fake university, and is running for president. He also has been involved in "many many" other lawsuits. He says that he will get the best people. I wonder if his four companies that have filled for bankruptcy had the best people. Why would anybody trust his judgment? | |||
Debates, California, Nukes |
Hilary Clinton doesn't want to debate Bernie Sanders again, considering she almost can't lose I almost don't blame her. Then again if you almost can't lose, why not go on TV and gloat hahaha. Bernie Sanders has offered to debate Donald Trump instead. Trump gave mixed signals, but ultimately declined.
Sanders is heavily focused on winning the Californian primary, which is not going to help him win the presidency, but I do like seeing TheYoungTurks at Californian rallies even though their candidate probably won't win the nomination. California is the biggest state in the US, so that would be great to win. However failing an indictment of Hilary Clinton I really don't see the super delegates changing their mind. Sorry Bernie, you've tried! Obama visited Hiroshima and released a video saying that we should end nukes. A curious way to do this is upgrading the US nuclear arsenal to the tune of 1 trillion dollars, but apparently they can't afford universal college. Question, what's the point of paying for something that you're never going to use? Even if you want to maintain some nukes you don't need to spend 1 trillion dollars surely. Just how much of this is going to private contractors? I'm curious to know. What exactly do the US taxpayers get out of this? They get nukes??? Right wing morons complain about paying for the less fortunate's health-care and education but then the US government spends 1 trillion dollars on something they'll probably never use. I covered a story on additional waste at the Pentagon to the tune of billions per year. Curious how Fox News covers negative stories about the poorest people in society and not how the Pentagon wastes billions per year. This reminds me of another ridiculous story; the Pentagon is investing in technology to scan your face see if you are a terrorist or white collar criminal. This sounds absolutely ridiculous and I don't believe such claims at all. This is what the Pentagon is spending its money on. Clearly poor people are the problem! | |||
Bathrooms, Democrates, Trump |
The small government republican party, the party of freedom is now creating laws deciding which bathrooms transgender people use. They are using assaults as an excuse. Firstly there's no evidence at all that unisex bathrooms lead to more assaults. None, nada, nill, zip, Zero. This fear is entirely made up! Secondly 15% of the population is gay, 30-40% of are bisexual. What the fuck is the difference between a bisexual women going into a women's bathroom and a transgender man that looks like a woman going into a women's bathroom. Very little. Also I think unusual activity in bathrooms will draw attention pretty quickly. I am not denying that a small percentage of people may abuse anything, there is absolutely no evidence that such abuse is significant. If that happens, I would revisit the issue but most of the abuse would come from people pretending to be transgendered, but again this isn't happening and in that case you would be punishing a minority for what others are doing. This makes no sense. You punish the people actually doing it.
The DNC has a new bullshit line that Bernie Sanders supporters being violent at the NV democratic convention. Let me pull a Trump; SHOW ME THE POLICE REPORTS! There was police at the event, I saw the pictures, but there was also no pictures or video of chairs being thrown or any kind of violence. No arrests. This seems entirely made up. So they're saying that nobody took a picture of the damage? Nobody? Some Hilary supporters obviously live in a world where everybody is as stupid as they are. There's video of Bernie supporters getting very angry and a single guy picking up a chair only to place it down without throwing it. There was no evidence of actual violence or property damage at all. 54 Bernie delegates were rejected because of "paperwork issues", this was why they were angry. Funny how this got very little press coverage and claims of violence without any evidence got huge coverage. I have two amusing Trump stories for you. He attempted to sue the satirical site The Onion in 2013 over a piece he apparently wrote for them, but of course he didn't. The entire point of satire is to do utterly fictional stories to amuse people. I'll be generous to Trump and assume that he was suing for the attention, unless he either found a lawyer as stupid as he is, or a lawyer that knows Trump is stupid and took his money anyway. The second story is just plain bizarre. In the nineties he used to call news organizations pretending he was his own PR person, one of the names he used was John Miller. He even bragged about how he was desired by women. This is Batshit insane. This guy is probably a nutter. The worse part of these stories is no republican candidate thought to do opposition research on him. Politicians are stupid and don't know what they are doing. | |||
Hilary Clinton, Joe Biden, Brazil coup |
I've been hesitant to mention this but Hilary Clinton is currently under FBI investigation. Some people (Hilary supporters) believe that it will come to nothing, others (mainly Hilary haters) believe she may get indicted. I believe that it will be negligent if I didn't at least mention this. I do know that Hilary hasn't been cleared despite what media outlets are saying. If I understand things correctly this has little to do with her Emails and more to do with whether she did favours in the State Department for donors of the Clinton Foundation.
People in the "establishment" have started to acknowledge the indictment and have said that if an indictment happens they'll vote for Joe Biden. Who is now appearing saying that he'd make the best president? Joe Biden! Fuck the only other candidate that has won a significant number of Democrate primaries. The "establishment" is ready to put in Joe Biden if the shit hits the fan. I don't know if it will, but it's a possibility. Fuck Bernie Sanders supporters is the clear message. I said last week that Elizabeth Warren wouldn't be Hilary's running mate. Biden has already said that he'd choose her as a running mate, despite not actually running for president. I don't know if this would be the best move to combat Trump, but let's not discuss this until it happens, if it does at all. Let's make fun of Hilary. Did you know that she's practically tying with Donald Trump in several swing states? So for people who have decided that Hilary Clinton is more electable than Bernie Sanders, she's tying with a guy that asked for Obama's birth certificate. Who called Mexicans rapists and criminals. Who was regarded by everyone as a joke candidate at the start, I think that he has moved on from treating it as a joke and could be seriously running now. She's apparently so electable but can't even significantly beat Trump? This is who you consider electable? Fuck off! Brazil has a new unelected leader. Someone with literally a 1% approval rating. The old leader was put up on corruption charges however that appears to be a farce, this appears to be a corporate coup. The old leader was a leftist, the new leader is pro market and is keen to do favours for foreign investors and according to Al Zazerra assigned ministers implicated in corruption. Glen Grenwald who lives in Brazil told Democracy Now the opposition couldn't defeat The Workers' Party in 4 straight elections at the ballot box so they are trying a coup. He claims that there is no legal justification for it. | |||
Trump victory, Running mates |
Donald Trump is officially the republican nominee. The two others dropped out. My prediction was wrong but luckily all the mainstream pundits and most of the progressive pundits were also wrong. I guess nobody thought republicans would vote 60% for a total baffoon. I thought that Ted Cruz was too narcissistic to drop out. I know that the remaining two had a plan to stop Trump from getting the number of delegates needed, obviously they abandoned that plan pretty quickly. The Republican establishment remains unhappy with Trump. Charles Koch of the infamous Koch brothers says that Hilary probably would make a better president in some regards. The Bush family says that they won't campaign for Trump. Hilary Clinton is now eyeing up Republican donors who are dissatisfied with Trump, of course, she's Corporate Clinton! I said from the beginning the establishment is going to back Clinton if Trump wins the nomination, and that's where we are. Bernie Sanders would have been a different story but that is terribly unlikely.
Ted Cruz chose Carly Fiorina as his running mate then dropped out a week later. Fiorina did a creepy song at the announcement to make her seem more human, didn't really work out. No surprise considering Ted Cruz is not a creditable human being either. Ben Carson has a task of picking Trumps running mate. If we're very lucky he will pull a Cheney and pick himself as a running mate. Otherwise he's batshit crazy, the chance of him picking another batshit crazy candidate is not low. Pundits are assessing sensible options, but it's Trump, I wouldn't bother. I am calling it now. Elizabeth Warren WILL NOT be Hilary Clinton's running mate. Firstly they wanted to say that all the women senators endorsed Hilary Clinton; she was the only hold out and still is. Secondly she criticized Hilary a few years ago on the bankruptcy bill; she revealed that Hilary stopped the bill when she was first lady but voted for it as a senator. This is what you call a flip flop. Thirdly Hilary has clearly stated that she is not going to do anything to please Bernie supporters. I would be shocked if Elizabeth Warren is chosen. Frankly I don't really want Elizabeth Warren losing credibility by siding with Corporate Clinton. | |||
New York primaries 2016 |
Clinton and Trump dominated in New York. Cruz now can't win even if he gets all delegates. This means either Trump will win outright or the process will go to a contested convention if he's short of the magic number of delegates. Both cases shouldn't be ruled out. I still maintain that he doesn't want to be president and the fact that he said 711 instead of 911 in a speech without correcting it immediately after could be further evidence.
It's getting more unlikely that Bernie will take this out. Hilary Clinton will be disastrous for the American people especially if the economy collapses again. Before Glass-Steagall there was a banking collapse every 15 years. If a Democrate is in charge when another crash happens the American people will blame the Democrates and elect republicans. Even if the economy doesn't collapse it's highly unlikely that the American people will elect 3 democrates in a row if inequality doesn't decrease significantly; according to some indicators it is going up under Obama. Hilary Clinton is ideologically a republican on the economy and military; it's easier to fight republican ideas from republican than democrates. We're looking at a spiral of republicanism for the next 8-16 years. A Hilary Clinton presidency will be terrible for progressives. | |||
Donald Trump does not want to be president, Toby Turner |
Donald Trump does not want to be president. You can make me a tinfoil hat if you want and I could be wrong. Hear me out.
He hates George W Bush, Mitt Romney and John McCain. But Sarah Palin is speaking for him. She's political kyrptonite, she alone completely wrecked the McCain campaign. You don't let Sarah Palin speak for you if you want to win. No ground game in Iwoa. His policies are not well thought out, though being a right winger, this is not unusual. He once did an Hilary attack ad of her barking like a dog, not the stuff of a serious politician. David Pakman reported on a former head of a pro Super PAC saying that Trump's goal was a protest candidacy and the goal was number two, not number one. The Trump campaign has denied this. These two things are probably the most obvious statements that say to me he doesn't want to get elected "I could shoot someone in the street and not lose support" and "I love the uneducated" Particularly the first, you don't say that if you want to be president. No! Game over! Right from the start this campain was about publicity "mexicans are rapists", "I like people who were not captured" (funniest quote ever). The question was if it turned into a serious campaign after losing his TV show. I have concluded no. There are just too many things that would never happen in a serious campaign. Donald Trump was hated well before running for president with the Obama birth certificate movement and the show your college transcripts Obama. (ironically Trump was sued for running a fake university) Some people with Narcissistic Personality Disorder like being hated. I don't know if this is part of it, but at the very minimum he likes being in the news. I really don't think he wants to be president. A lot of time people vote for fake politicians (Hilary Clinton) but the difference with Trump is people may be voting for an utterly fake politician with no desire to get elected. Trump's campaign is completely bogus made real by complete idiots that take him seriously. It also really doesn't matter if I am totally wrong and he wants to be president, he is not going to get enough delegates to outright win at the republican convention and someone else will take it. Toby Turner, a YouTuber got accused of sexual assault. I have no desire to comment on if he's guilty. I believe in innocent until proven guilty if the state accuses you of something but also don't want to dismiss alleged victims and ultimately lean on this side. Since the accusations other people have called him a drug user and cheater. To be honest I couldn't care less if people use drugs or have sex with a lot of people. Good for them. Although my line is firmly drawn at drugging other people against their will which is one of the allegations, this is not OK. Philip DeFranco also weighed in by saying that Toby has surrounded himself with yes people. Based on what I have heard the last few days, he appears to have characteristics of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. It is unfortunate that victims don't go to the police sooner, but with today's society you get victim blaming, people not believing it happened and a conviction is not easy. Victims should go the proper channels immediately but I understand why many do not do this. Society needs to give more people the ability to do this. The allegations are just one in a long line of dodgy behaviour from YouTubers. I call YouTube a decentralized Hollywood, certain people are attracted to fame, specifically narcissists. These people are more likely to abuse people. It could be unavoidable that abusers are in all types of entertainment. Bad characters are rampant in the music industry, when anyone worldwide can now hit fame it is inevitable bad characters are in the mix. | |||
Hilary Clinton and Panama Papers |
I now regard Hilary Clinton as a disgusting human being and I probably wouldn't vote for her if I could even though I believe that you must always vote for the lesser evil. Hilary Clinton implied this week that Sanders is against the Sandy Hook families because he doesn't believe in lawsuits prosecuting gun manufacturers for legal sales of guns. She just used an event where a classroom of children were killed for her own political gain. Now the reality is Sanders would ban assault rifles, Clinton would ban assaults rifles. They're actually no different on the policy that would prevent these shootings. It is important to remember that such shootings only started happening after George W Bush let the assault rifle ban expire. So on policy to prevent them, exactly the same. Sanders is pro lawsuits if the guns would sold illegally, just not legally. Some progressives favour this, others use a slippery slope argument; if you prosecute them for school shootings, can you prosecute them for liquor store robberies? Wouldn't it just put them out of business? Honestly I'm neither for or against such a policy, I maybe leaning towards being for even though the arguments against are valid. Even so Bernie never said the current lawsuit were baseless and even clarified this point. Again, here she is using the families of children that have been shot for her own political gain. She should be held in contempt. If you really don't mind this, you cannot say that it was absolutely necessary for her to use victims in this way, is there no other attack she could use on Bernie Sanders? Are you really comfortable with this as a "liberal" supporting Hilary Clinton? Bernie Sanders wants to ban assault rifles, just like Hilary Clinton. If he didn't then the attack would be more substantive. A point just occurred to me, at a victory speech she named multiple African Americans that have been shot and killed, well a viewer of TheYoungTurks said every one of them was in an upcoming primary state. This could be a coincidence, but putting two and two together she appears to have no problem using personal tragedies for political gain.
The above story originated from a New York Daily News piece, owned by a supporter of Hilary Clinton by the way. In the interview they deliberately asked confusing question, they "bundled facts" according to mainstream news outlet and made Bernie Sanders out to not know what he was talking about, even though this wasn't the case. For example they asked did he agree with Obama's move to transfer drone strikes from the CIA to the military. Something that never actually happened. They tried to confused him with his answer to breaking up the big banks by mysteriously inserting the Federal Reserve in the follow up question, which was not really relevant. They asked how he would up the banks, he cited the power of Dodd-Frank which is exactly what Hilary would do, but he definitely would break them up. Inserting the Federal Reserve where it was not necessary was a trick as his answer had nothing to do with the Federal Reserve. He was also made out to be anti-Israel, he's Jewish you idiots! He has won 7/8 states, I really hope that the winning continues as Hilary Clinton is vile scum at this point. A big news story was the Panama papers being leaked. These leaks reveal many world leaders are hiding their wealth. Some are not terribly surprised by this. Iceland's leader has stepped down, ironically Iceland was notorious for doing good things when it came to banking. Putin is named, so is David Cameron who is actually taking some media heat for his family's involvement. Putin probably won't be affected, Cameron will probably stay too. An important point is Cameron not only benefited from offshore havens but also lobbied the EU against a crackdown on such havens.The issues in the Panama Papers are a inaccurate representation of the problem, Panama is only the forth largest haven. It was also the largest leak in history at 2.6 Terabytes in data. It already had lasting affects in Iceland, it will be interesting to see what other fall out it will have. I don't really feel like posting about Donald Trump, I'll do my speculation post next week. | |||
Trump, Rachel Maddow |
Trump wants to punish women who have abortions. He was pro choice before the election, he's probably still pro choice and probably just saying crap to get attention, or votes. I will not bother analyzing his position because he probably doesn't mean it. He is probably just saying random stuff and probably won't get enough delegates for the republican convention from the numbers I have seen. There's an awful lot of probablys in this. I don't think he actually wants to be president, more on that next week.
I want to talk about Rachel Maddow's town hall and what an abysmal job she did. Firstly I don't care what Hilary Clinton has to say on abortion, everybody knows she's pro choice, that's not riveting information. Rachel spent half the two interviews asking the two candidates about Republicans. The whole thing was a waste of time. Rachel does a decent job normally, but this was not such a time. Rachel has to work with MSNBC in what she covers, I believe she's fairly liberal but probably has to mute her views on things like TPPA. This is sad, but if you want unfiltered opinions watch The Young Turks, David Pakman, Secular Talk, read this blog. TV producers decide what you see, go elsewhere, but be careful you don't follow lunatics. Except me, I'm a lunatic with facts on my side. | |||
Republican Endorsements |
Let's talk about Republican endorsements from 3 former candidates.
Chris Christie endorsed Trump and was campaigning with him. This after telling people how terrible he was when running. Suddenly when he's not running sucking up to power is a good idea. Maybe he wants a cabinet position or Vice President. Trouble is Trump is not good at rewarding people, he's good at screwing people over. There was the time when he agreed to do a speech, but suddenly quadrupled his fee and told the group to find the money or he wasn't coming. Of course his 4 business bankruptcies was also indicators that he is not terribly good at following through. Ben Carson endorsed Trump, like everything he does it turned out to be a cluserfuck. He said that he would rather endorse Kasich or Rubio but didn't see a path to victory for them. It gets better! He said that he has discussed an advisory role with Trump. If he had any brains he would have shut up about these things, but it's Ben Carson! Linsay Graham has endorsed Cruz but similar to Carson he sucks at endorsements. He said up front that Cruz was his 15th choice, out of 17 candidates. He's basically endorsing Cruz because he hates Trump. He said that John Kasich would make a better president than Cruz. The only remotely positive things he said about Cruz was that he would be "competitive" against Clinton and \'take the country in a different direction". He also said Cruz would make a better president than Trump. These endorsements by Graham and Carson seem unusually honest but with friends like these, who needs enemies? | |||
Rubio out, Primaries update |
Trump and Clinton had a great week in the primaries, which is not good. Rubio has quit and is not running for his senate seat again, this race just got much uglier! Speaking of ugly, the establishment has began to accept Trump. I think some in the establishment view him as inevitable. Perhaps if the establishment didn't cover him constantly for months and months and months they wouldn't be in this position. Never fear, the establishment still has Hilary, unless Bernie wins. If he doesn't win which seems increasingly likely the establishment will go for Corporate Clinton. If Bernie wins, they'll jump to Trump so fast it'll make your head spin!
Trump has suggested there would be riots if he wasn't chosen at the Republican convention. We know that Trump supporters can be violent. They have assaulted protesters in the past. There could well be violence at the upcoming republican convention. Trump needs 50% of the delegates + 1 to outright win. I don't know if he'll get that amount. If he doesn't then it could be anyone's nomination; not just current or former candidates. This would also be extremely rare but if it was going to happen it would be this time. | |||
Hilary Clinton and minorities |
Hilary Clinton said something very stupid. Nancy Regan died and Hilary praised her on her AIDS activism. The problem is the Regan administration is universally hated in the gay community for inaction on the AIDS crises for at least half of their term. Their press secretary joked about "gay plagues". One of Nancy's friends reached out to her at the Whitehouse but was denied, then died. The Regan administration certainly were no friends to AIDS victims. Originally I called this an honest mistake but if she is really this ignorant on this subject I interpret this as her not really caring about gay issues. It was my position before that she is just using the GLBT community for votes, I am even more convinced of this. The fact is that she was only for gay marriage in 2013, when it was convenient according to the polls to switch. Hilary Clinton cares about Hilary Clinton, nothing more.
It is also deeply disturbing that people with black skin are supporting Hilary Clinton. This is really against their interest. Firstly she is against cannabis legalization, Bernie is for. Remember minorities are arrested at a much higher rates than the regular population despite doing drugs at the same rates. On minimum wage Hilary wants $12, Bernie wants $15, again an issue that disproportionately affects minorities. Let alone her speech about \'super predators" advocating for a law responsible for locking up people including minorities, some unfairly. Proving once again she is very happy to throw minorities under the bus when it is politically convenient. Don't vote for Hilary Clinton. | |||
Super Tuesday, Trump, Carson |
Super Tuesday happened. Trump won most of the Republican side, Cruz won 3, Rubio 1. Not good for Rubio. On the democrate side Sanders won 4 states, Corporte Clinton won the rest. Most of what Corporte Clinton won was southern states, which are not known for being liberal. Sanders must win the majority going forward otherwise he's history.
In this week's Republican debate Trump defended the size of his hands which was code for penis. Either he doesn't know what he is doing or actively trying to turn off voters which is a theory going around. However if he doesn't want voters why doesn't he drop out? Perhaps because he's winning and it would look terrible, although he looks terrible anyway! I do believe running for president was a publicity stunt that ran away. Like Bernie Sanders he didn't expect this level of success. There real question is if whether it turned into a serious run. His policy's are not well researched and he literally said he could shoot people in the street and not lose support. There could be something to this theory. He also says that he is self funding his campaign, that's not true. Firstly before he launched his campaign he approached donors; they said no. Secondly most of the money he has given his campaign are loans. Thirdly he actually has some donors too and this will undoubtly increase if he is indeed serious and gets the nomination. Ben Carson drops out. No big surprise. His support was abysmal. His supporters will probably go to Ted Cruz. His run was primarily a amongst money making scheme to sell books and pay consultants. I loved the line \'the loved me but didn't vote for me". He was highly entertaining though. "Putin is a one horse country" Carson nearly rivaled Donald Trump in amusement. | |||
Apple, Bush, Rubio |
A big technology story is the FBI want into a former terrorist phone, former terrorist as in the terrorist is now dead. The FBI want Apple to make a backdoor into everyone's phone. Firstly I just don't believe existing phones are unhackable. If the data shuts off after a certain number of attempts the solution would be to copy the data at the BIOS level over and over and have unlimited attempts that way. I understand there's hardware encryption as well, but that could probably be cracked similarly. Sure it's going to take massive amounts of resources, but I don't believe that it is impossible. This could be about creating an easier backdoor, or maybe I am wrong. Secondly even if Apple did this interested parties will undoubtedly use other encryption software. So this is not a magic bullet. They could use specific software packages on the IPhone for this, or other devices with such software. Finally the terrorists they're talking about are dead and were lone wolves. As I understand it they were inspired by ISIS but not connected to the organization. There's probably no valuable organization on there anyway.
Jeb Bush has dropped out of the Republican primaries. A few months too late. He was a useless candidate, even with more than 122 million dollars behind him. Unlike his brother he did not come across as very likeable. He also didn't fight back in debates. He brought out his mother that said he was too polite. In a last resort effort he brought out his brother but unsurprisingly that couldn't save his campaign. His donors and votes will now go to Marco Rubio. It's unlikely that Rubio can beat Trump although he hammered Trump in the latest debate. Let's talk about Marco Rubio. He's significant better looking than the other candidates and I wouldn't mind him winning the primary for that reason. Although in polls he's actually beating Hilary Clinton, Bernie Sanders still defeats him but remember Bernie is unelectable, even though he's beating every other Republican candidate in polls unlike Hilary. It's the establishment that wants Sanders to be viewed as unelectable. The establishment also loves Rubio, probably because he's thick and will do whatever they wants. He speaks primarily in talking points and mostly avoids questions from the press, this is probably not the best strategy but does make him stop looking like an idiot the majority of the time. He's another George W Bush. If I recall correctly he donors include the private prison industry, not my kind of guy. | |||
Anderson Cooper, Rappers, Antonin Scalia |
Anderson Cooper is an establishment hack. I had the misfortune of listening to a Republican town hall with him and I didn't see the point of the event. Rather than asking the candidates about policy he ask them if they sang to their wife and if they were colour blind. It was an absolutely miserable failure of the forth estate. It was split up between 2 nights. I didn't see the second as a democrate towan hall was on. This system is quite ridiculous. It should be only one political event at a time so interested parties can see everything. Not everyone can view on demand.
In the same week 50 Cent and Kanye West have reported going broke. 50 Cent has a bankruptcy deal. West is apparently 50 million dollars in debt and asked Mark Zuckerburg to invest in him. When asking for investment you might not want to publicly announce you're 50 million dollars in debt. His financial situation is so bad he's running for president in 2020. No seriously, this guy said last year he's considering running. He could be the next Donald Trump. Antonin Scalia died. He was a Supreme Court judge. He was also a supreme bigot, religious nut and friend to money in politics. I didn't like him. Anyway he's gone and needs to be replaced. Republicans have repeatedly said that they're not going to let Obama replace him, a surprised to nobody. They said they should wait until the next president. There is no constitutional basis for this, but that's a fact, facts are completely irrelevant to republicans. Let's just break the Supreme Court for the next 7 months, who cares? I fear that Obama will eventually put up a conservative to try and appease republicans, but I am not sure if even that would work. Final thought for Republicans that insist that the next president should choose a replacement the next question should be: What if it's Sanders? Or Clinton? | |||
Clinton and New Hamshire |
I am sick of Hilary using sexism to get votes, it's downright insulting to women. The idea that women should support Hilary because she's a women robs them of independent thought and is specifically anti feminism. If I was a women I would feel insulted. They are telling women to ignore Hilary's Wall Street ties and every bit of policy by voting for her regardless. This would appear a bad strategy since young women are supporting Bernie Sanders.
In this campaign young women are accused of supporting Bernie Sanders \'to be with the boys". That makes sense. The reason that they are going to see an 83 year old speak is because they are horny! Apparently Tindr doesn't exist where Bernie Sanders goes, so young women are just so deprived of sex they have to go to a Bernie Sanders rally to get laid. Dating has never been more accessible. Again they are saying that young women have no interest in politics and only want dates. I don't know how you support people saying this shit if you are a feminist. They appear to push the women are simple minded and boy crazy stereotype; ridiculous coming from feminist icons. Casualties from New Hamshire, Carly Fiorina, Chris Christie. Christie is scum that shut down a bridge, diverted Hurricane Sandy funds to towns that didn't need it and gave away 9/11 wreckage to cronies. He was popular before these scandals, not so much now. Trump and Sanders won by miles. | |||
Iwoa 2016 |
Quick race update after the Iowa caucus Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Rand Paul, and the third Democrate Martyn O'Mailey. If I were a Democrate I would have voted for Martyn if Bernie wasn't in the race. Fuckabee is vial scum, so is Santorum. Paul made more sense on some issues but lacked any credibility as a libertarian, at least from the public perception. I am not a libertarian, but on isolated issues they make sense, but are still batshit crazy on the majority of the issues. Fuckabee and Santorum will go to a heavily religious candidate like Carson Cruz or Rubio. Trump's lead should narrow.
Oh Trump, he didn't win Iwoa, so that makes him a LOSER! Afterwards he cried about it like a BABY! I am using those words because that's what he has called other people in the past. Trump lost by 1%, if he had bothered with a ground game he would have had a better shot. He had no ground game, sounds like how I promote my stand up comedy gigs. Ted Cruz won but this can be ignored. Historically very few Iowa winners went on to win the nomination. As I predicted Bernie has caught up in the polls to Hilary. In Iowa he only lost by 0.3%. He's going to win a state next week, this will further boost his poll numbers. Again anybody still saying Hilary will definitely win is not paying attention, or engaging in a heavy dose of wishful thinking. The fact is Hilary isn't particularly good at winning Democratic presidental primaries, this is going the same way. She is now saying that she can work with the Republicans. Really? She expects to work with the Bengazi pitch fork people? She appears utterly delusional. Obama also wanted to work with the Republicans, instead he got a government shut down and record number of fillbusters, so I wish you luck on that Hilary. Bill Clinton worked with the Republicans (before the Tea Party, which makes a difference) and did great things like completely fucking over gay rights and derregulating Wall Street which partly lead to the 2008 collapse. So spare me Hilary supporters, her lost will be celebrated. | |||
Gays and republicans |
Hilary Clinton got the memo, it's not popular to discriminate against gay people even though her husband signed multiple anti gay laws. She has moved with the times, but probably she has moved with the polls, like Obama. Oklahoma republicans haven't gotten the memo and have put forward multiple anti gay bills like banning people with diseases from getting married, which also includes straight people and many gay people don't have HIV. This is a dumb law. The law also encourage people to seek conversion therapy, something with no evidence behind it, much like trickle down economics. What I find amusing is the Republicans pride themselves about being small government and freedom but want to police everybody's relationships. They're unbelievable hypocrites. They don't want to pay for food stamps for poor people because they're small government but will spend trillions on unnecessary wars; creating a government so big it overflows to the middle east. DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION AND THE SECOND AMENDMENT but completely ignore the right to privacy part of the constitution, collect everyone's data, spend 6 billion a year doing so while claiming to be fiscally conservative and for small government.
There was a 7th Republican debate, Donald Trump didn't participate because Megyn Kelly was mean to him last time. That was pretty much his reason. How pathetic. I listened to it live and the Republicans sounded no less clownish without him. | |||
Sarah Palin and Oregon |
Sarah Palin is back on the political scene. She has endorsed Donald Trump for president, which makes sense, one clown would endorse another. Her son Track was charged with domestic abuse. Sarah Palin did a speech blaming Obama for not providing PTSD services. Can I ask where was her outrage when the Republicans were refusing to provide funding for a veterans health bill. Republicans only care about something when it affects them, so piss off with your comments about Obama. An AR15 was mentioned in the story, if Sarah was concerned about Track being hardened after coming back from combat why give him access to a AR15? I can find no evidence that PTSD causes violent behaviour so I am forced to conclude that she is wrong on that but even if she was right the party that she's a member of actively fights against providing health care, to anyone. So this attack is hypocritical.
The Oregon situation is still going on, I think there was only one arrest in three weeks. I would arrest the lot of the occupying militia on day 3, or at the very least one by one as they come out and get postage etc. One amusing thing that I want to note is these are apparent conservative heroes, but conservatives should in fact hate them. Firstly they don't appear to have a job. They are relying on hand outs, well technically charity but conservatives are all about personal responsibility. Also they're deadbeat dads that have abandoned their children. I am just finding this amusing, but they're also long overdue to be arrested. | |||
The Clintons |
Bernie Sanders is catching up to Hilary Clinton, she is now attacking him with some nonsense attacks. First her campaign is calling him soft on Wall Street which since he's going around stating he's going to break up the banks, is a really stupid attack. Also Clinton herself took hundreds of thousands from the banks personally in speaking fees. I think everybody knows who will be soft on Wall Street. Maybe it's projection. Oh but she said in 2007 "cut it out", then the bankers crashed the economy, so not really effective in getting bankers to listen to her.
I also don't like attacking the children of the candidates, but when you bring out your daughter to make dumb attacks on Bernie Sanders, I am going to attack. Chelsea Clinton said that Bernie Sanders is going to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, which is technically true but he is going to replace it with something better. The A.C.A. is not going to be needed because he is going to do away with private insurance for public health care. Instead of paying insurance companies you'll just pay the government which does not have a profit motive. The end result is a CHEAPER system. The Clintons are lying that it will cost America trillions, they already pay for the most expensive system in the developed world. The money will just be transferred to the government and probably be cheaper to run. The republicans have constantly trashed Hilary's reputation over the years. Her launching dishonest attacks is not the direction I'd go. If you want to attack him, do it honestly. Otherwise you are not helping your reputation. Now, people are living in Cloud Cuckoo Land if they think that Bernie can't beat Hilary Clinton, I would be willing to gamble that he will, does anyone want to bet? If you think he has no chance of winning the primaries, you're an absolute fool. I'd say it's 50/50. Hilary Clinton is probably not going to win. It won't be Bush vs Clinton, my guess is Sanders vs Trump or Sanders vs Rubio. Or substitute Clinton for Sanders. | |||
California leaks, Oklahoma rocks, Oregon under attack, Anderson Cooper |
California has a methane leak which has gone on since October and apparently the company can't fix it until February. The leak will produce more CO2 than if millions of cars were on the road for a year.cancer causing chemicals have been released, homes have been evaluated. A state on emergency has finally be called, finally. It's worth noting that the Governors sisters is on the company's board. I really don't know why the Federal Government hasn't already stepped in. If people have been evacuated this is very serious and they should ensure that it is fixed as soon as possible.
Oklahoma has had more earthquakes and this appears to be increasing, before fracking there was almost none. after fracking the rates are through the roof with 30 earthquakes in 20 hours. This is now causing damage locally and should be immediately stopped, unfortunately that is not going to happen local authorities can't ban fracking. People in Oklahoma should immediately protest until something is done about the laws. Fracking also causes problems with drinking water and in my opinion should be banned. In Oregon a right wing militia has invaded a federal building at a wildlife reserve, which just seems weird and random to me. They invaded to protest a pair of guys going back to prison after the feds say they must serve their mandatory minimum; the state let them out early. Now from my understanding the pair gave themselves up early on but the militia is still there saying "We're willing to kill or be killed", no this is not ISIS, this is the Bundy family. What is amazing is they are allowed to do interviews and get snacks without getting arrested. If Black Lives Matter did this shit they probably would be shot. If these were Muslims Fox News would scream OREGON UNDER ATTACK BY TERRORISTS 24/7. Apparently if you white you can just take over some federal building for about a week without getting arrested. Obama announced he is doing Executive Action on guns which is my opinion is very weak and doesn't even do the Clinton ban on assault rifles. In short: he has lifted the ban on gun research and allowed more background checks to happen. Anderson Cooper was interviewing him about it and said crazy. He questioned whether Obama wanted to take away people's guns, which is nothing more than a fantasy by the right wing. What is next for Anderson Cooper? Asking whether the moon landing was faked or the world is run by lizards? If Cooper's intention was to debunk the conspiracy theory, he could have framed those questions better. Bad job. I have to ask what is the point of such questions? You're not going to change people's minds on the issue since they don't think rationally. The fact is Obama isn't going to snatch away people's guns in his last month in office and this incredibly weak gun action will probably be the last. Calm down. | |||
Terrorism charges sky high equls massive failure |
US terrorism related charges were at the highest point at 2015. A total of 60. This is to do with ISIS' use of social media. ISIS has a younger target demographic than Al Qaeda. I have just one question, why doesn't the US government shut the sites down? It shouldn't be that hard to get sites and countries to shut down the pages. They spend 6 billion per year collecting everybody's data but allow ISIS to recruit through social media. Huh? Even Anonymous can shut down social media accounts. You must be among the most incompetent people in the world if you can't effectively do this. The second aspect of this story is people are being charged with terroristic threats for Twitter jokes. I don't know how much of that is this.
Speaking of Terrorism, Al Qaeda appears to be back in Afghanistan. The war on terror appears as effective as the war on drugs; not effective at all! If 2015 was a record high in US terrorism charges, they are obviously not very effective at stomping it out. | |||
Republicans and Automated Cars |
Bobby Jindal and Lindey Graham have dropped out of the republican race. Jindal dropped out weeks ago, pretended to be tanned when he is actually of Indian ancestry. Which I actually admired, that tells me he knew that the republicans are racist fuckers. Graham is a war hawk with a love of Putin. For the record I am not saying that he may be a closet case, I will not bring up the fact that he might be in the closet. Would I do that? No! He likes big guns. (military guns) His job was advocating for more war; since almost everybody in the last debate was saying that they would bomb the shit out of the middle east, mission accomplished.
It turns out there's issues with automated cars, the accident rate is about twice as high. This is interesting enough caused by human drivers as they run stop signs and expect the automated cars to run stop signs too, when they don't they crash. The technology obviously still needs work but will get there. On a personal note I'd rather be hit from the back than from the front. (this is not sexual) I have been in a close call from the front and it was the scaryest fucking thing in my life. I also was hit from the back (same driver with me) after an initial bang it was over. I believe that automated cars could give people with disabilities more independence, but it is auto essential there are safe guards against hacking. | |||
Catlyn Jenner, Bernie Sanders |
I am sick of covering the Jenner family and when I said I will continue to criticize Catlyn I never wanted to actually write about her again. After this post I'm putting a ban on the Jenner family unless something major happens. So she said in an interview that she deliberately looks feminine because people are uncomfortable with guys in dresses, then she apologized afterwards for these comments claiming she was interpreted and she has always tried to be a force for good. If by force for good, she means good for Catlyn's ego then I agree. The fact is if she actually cared about the issues facing transgender people she would have realized that the suicide rate is shockingly high. One thing that does not help is a comment on how people are uncomfortable by, the appearance of transgender people, this message is highly damaging to people struggling with issues. It's the last thing that they should hear. As a transgender icon Catlyn does suck, so the media needs to stop treating her as one and find other angles to cover her.
The Sanders campaign is in trouble after a breach of security of Clinton's campagn data by one of Bernie's staff. I note that they claim to have told the DNC about the security hole and there is no evidence linking Bernie Sanders to the breach. You can argue if the breach was legitimate; let's just assume it was. The staffer involved was fired. The problem for the campaign is that the DNC has blocked them from accessing this data. As much as I like Bernie Sanders and hope that he wins; relying on such infrastructure was a poor decision. At the very minimum this will set the campaign back a bit because they have to spend time on this issue. I guess the the lesson from this is be careful who you employ, one could add especially if the establishment is looking for reasons to destroy you. It's interesting that the head of the DNC was a co chair for Clinton in 2008. Let's put conspiracy theories aside. The most appropriate way to handle the breach is to say to Sanders, here's a hard copy of your data, now fuck off. This would still seriously set back the Sanders campaign as they have to develop their own system. As I am typing this I learned that the campaign will get access to their data within 24 hours. Sanders' campaign should be more careful in future. | |||
Fascist Donald Trump, American Middle Class |
It has been over a month since I talked about Donald Trump, he has turned fascist. First he wants to put symbols on Muslims. Do you know who else was proposing similar? Hitler! Before he slaughtered millions of people. I thought Trump was running for the party of small government. How is maintaining a database of Muslims and forcing them to wear labels small government? Perhaps the Republicans who frequently compare Hilary to Hitler can explain that to me. Turns out, Republicans LOVE Hitler if he's white and male. He's also talking about banning new Muslims from the country. Is he so dense he doesn't understand THIS HELPS ISIS! The answer is, yes. In fact he's the perfect propaganda tool for ISIS, there is no better way to say the west hates you than to show them one of Donald Trump's speeches. Never mind the country was built on freedom of religion, you don't seriously expect presidents to follow the constitution, do you? People keep saying this isn't funny anymore. I disagree. Primary because with all the minority bashing he has no actual chance of getting votes from minorities, and you need them to get elected. I will continue to laugh and laugh at the idiots who think he has a shot. I'm 90% confident he will lose.
For the first time the middle class is not the majority, more people are in poverty. Thanks Obama! Of course it's not all his fault, but this also happened under his watch. He hasn't done enough for the middle class, but the Republicans are full of right wing crazies who would have been even worse. I blame the voters, they keep voting for politicians that fuck them. I also blame emotional attachments to the family's political party, which prevents people from actually thinking about politics. I also blame politicians that primarily do things for the rich and powerful, which are the majority. The result is wages have not kept up with inflation and more people are in poverty. | |||
Kylie Jenner and Terrorism |
Kylie Jenner did a photoshoot of her sitting in a wheelchair. Unlike some in the disability community I am not outraged; we have bigger problems than Kylie Jenner. The angle I am taking with this is, she claims growing up Kardashian is like having a disability. I'm sure many in the disability community would disagree. It is my position that being famous can be inherently damaging for many people. I am no hypocrite; I really have little interest in being famous, if I can have money without fame, that would suit just fine! Anyway the bigger question is, if she dislikes public life, why doesn't she fuck off? I am serious. If celebrities such as Kylie Jenner dislike public life so much the only solution for them is to fuck off out of the public eye. Instead she release a photoshoot that got attention and hate. If fame is making her unhappy. I would invite her to piss off.
Over the past three weeks there has been three terrorist attack in the west. Two Muslim, one Christian. One in Paris, two in the US. A Christian shot up a Planned Parenthood clinic, motivated by Christian ideology. One was ISIS, one was done by a couple of lone wolves inspired by ISIS. So what do we do? First we have to destroy the radical Muslim ideology, you can't do this through bombing or keeping refugees out. The Syrian refugees are running from ISIS, ISIS wants countries to shun refugees so they can say the west hates all Muslims let's fight them. Fighting low level terrorists won't work, a large number of innocents get killed and their friends and family join ISIS because someone they know was killed. The only solution is to gather intelligence and take out high level people, shut off their money supply and online communication systems. I'd even hack them and send ISIS members into traps and extract information from them. Instead of bombing local communities, work with them so they don't join ISIS. As far as the lone wolves inspired by ISIS and the endless string of (mainly Christian) mass shooters. Not letting them have assault rifles and stockpiles of weapons would be a good start. License guns and ensure background checks are effective. That's not the perfect solution, but it's a start. I don't see American politicians taking action anytime soon. Republicans are even happy letting those on the terrorist watch list be able to buy guns, how do Republicans keep America safe again? | |||
Carson, Trump |
I am frankly sick to death of Ben Carson but I am going to do this story on him, not because of the thing he said, but let me criticize the progressive media covering this. This is a more interesting angle. Carson said that China is in Syria. Firstly this is of course wrong, wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong. However is saying that the White House says this is incorrect, therefore it's incorrect really a good strategy. The White House also said there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and says that its drone program is a good idea. The White House frequently lies is not reliable on foreign policy. It is entirely fair to question his evidence or lack of evidence, he says that he has evidence, I would be highly surprised if his evidence didn't originate in his ass. Actually Carson reminds of Michele Bachmann, she would take things that people say and repeat them as fact. She once said that vaccinations cause brain damage, again this has no truth to it. I would say ask a brain surgeon, but apparently Ben Carson also offers factually incorrect information on vaccinations. Information such as it's beneficial to spread out the vaccinations more than the recommended guidelines, not true! He also doesn't understand that all recommended vaccinations are for diseases that cause death. This man is a doctor and is saying utterly false information to millions of people; who does he think he is? Doctor Oz???
Donald Trump says on vaccinations that they cause autism; Considering he also thought that Obama was not born in the United States, him believing in another flat out wrong conspiracy theory is the least surprising thing in the world. Someone should ask him about the moon landing. | |||
Obama, Carson, Trump |
I am not a fan of Obama but he does occasionally do the right thing. First he rejected the Keystone XL pipeline which was a surprising move from him. It was nothing but a big gift to oil companies with very little financial benefit to the United States. Supporters claimed it would give thousands of jobs, in reality it would only give a few hundred temporary jobs. He surprisingly made the right move. The second thing he has done is signed an Executive Order releasing thousands of non violent criminals. I give him credit however this is a drop in a bucket as far as I am concerned. He needs to dump sentening for drugs all together. This does nothing to solve the problem.
I can't help but mention he has recently agreed with the republicans to reform social security benefits for people with disabilities. Reform is another word for cut. I personally think that this is disgraceful and completely unnecessary. From my understanding and correct me if I am wrong social security is self funded through the payroll tax and can pay out all benefits for 20 years. There is no crisis. This is just shitting on potentially vulnerable people for no good reason. I don't expect Ben Carson to be in the republican race much longer. Since my last blog there has been a string of lies and crazy things Carson has said. Firstly he said that Joseph from the bible built the pyramids, something that is just historically not true. He also believes many scientists think aliens built the pyramids, I honestly find this more disturbing. There are no legitimate scientific papers that point to aliens visiting earth. This is just not true. He also said that he was offered a scholarship to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in a meeting, the meeting didn't happen and the particular university was free to attend. He told a story of him stabbing someone but missing and hitting the belt buckle, the story appears to be completely false. Oh he think that progressives are trying to kill him. If Alex Jones was running, his campaign would look a lot like Carson's. Carson appears to look crazyer and crazyer as time goes on, even by republican standards. Video has also surfaced of him claiming dietary supplements can cure cancer, shockingly like Mike Huckabee promoting bogus cures for Diabetes. Carson appears to be a pathological liar, hopefully he's on his way out. Trump released a book titled "Crippled America: How to make America great again". Now I am not suggesting people with disabilities should lynch donald Trump, but if that happened maybe I'd watch it over and over on YouTube. | |||
Carly Fiorina, College, Stephen Hawking |
Carly Fiorina is running for president, turns out she's super qualified. She slaughtered the value of HP and let go of 30,000 employees which is exactly what republicans want to do with government. She is running on her business record, but her business record is terrible. She was called \'the worse tech CEO of all time" by several publications including USA Today. I also highly doubt that republicans would vote for a women. She is one of those people who goes into government, who doesn't actually like government. "It is not the government's place to". Why would you run to be in something that you don't like? I could do a whole separate rant on the absurdity of anti government politicians. You hear all the time from conservatives that socialism rewards failure, but after an abysmal time at HP Fiorina got a golden parachute of 22 million dollars, tell me what system rewards failure again?
Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders produced two different college proposals. Sander's is simple; fee free state college. Clinton's "debt free college" comes with catches. Firstly you have a family contribution for richer families, so already this is means tested user pays. Secondly the students have to work for ten hours per week, which is a poor thing as students should be focusing on studying to minimize failure and this would take away jobs for older people. This solution is frankly shit, but still better with what they have. However as Kyle Kulinski points out, if this is her starting point, what would her ultimate deal with the republicans look like? Probably worse. Stephen Hawking thinks that increased technology can lead to a luxurious life for everyone. He previously said that artificial intelligence could possibly destroy humanity. Which is it? This is a bit inconsistent. I would agree with the second but we have to watch artificial intelligence too. The way I see it is A.I. probably wouldn't have the same power and control psychological flaws that humans have and therefore hopefully it wouldn't want to dominate us, but I could be wrong. | |||
Stupid disability coverage, Ben Carson, TPPA |
There was an article in the Huffinton Post Canada about a man holding another guy's hand that had Cerebral Palsy and was deaf. He did this to comfort him on a packed bus. Sweet story, let me tear it down. Firstly, this boils down to "guy on bus holds another person hand" was it a slow news day in Canada or something? I know, apparently he went viral and is an internet hero. He literally just held a random guy's hand. The internet is fucking ridiculous. It does make a change from the internet getting outraged about stupid shit. I am still against this, particularly the news article that paints him as a guy who \'suffers" and needing someone to hold his hand.If you want to cover disabilities, fine, but how about covering the fact that many can't go out due to lack of money due to not being able to be employed due to employment discrimination, inaccessible workplaces, lack of productivity etc and provide solutions. Same thing with segregated living, you could use the power of the media to make people aware of improved living situations. Or cover the innovations people like myself are doing with technology, if you really want inspirational porn, get people inspired at how technology can improve our lives. Don't cover some ridiculous feel good crap which paints us as literally \'suffering" and need someone to hold our hand. This publication can get fucked.
I have been thinking for a long time people can be really smart in some areas, but really stupid in the others. Let me present Ben Carson; the brain surgeon that thinks the theory of evolution is the work of the devil. Yes, he's our next republican victim, I mean candidate. Firstly he's black, so really doesn't have a hope in hell with the racist republican base. Ironically this is the party that constantly pushes for bogus voter ID laws that is in part designed to stop blacks from voting. He thinks the republicans will vote for him? That's hilarious! THEY DON'T EVEN THINK OBAMA WAS BORN IN THE UNITED STATES! He really doesn't have a hope in hell. Go home, it's a lost cause. He also thinks that it's easy to storm school shooters to prevent people being killed, according to him this is not victim blaming. He also thinks that Germens would have defeated Hitler if they had more guns, well Hitler derregulated guns, so he's completely wrong. He's an idiot and won't win anyway because the party of the "Southern Strategy" with 90% white representatives won't vote for a black guy. Also just because you have Doctor in front of your name, does not make you smart. Apparently Hilary Clinton is against the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement. Oh fuck off Hilary you advocated for it while you were secretary of state calling it a "gold standard". Progressives aren't that stupid, you're thinking of republicans. We also know that Bill deregulated Wall Street. We know for a fact that the Clintons are corporatists. Hilary can pretend that she's a progressive all she wants, anyone that has researched the issues knows she's full of shit. The TPPA was signed this week, obviously people who thought the deal would never be signed were wrong. The next stage is to pass it through the countries' governments which will probably happen, though not without loud protests claiming that they will stop it, when they will do no such thing. Cue what I call the "delusional left". It's perfectly fine to protest this, I just object to people saying that they're going to stop something, when it's obvious that the government are not going to listen; they need a better tactic. As for the deal itself; it is a horrible deal which in essence strips governments of the right to govern by allowing corporations to sue them if they don't like their laws. There are also dozens of rules that governments have to abide by to the benefit of corporations. The New Zealand negotiator freely admits that he doesn't know parts of the agreement, which makes him the most useless negotiator on the planet. Hello, I have a business deal, except I am not going to tell you what parts of it is. This will never happen in any other circumstance. How badly do you suck at making deals if you don't know what is in them? The people must come out in force on this one, just don't be delusional about it. | |||
Brown, Beiber, Bohnner, Planned Parenthood, Russia |
Part 1 of this entry is like the post I did a few weeks ago, only with musicians.
Chris Brown has been blocked from entering Australia by the new women's minister; it used to be Tony Abbot. I am torn on this issue. I am certainly no fan of Chris Brown and wish he didn't have a career. However this is simply not consistent, Brown has entered Australia twice after the domestic violence and more importantly they have let other singers in with similar charges. If the move is going to be consistent; I would be more in favour of it. I completely disagree with a blanket ban on convicted falons at a time when people are charge with stupid shit like drugs and the rich so easily buy justice. Also people reform. However Chris Brown is still a massive asshole. You could make the argument that it is glorifying someone with a domestic violence record. Although by taking this action you're also punishing the thousands of citizens of you're own country that like him, although punishing fans of Chris Brown seems like a good thing. I don't think I would ban Chris Brown; only from my own personal life. However any move to ban Chris Brown needs to be consistent; you need to ban other singers and celebrities with similar convictions, otherwise you're just being hypocritical. What I have real issue with, is people supporting him financially. This guy is a massive asshole. Please stop supporting him! What's even more disturbing are the artists who feature him in their songs. Firstly I hate the fact that most new chart songs feature two artists. You song sucks if you need a second artist to produce sales. Secondly, do not feature Chris Brown, I will not be downloading your song if he's in it. Fuck Chris Brown. Justin Bieber released a video rant saying he doesn't want to be objectified and if he doesn't want to take a picture he shouldn't have to. Firstly if you don't want to be objectified, STOP TAKING YOUR SHIRT OFF! Secondly I completely understand how annoying fame can be, I can only imagine how annoying it is at the level Justin has. However Justin Bieber is known as an asshole, and releasing a video complaining about fans probably isn't the greatest strategy. His fans are his entire reason for having millions of dollars. If you don't want to take pictures at times, that's totally fine, but giving a preempted lecture to your fans that they will most likely ignore is not the way to go. I am certainly not a fan of aspects of being famous-but-not-really but as a person that is very interested in psychology, it does provide an extra angle to study and form conclusions and the human condition. Oh yeah, the travel perks are ace too! Part 2: Politics and Russia House Speaker John Bohnner resigned a day after meeting the Pope. I like the Pope more because of this. The driving force of his resignation was probably the Tea Party; it could be that he got sick of dealing with unreasonable people. During his time with the Obama administration the house voted to defund the Affordable Care Act about 50 times and even shut down the government over it. The Affordable Care Act still exists. Today the Republicans are threatening to shut down the government over a nonsense scandal with Planned Parenthood. Perhaps he has little desire to do that after the last shut down was an absolute failure. The Planned Parenthood scandal is beyond nonsense; it is incorrectly assuming the organization is selling fetal tissue for research. It is not. They just charge for shipping expenses, that's all. If they wanted to make money they would charge a whole lot more than the shipping expenses. Nobody but the shipping companies are profiling off this. Do Republicans really think Planned Parenthood executives are living it up because they're covering the cost of shipping? This attack was launched by an anti abortion group of what appears to be the most pathetic attack ever. The end goal is to ban abortion, but once you do that, abortions will not stop, they will just not be performed in a safe environment so more women will die from getting one. How exactly are you pro-life again? Russia has entered Syria with air strikes to help the leader. They should fuck off. Military forces have proven to be largely ineffective against terrorism. In fact once you start hitting the non terrorists it only drives more of the locals to terrorism. That is just a fact. Military forces are a dumb idea when dealing with terrorism, it statistically doesn't work. ISIS can only be defeated if you make the locals turn away from them, bombing them makes them turn away from YOU. ISIS already has a large number of defectors; conditions are so crap once they join the organization, people are leaving. Turning the local population against ISIS would not be hard. YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG! | |||
Porn Tax and Stupid Internet |
Alabama Porn Tax, this story is like Christmas to me, except I don't really like Christmas. This story is like sex with a smoking hot guy to me. They want to tax the sale of porn. Firstly good luck on running on that, see where that gets you! Here's the thing about porn: it's popular, taxing it would be unpopular. Secondly I have two words for you: FREE PORN! There's lots of it on the internet, terabytes even. If you push up the price of porn, people will just go to the free porn. Politicians are idiots. More access to porn is associated with less rape. So on this alone this is a stupid idea. Give people an outlet for sexual desires and many will just use that. The studies are clear: More net access equals less rape and no difference in other violent crime. Ironically the same site also shows data that violence is REDUCED during the periods violent movies are released, fascinating! People say rape is underreported but this point doesn't make sense because it would have been even more underreported in the past when people were even less comfortable about talking about it. Add to that the rise of being single which means more people are actively looking, statistics should be higher than a few decades ago, instead the opposite is true, although less people being stuck in unwanted marriages could play a role in itself.While there are some studies that men produce misogynistic attitudes immediately after watching porn; the subjects didn't finish. I would get angry too if I wasn't allowed to finish, that would make all the difference in the world. Also since it costs money to investigate rape, house rapists in prison and ensure victims get counseling; this will reduce the tax take from it. However luckily this is unlikely because people will just switch to free porn making your tax utterly pointless.
The internet went ape shit after a pharmaceutical CEO raise the price of a drug used to treat HIV. His name is not important and I can't be bothered looking it up. The outrage directed to this guy is fucking stupid and I have absolute contempt for people releasing his private information. Why are you risking people gaining sympathy for him? Fuck off. The answer is you're stupid. This guy is clearly a giant asshole, but the pharmaceutical industry has hundreds of them. Getting angry at just one makes no sense. This is a repeat of "has Justine landed yet?", getting angry at one racist joke where the internet is full of them. I am so utterly sick of facebook outrage. I really need to stop checking the news feed. Look, the pharmaceutical industry does a lot of shitty things, price hikes are just one of them. It makes absolutely no sense to direct your anger at just one instance. Price hikes are pretty routine, they hook people on drugs that are a disaster to get off like benzos and more people die from pharmaceutical abuse than heroin and cocaine. The fact is people are only outraged at this guy because there's video of him being honest; I actually like his honesty. The prolonged anger at this guy is incredibly stupid and just lazy. Please learn about the deeper problems in the pharmaceutical industry or shut the fuck up. I'm not interested. | |||
Damon Waynes, Catlyn Jenner, Palin Trump |
I am just going to do negative stories about people I don't really like anyway!
First Damon Waynes. If you don't know who he is, you are probably like most of planet earth. He had a sitcom years ago in which he played an awfully narcissistic, extremely irritating character. He was in another sitcom afterwards, that's not relevant. What is relevant is that he's an asshole that suggested Cosby was so big that he gave women Amnesia for 40 years. Clearly he was joking, but like his sitcom, it was unfunny and made him look like a complete asshole. My psychological point is coming... I mentioned that he played a narcissistic character. I'm narcissistic, but I now believe that he has genuine Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I don't think he's capable of self awareness otherwise in all likelihood he wouldn't have made those jokes. Sure it's possible he's just a bad comic, but I believe that he is incapable of seeing himself in a negative light. I think that I accused Cosby of having N.P.D. before so it would make sense that another person that thinks similarly would stick up for him. He is joking about rape victims, that suggests to me a lack of empathy associated with people that have N.P.D. and such types are not uncommon Second Catlyn Jenner, in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres she that she can "just go with" gay marriage which is not the most enthusiastic response. People are surprised about this and my question is: Why? She's a republican; republicans really aren't known for their ability to care about issues other than what's directly affecting them. Unless your Republican politician has a gay son he will probably be anti gay marriage. Catlyn's stance is not anti gay marriage, so I can't can't say I care. I would be more concerned about her stance on programs for the poor. What people need to understand is she is just your standard rich selfish republican. People are holding her up just because she transitioned. I am going to criticize her regardless, however on this particular issue my response is, she's a republican, what did you expect? Sarah Palin said that she thinks that immigrants should speak American. As with Kim Davis, I really can't understand why people get outraged over these clowns. Sarah Palin is criticizing speech? Sarah Palin? The same Sarah Palin that goes on Fox News and rambles absolute jibberish to point you can't understand what she's saying? Immigrants are far easier to understand than her. She is such a talented speaker that she shut down her paid subscription service, probably because nobody was paying. When she was asked what newspapers she read, she replied "all of them". She is criticizing speech? Finally this is an actual quote from the interview "I mean, that's just, that's ... let's speak English,". She is truly a self satirical character. I cannot possibly get outraged by these people. I don't really want to keep posting about Trump but I will just end with what he said about his daughter. "She's a beauty, if I wasn't married and ya know, her father" | |||
Clerk and Refugees |
Everybody is talking about some irrelevant anti gay marriage clerk or refugees.
It should be clear by now that I am just bored of anti gay marriage stories. This is a woman that got married four times and her family life seems as messy as a character on The Bold And The Beautiful. If I was to guess what's going on in her head, her issues with gay marriage would appear to be a projection of her own failures at marriage. I don't like the fact that she's in jail, but if she's not issuing marriage licenses as per the Supreme Court's current interpretation of the constitution, she needs to resign. She is not a nun, so her religious beliefs are utterly irrelevant at her place of employment and the people that are making her a victim because she can't deny rights to others have a serious victim complex. Refugees, an interesting point was brought up to me, would there be so much concern if the pictures were of black people? That's a great question. My answer would be probably not, it's not like refugees are a new thing, or dying kids. How many kids die in Africa everyday? Suddenly there's concern when white kids turn up dead on the beach. How many kids have died in Iraq, Afghanistan, not to mention drone strikes? How many adults? Could we extend care to them too and stop doing the killing? It's great that people care, but it's inconsistent. This of course does not apply to all people , but definitely some. My second point is we should be concerned about issues at home too. This will also help the refugees. If we are going to offer citizenship to refugees shouldn't we make sure being a citizen is amazing? If refugees get minimum wage jobs, shouldn't we raise the minimum wage to not only make a good life for refugees but to all people? Some of our own citizens are in poverty and the tax burden is falling on the poor more and more. If you change this direction more people would be willing to open our country to more refugees. final point, if New Zealand was in war, I would want an escape, you probably would too if there was no other option. We should make sure that we are in a great position to offer a better life to our own citizens, and refugees. | |||
Female Viagra and Sexuality |
Female Viagra has been approved, which is not Viagra at all but just another anti depressant. It also has some side effects with alcohol and some birth control, if you're having sex you may want to use these. Male Viagra you just take once if you know that you're going to have sex; you have to take this pill everyday and it just makes you more willing to have sex. This is a shit solution, but if you really want it, that's on you. Now for my unpopular opinion. Monogamy is stupid, if you don't want to have sex, try fucking someone new. If you're not turned on, then you're probably just not that attracted to your spouse. There's actually science behind what I am saying; researchers showed guys the same porn over and over, then showed something different. An activity burst happened on the second porn. If we were built for monogamy, why do so many people cheat? It's probably because we like variety; I know I do. I've seen couples do nothing but fight, I often wonder what are they doing. I understand that love act chemically the same way as a drug and people get comfortable with each other and don't like change. That's just not for me.
40% of british young adults now identify as "not completely heterosexual" which I assume half of that would be bisexual. In my opinion this is excellent news if you're attracted to the same sex. People with different sexualities are becoming more accepted so more people are accepting their own attractions. There is less pressure to marry early so people can experiment, even more so with the internet. I call this progress. | |||
Lion Killing and Trump |
An American killed a lion a few weeks ago people were outraged. Millions of animals die everyday completely unnecessarily so the outrage is frankly ridiculous. Many people think it's OK to kill sheep because they eat it. The sheep doesn't care of your reasons, it is dead either way. I am at least consistent on the issue: I eat animals, I don't really care about the lion. Those bringing up how the lion suffered need to make sure that they don't consume food from factory farms, again, what's the difference? Animals are tortured and killed everyday completely unnecessarily, the only reason you cared so much was because it was a lion, and something in your brain irrationally thought it was different so was shocked. If you're against all animal suffering, I have no problem with you, you're consistent. Otherwise if you are not a vegetarian, you're a hypocrite! However if you're concerned that there are so few lions left, I can also understand that, but point out that 600 lions are killed every year. I am actually against trophy hunting, and hunting in general. We have all this amazing technology, you seriously can't find anything better to do with your time? In the case of this hunter; he paid $55,000 to kill a lion, that's fucking ridiculous. You could have gone on five more overseas holidays for that, or numerous worthwhile things. It's an utter waste of money, but it's his to waste. If the only way he can get his thrills is by killing a particular animal, then the man is unintelligent and lacks creativity. I don't like anybody in this story.
Trump is now overwhelmingly leading in the republican polls despite calling mexicans rapists and saying he "likes people that weren't captured" in reference to John McCain. I thought that quote was the end of him, I underestimated republicans ability to support utter clowns. George W Bush was a incredibly stupid person and they wholeheartly supported him, so I guess this is not a stretch. Keep in mind Donald Trump spent years questioning the current President's birth certificate and is now running for president, that fact alone is amusing. If this was a publicity stunt at the beginning, I guess considering he's the overwhelmingly republican favourite he has to seriously consider going through with it. My feeling is while he's loved by a large part of the republican base, he's also strongly disliked by a larger portion of the general population. He won't win. Will he get the latino vote? Of course not. How about women? I wonder who's best at reaching out to women: Donald Trump or Hilary Clinton? He won't have Latinos, he won't have women, he won't have anybody with a brain. Fox News was harsh on him in the first debate, perhaps because they know he's a clown and won't win in a general election. Actually being a clown is more of an asset to Fox News. | |||
Hackings |
The first official recall has happened due to people being able to hack into cars. I am a strong technology enthusiast but this is a step too far. People shouldn't be put in this kind of danger. There is no reason for cars to be controllable from the web. No other essential equipment should be put in that situation; you're just asking for trouble. Any web features of an essential device should be isolated as much as possible from the rest of the controls. Why were cars made to accept random incoming connections? That's just crazy! I am glad about the recall but wonder if this type of thing will become more common. I also wonder if this will make people uncomfortable about automated vehicles. I am not against automated vehicles as long as people can't control them remotely. It's essential that manufacturers are careful with this, otherwise it will turn people off.
Speaking of hackings Christchurch NZ was named the cheating capital of the world after a website used to have affairs with got hacked. I am confused why people would go on a specific site for affairs, that is just the obvious way possible of cheating on the internet and will probably attract trouble from all sorts of people. Personally, I don't cheat, because I avoid romantic relationships all together which makes not cheating very easy. This actually reminds me of the revenge porn issue; people just say don't do it if you don't want it revealed, which is terribly unrealistic as many people will do it anyway and it doesn't make revealing such things any less wrong. In this case I will say that a site full of cheaters is just asking to be a target. Such sites are probably best avoided. Also can someone please tell me why the fuck these people don't just use hookup apps on their phones like Tinder/Grindr and hide the apps? | |||
Greece and Texas |
People in Greece are rioting in the street and I don't blame them. They elected an apparent anti austerity government, then the government signs an austerity deal. When you do the exact opposite of your election platform the same year that you are elected you cannot possibly be surprised people are pissed. There is really no clearer example of a government doing the opposite of what they said. The government even held a referendum, 60% said NO to the austerity package. It wasn't unclear. Maybe the government was secretly hoping for a yes vote. Does austerity work? No. All it does is depress the incomes of the middle class so they cannot spend money in the economy. Anybody who tells you otherwise is even ignorant or lying. You can't build an economy by disabling the spending power.people more likely to spend the highest percentage of their income. They've been doing austerity for the past few years, it clearly doesn't work if unemployment is 1/4 and they need another bailout. Greece should stimulate their economy if they want to pay off debt, this will do the opposite and make things worse.
Lunatics in Texas are convinced that the US government is trying to take over Texas. Apparently they don't seem to understand Texas is part of the United States, I really don't know how that fact escapes them. They're concerned that the US military is conducting activity inside Texas, that's kind of what a military does. This group seems to think that the military is about to round people up. People that believe this shit are activity watching the US military with guns. I wonder what happens when the US military inevitability doesn't round people up and place them in camps. They'll probably claim that they scared them away. | |||
W Bush and Cosby |
Liberals are outraged that George W Bush charged a veterans group $100,000 to speak at a fund raiser? Why? He has no obligations to speak at these groups and can do whatever he wants. However what is truly shocking about this story is that PEOPLE PAY GEORGE W BUSH TO SPEAK??? As president he was a terrible speaker! May I refer you to this quote "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." yes he indeed said \'shame on" twice, like he couldn't think of the quote. People are now paying the man to speak? Ironically he got fooled into going into Iraq. Which brings me to my second point. As far as I'm concerned the only guilty party is the veterans' group. You really want a guy who got the government into a disastrous and stupid war that was entered into on entirely false grounds, which lead to the rise of ISIS? This is the guy you hire? Not the direction I'd go.
Testimony of Bill Cosby admitting to buying drugs for the purpose of having sex with women was released. No less than 20 women have said he raped them. This certainly looks like the point of no return for Cosby, but apparently not if you're Whoopi Goldberg. She thinks that people are defaming him. What I really find curious is whoopi was also a defender of Roman Polanski; a guy convicted for a similar crimes. Her coming to the defense of such types is just weird. I understand about innocent until proven guilty but 20-40 women say he raped them, he admitted to buying drugs for the purpose of sleeping with women, maybe do the math??? She said that she was falsely accused of doing something in the past, maybe that's clouding her judgment. Of course innocent until proven guilty, but I'd be highly shocked if he was in fact innocent. If he raped, he did so because he liked the experience of it. He could have gotten sex very easily being rich. | |||
Gay marriage, CNN, Bristol Palin |
In a surprise move the US Supreme Court has legalized same sex marriage, fundamentalist christians are crying, I don't need to talk about them. I have witnessed the historic moments when same sex couples got the right to marry, that's pretty special. OK, now let's make fun of things.
CNN thought that the ISIS flag was flown at a gay pride parade, it turned out to be a flag of dildos and buttplugs, let's ignore the last part as that's not relevant. Why would the ISIS flag be flown at gay pride? There's videos of ISIS throwing gays off buildings. I know that it looked like the ISIS flag, but use some fucking common sense. I think this is symbolic of the media in general; this is no worse than there's weapons of mass destruction in in Iraq, they invaded and no weapons of mass destruction were found. The result was over 100,000 lives lost and the uprising of ISIS. it's no wonder that young people are turning away from mainstream media. Abstinence only advocate Bristol Palin is pregnant out of wedlock again. This is an example on why abstinence only education doesn't work. If you're not prepared to protect yourself when having sex, but have sex anyway, you are more likely to get pregnant or a STD. Bristol Palin gets paid to do abstinence only speeches, but is obviously a massive failure at that, a fucking failure even. Those speeches earned her hundreds of thousands of dollars so it's not like she couldn't afford birth control. It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor; you should learn how to protect yourself and have the resources to do so. | |||
Racism and presidental candidates |
A shooting happened at a black church last week. Fox News says that it was because they were Christians that they were shot, it's not the fact that they were black. Fox News doesn't have real journalists at their station, they have assholes, stupid assholes that spout stupid shit. It is well known that the shooter was part of a hate group against blacks, he literally said he wanted to kill black people. There is not debate, except on Fox News. If you look at this as as a white Christian claiming that you're being targeted, then congratulations you have more of a victim complex than the Men's Rights Activists, which is bloody hard to achieve.
Now on to lighter stuff, literally; there is a women that claims she's black but is actually white. Her name is Rachel Dozezal and she obviously a pathological liar. I am placing this story in the too irrelevant basket. I really don't understand people's obsession with her; there are much bigger racial problems in America like the long string unarmed black guys being shot by cops, like the fact that we lock them at a much higher percentage for putting chemicals in their bodies which whites do at the same rate, like the staggering rate of inequality which is the main driver for crime. You expect me to care about some random women? Fuck off. Bernie Sanders is running for president on the Democrate sidee and I must say I am highly impressed with both his capital raising and percentage points against Hilary Clinton. Unlike Hilary, Sanders is actually a socialist. If you believe that Hilary is a socialist, you're beyond moronic and are probably a republican with the IQ of a peanut. Sitting on the board of Walmart and giving speeches to bankers for $200,000 is not socialist. Republicans are already comparing her to Hitler. Some people do deserve to be fucked over by their government because they're so fucking stupid and have no idea about anything. Getting back to the point, in some polls Hilary and Bernie are both polling at 40% give or take ten percentage points in favour of Hilary. I think that Bernie winning the Democrate primary would guarantee a victory for the Republicans since the Republican would ambush Bernie with election spending by a factor of ten of more, the likelihood of him winning is very low. Even if that remote case he has no chance of getting anything done without the strong use of Executive Orders because of Republicans and corporatist Democrates. I believe that America would be better off if he does this, but he could expect to be impeached or assassinated. Donald Trump is also running for president, as if the republican nomination wasn't already a freak show full of circus clowns. The first thing he did as a candidate was call Mexicans rapists and claimed America hasn't beaten Japan in anything, maybe he doesn't know about the whole nuclear bomb thing America dropped on Japan. He said that to a crowd of \'thousands", actually hundreds, many of them were paid $50 to be there. How badly do you suck when you are a rich celebrity and have to pay people to turn up to your own presidental announcement? Also he bragged about how rich he was, yes the out of touch rich white guy routine worked out just great for Mit Romney! Is he serious about running or just want the extra publicity? Fuck knows. | |||
Caitlyn Jenner and the US Government |
OK, time for an unpopular blog post. Caitlyn Jenner; the reality star that switched genders, I don't give a fuck. The only reason that I am talking about her is that she is everywhere and I am sick of hearing about her. Let's go through the angles. I hate reality TV and the Kardashians/Jenners, so really, fuck off! Now on to the the substantive stuff. she is raising awareness to transgender issues so for that I give credit. I think many people still don't understand the issues that transgender people face, there is a much higher amount of suicide. Many people don't understand the psychological aspects, the same could be said for gay issues, some people still label it as a choice despite being no scientific evidence for this. People don't just go oh I want to be a woman today, oh I want to be a man now. That is not how it works. If she exposing people to the issues, good for her. As far as being a republican; she's from a rich bastard family that votes republican. I actually think that she will reach more people being a republican. The left is already pretty open minded on such issues. There are positives to this. Conclusion while I couldn't care less about her and her life, there are some positives to her being in the media.
The USA Freedom Act takes place of the Patriot Act, it also winds down government powers when it comes to phone data. I don't think that it changes internet data collection but I could be wrong. It also implements extra steps needed to spy in on people. Unlike others on the left, I am not as optimistic. Firstly it takes effect in six months, anything could happen before then. They could pass another bill reversing the effects. They are talking about a cyber security bill after the government got hacked, I am about to lose my shit about that in a bit. Secondly who knows if the organizations will actually follow this law, it's entirely possible that they will ignore it or find some kind of back door to the data. The US government got hacked. information from 4,000,000 employees were stolen. A story also shows that US government employees in the defense department download malware. This has happened both at the department of defence and the department of justice. HOW THE FUCK DO YOU WORK AT THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE AND ARE STUPID ENOUGH TO DOWNLOAD MALWARE ON A GOVERNMENT FUCKING COMPUTER? THIS IS APPALLING INCOMPETENCE AND EVERYONE INVOLVED SHOULD BE FIRED! YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO BE RUNNING SECURE COMPUTERS AND YOU'RE DOWNLOADING MALWARE. This is why governments shouldn't store mass data. The employees are incompetent and don't know what they're doing. Side note I'm suddenly inspired to create security products. Ask me about this in 2016. | |||
D.A.R.E. |
This is a story that amused me. D.A.R.E. put up an article about the dangers of cannabis. It basically said that pregnancy is a frequent result of use. When I first heard of this I thought that it sounded like something on a satirical website. It turns out, yes that's exactly what it was. The Drug abuse Resistance Education used a satirical article as its source. What's standing out for me is don't they have any editors monitoring content? If it's only one person posting the content, OK, that person is either an idiot or a troll wanting to make the organization a laughing stock. It is amazing that the organization that is responsible for giving drug abuse education either does not have an editor, or even worse has an editior that agrees with content that was sourced from a satirical article. Cenk Uygur from TheYoungTurks questioned the effectiveness of the program, after looking online I simply cannot find any evidence that it is effective at all. All I can find is studies saying participants of the programme use drugs at "a significantly higher rate". From my research D.A.R.E. seems to be an utter failure and is overdue for serious reform. | |||
UK and Bin Laden |
The conservatives won in the UK. Personally I was unconvinced that Labour or its leader were remotely progressive. If you act like a right wing twat when your party is supposed to the left wing alternative people will just vote for the person that is even more of right wing twat unless they are a far right batshit crazy lunatic or a cheerleader for the rich like Mit Romney. Voting for David Cameron and the Conservatives was a terrible mistake, if you're poor I would be absolutely shocked if your life financial situation gets significantly better, it'll probably get worse. You're poor and so is your judgment. I am aware however that the UK has a shitty democratic system, that plays into it as well as media spin and people tied to voting a certain way due to their family/religion. The genuine left is incredibly shitty at dealing with these things as well as getting people in power even in parties that are supposed to represent them.
A new article has been written about the Osama Bin Laden raids with new and somewhat irrelevant allegations. It alleges that pakistan had Bin Laden since 2006 and the US was instructed to kill him on site when they the officials in Pakistan told them where he was. It alleges that Osama Bin Laden was Pakistan's prisoner with no outside communication to the world including a so called carrier that the US supposedly traced, apparently that part of the official story is not true at all. I personally believe that the revelations are largely irrelevant. If what they're saying is true (I believe some parts of the allegations are) then they'll be no consequences for anyone involved. I think how this is damaging is it further encourages the truther community. People who believe that 9/11 was and inside job largely believe that the government is lying to them. If the government lies to them it only gives them more life. What is interesting to me is George W Bush decommissioned an unit looking for Osama Bin Laden; the same year that Pakistan captured him according to the article. Final point, these lies are stupid and unnecessary. If the purpose was to protect Pakistan it did a bad job since we now all know. Americans wanted Bin Laden dead, it did not necessarily matter how it happened, they could have told the truth without much consequences. | |||
Clinton vs Bush |
Hilary Clinton announced what everyone already knew; that she is running for president. She has themed her run around helping the middle class, not buying it. She must think that the voters are really stupid if she thinks that they will believe her. Sadly she is most likely correct This is a woman that got paid $200,000 to give speeches to Golman Sachs telling them they're misunderstood, don't be fooled by her bullshit. She will serve the banks, not the people. If you believe otherwise you're a moron.
Jeb Bush is also running on the republican side. If it's Clinton vs Bush, Aqua will have to release a new song called "Back to the 90S". Though I also like the idea of "I'm a political girl" with a fake Hilary Clinton in the video, the fakeness would be very fitting. How could anyone think yet another Bush is a good idea? The first was so unpopular he didn't survive two terms. The second was a shit for brains moron that got tricked into going to Iraq. Be the way if you think that Jeb is significantly smarter than George W Bush, I wouldn't hold your breath. He seems like he has a few screws loose. I don't think W had any to begin with. Clinton vs Bush. No other candidate combination sounds more depressing. You know what you get with both, both will be for the rich, both will be for wars. In short, fuck 2016. | |||
Cancer and Full Body Transplants |
Let's break from politics and do some medical stories.
They're currently injecting cancer patients with Polio and it turns out it eliminates cancer. The patients don't get Polio. This is why I love science, it can make people live longer. Injecting people with Polio isn't an ideal solution but perhaps we can learn about what exactly cures cancer in Polio and create another version or use something else with the cancer curing attributes of Polio. This could realistically be a cure for brain tumors. In early trials it seems to work flawlessly. The first full body transplant will happen soon. I am going to take the piss out of this. First can I say that I am totally enthused and I will probably take advantage of this when it's safe. It'll be a cure for my overused muscles. However at this time any type of surgery is probably best avoided unless absolutely necessary, there are too many preventable deaths in hospitals in my view. If you drastically need the surgery for quality of life, go ahead but you shouldn't get surgery you don't need, until it's safer, then have all the surgery you want, I don't care, provided you don't have Body Dismorphic Disorder. I wonder what people will do with the ability to transplant bodies. First the obvious thing of living for much longer. I don't believe in the after life so I personally want to live for as long as possible. If you're gay would you just get an attractive body and play with it? Some could be into that. If a white head was on a black body would they still get unfairly treated by the justice system? Would unhealthy bodies be sold at a discount? Would there be a new reality TV series called Body Swap? Would the rich be the only ones that can afford this surgery? The rich already live longer by about five to ten years, they could potentially live hundreds or thousands of years longer, assuming society sticks with capitalism. Would famous athletes auction there bodies off? Would stealing people's identities take on a new meaning if they also steal entire bodies? These are my questions about full body transplants, feel free to post others in the comments. | |||
Indiana and Iran |
What did I say last week? I said that republicans were wasting their time with these anti gay laws. Turns out, I was right! The governor of Indiana has announced a fix to the religious freedom law to provide an exemption if people use it to discriminate against homosexuality, which hilariously was the entire point of the law. The reversal occurred because corporations didn't like law, many threatened to pull their business from Indiana. What matters to Republicans the most? People? Definitely not. Big business? Absolutely? Republicans need to take note, the corporate world and the rest of the population are not standing for gay discrimination anymore, go home and find some other minority to throw shit at. Let's be clear, this has been a major vote grabbing strategy of the Republicans since the sixties. I guess if you don't have any good ideas deflecting can be useful.
We have a deal! The Obama administration has sorted a deal with Iran over their nuclear program. It rolls back key parts and sets their capabilities of developing a nuclear weapon back quite a bit if they decide in future that if that's what they want to do. If they had any intentions of developing a nuclear weapon weapon they wouldn't have made the deal. They are subjected to the most thorough inspections. Three points. Neocons need to shut the fuck up about invading Iran. There was no need to do it before, there is no need to do it now. Iran is not developing a nuclear weapon and is reversing much of their program. 2. Diplomacy works! The answer isn't always going to war. Economic sanctions can be effective. 3. While Obama deserves massive credit for this, multiple countries are still a warzone because of his decisions and I don't give him credit for that at all. | |||
Ted Cruz and Indiana |
The first official republican presidental candidate is Ted Cruz. Let's have fun with him. He announced he was running for president without forming an exploratory committee, you may praise that as you think exploratory committees are pointless anyway and candidates should just say that they are running since 99% of the time that's the result. Alternatively you could interpret it as outright narcissism which in my opinion is accurate considering his father keeps telling him he's the chosen one. Oh yeah, did I mention Ted Cruz is batshit crazy that believes the UN is on a quest to force people into hobbit homes? He also believes that George Soros is wants to abolish the game of golf, apparently Soros is also working with the UN on this. Like I said, batshit insane! He not only thinks that Sharia Law will take over the United States but Communists at Harvard Law school are hatching a plan to overthrow the US government. This is the type of person you should probably back away slowly from if you encounter him in the streets. I do give him credit for announcing his run for president at a university, but the students were also forced to attend his speech or pay a fine to Liberty University, TED CRUZ STANDS FOR FREEDOM! I keep getting Ted Cruz advertisements, I am in New Zealand and can't vote for him. I see he has such a competent promotions team, HEY FUCKFACE TRY HIRING PEOPLE WHO KNOW HOW TO GEOTARGET!
Indiana has passed a "religious freedom" law that will allow people to turn away people who they don't want to serve because of religious convictions. Basically they want to say fuck you to gay people. In my opinion republicans need to get with the times, the time for gay discrimination is over, or about to be over. If republicans continue down this path it will eventually be obsolete and will not work. The law will probably be struck down by the courts. Republicans, you are wasting your time with this crap. My second point is by enabling a religious freedom bill, you are opening Pandora's Box. I could go to Indiana right now, open a small store, convert to Christianity and refuse to serve people who don't own slaves, or people who eat shelfish, or people who shave. These are things that are in the bible. I can interpret the text how I like. If anyone has means to fund or crowd fund such a store, I would very highly encourage you to do so. My view is if a shop doesn't want to serve gay people, well fuck them, don't shop there and encourage your friends to boycott the store. Depress their sales until their shut down. I also find it super ironic that a businessman/woman who votes for right wing parties due to things like tax cuts is happy to cut sales off to about 15% of the population. This seems counter productive. | |||
Mike Huckabee promotes bogus cures |
Mike Huckabee is running for the Republican candidate for president. It came to my attention recently that he was pushing a fake diabetes cure, there's video of him advertising the Diabetes Solution Kit. He actually says that he reversed his Type 2 Diabetes. He also says that climate change isn't real and the problems in society can be solved by bringing the bible into schools, ignoring the fact that the constitution has a separation of church and state clause.It never amazes me what kind of people can run for president. Here we have a guy promoting a bogus Diabetes cure and also his email list was used to promote a fake cancer cure. Very classy guy. Well suited to being a Republican politician. Megan Kelly once called him Fuckabee by accident, that was probably the most accurate thing said on Fox News for the entire week. Pushing fake cures is no joke however, when people listen to nonsensical cures and not actual scientific based medicine, they usually die. If he legitimately cured his diabetes you would just assume that more people would say that they were rid of diabetes. Cinamon is what the company says is the magical thing that cures diabetes; I don't think that the medical community. How is this company allowed to exist? It should be illegal to push fake cures on to stupid people, by stupid people I mean the types of people that vote for Mike Huckabee. | |||
Benjamin Netanyahu |
Benjamin Netanyahu did a speech to the United States Congress, I can summarized it by calling him a warmongering fuckwit. He said to not continue with the efforts to do a deal with Iran over their nuclear policy and instead bomb them. Because bombing Iraq was an excellent decision, not a miserable failure at all. Changing Regimes in Iran, haven't we seen this movie before in the 1960s and isn't that the reason why half of Iran hates the west? Fuck this guy, at the United Nations he said that Iran was weeks away from a bomb and even drew a picture of a bomb. Hey Benjamin, "weeks away" from a few years ago have passed. Additionally it was leaked that Israeli intelligence had evidence that completely refutes what Netanyahu has said in the past, the guy is a proven liar. While leaders of Iran do hate the Israeli leadership (possibly due to shit like this) they are not a nuclear threat anytime in the near future.
Some say that it's an outrage that Republicans invited a guy that the Republicans invited him which he took the opportunity to directly undermine the President, I am less outraged. It is not the first time the Republicans have undermined the President, that's kind of what they do. | |||
Bill O'Reilly, Brian Williams, Abercrombie And Finch |
The big story in progressive media appears to be Bill O'Reilly is a liar. My question is, why? He works at Fox News, their entire business model is about lying and giving misinformation, see my piece on No Go Zones a few weeks ago. The fact that Bill O'Reilly is a liar should come as a surprised to, nobody. So what did he lie about? He lied about being in war zones, specifically the Falklands War. It appears undeniable that he outright lied, American reporters were not allowed to go there. It appears what he actually covered was an anti war demonstration in Buenos Aires. He also lied about being outside the house when George de Mohrenschildt shot himself. O'Reilly was in another city to Mohrenschildt at the time, so that was completely made up. He also said he witnessed nuns being shot when actually he saw footage of it. Bill O'Reilly is a liar, but the entire channel he's on spreads lies and misinformation constantly so I am not surprised by this at all.
Brian Williams is on leave after saying that his plane was in danger when it really wasn't. To be honest I think we're focusing on the wrong lies. We're focusing on lies about specific events in war zones when the entire Iraq was based on a lie. O'Reilly's lies were bad, but they didn't cost about 100,000 lives and a trillion dollars. I really don't give a fuck about the lies of Brian Williams and Bill O'Reilly in comparison to lies about invading entire countries. I like doing stories where my opinions will fuck everyone off, this is one of them. Abercrombie And Finch is in the news about their now former ban on head ware. It previously violated their look policy. Some Muslim women couldn't get hired because their version of their religion required that their wear head scarfs as a symbol of modesty. Let me be fair to the religion, then let me be a prick. Such religious people have an emotional attachment to their rules and it is engraved in their psychology so I do understand about religious discrimination. It is also not technically essential for people that serve to not wear head scarfs. However I will Ultimately side against this position. They don't hire fat people, or ugly people. They want people with a certain look. You may detest this attitude, but it's just their company. People also clearly know that they are assholes about looks. Their CEO literally said that he only wants hot people at their stores. You could argue that this is wrong but entire industries are mostly based around beautiful people including fashion and TV. Also if we say that religious ideology trumps employer preferences you're opening Pandora's Box. Could a person at a supermarket refuse to handle pork products because it's against their religion? What about a woman in a Burqua getting a job in a strip club refusing to strip. What about a fundamentalist christian refusing to give out the morning after pill in a pharmacy? My final opinion on Abercrombie And Finch is: I actually like them. This will be hugely unpopular. Their models are hot, I am a horny gay guy and like shirtless guys with six packs. Sorry! | |||
Fillbuster and MSNBC |
Obama wants to get rid of the fillbuster. Sorry Obama but you're a little fucking late for this and saying such a thing as soon as the democrates lost control of the senate makes you utterly incompetent or makes you seem as you don't give a flying fuck about governing as a so-called democratic president. The later is far more likely. The republicans fillbustered everything for six straight years, is it just a coincidence that only when the democrates lose control of the Senate he comes out against the fillbuster? If so, he's the worse strategist in history. The reality is he wants to work with the republicans; his entire presidency was about changing the way Washington works, he wanted republicans and democrates to get along. Maybe he's genuinely this delusional, maybe he's using this as an excuse to do corporatist things. It doesn't matter which; The outcome is he wants to work with people whose policies fuck the American people and the rest of the world. This is what Obama should be remembered for.
MSNBC wants to move away from progressive television. To do what? Compete with Fox News? Good luck with that. This is a completely idiotic decision. Firstly it's not a truly progressive network, most of the talking heads just suck up to the Democratic Party and their morning show is hosted by a former Republican Congressman. I do like Chris Hayes and Rachel Maddow, apparently they are thinking of axing Hayes' timeslot. This is a dumb idea. The alternatives to a halfway progressive network are: Having conservative clowns on; they are not going to compete with Fox News, sorry. Alternatively they could be like CNN and be bland and boring with presenters that have no opinions whatsoever. Last time I checked CNN was getting killed in the ratings. Yes go in an alternative direction MSNBC, see if you don't head off a cliff. | |||
Net Neutrality |
A rare win for progressives, the FCC announced new rules to protect net neutrality. Tom Wheeler announced that the FCC will regulate the internet as a public utility, while doing so he also vomited. Wheeler, a former lobbyist for the internet service providers was put there specifically to break up net neutrality but things changed when the Obama Administration finally decided to take a strong stance for net neutrality. If they originally wanted net neutrality Obama wouldn't have put Tom Wheeler in as head of the FCC. You could say that it was the public outcry that made the Obama Administration changed its mind about net neutrality, or you can stop being delusional and realize that the likes of Google and Facebook have more more money than the ISPs and don't want to pay the ISPs for fast lanes. The amount of companies on the that rely on the internet is huge. Many billionaires also invest in internet companies, big and small. Changes to net neutrality could affect their profitability so it needed to go, end of story. Take note of this Amy Adams in New Zealand; net neutrality is good for business! | |||
Fox News and the Pope |
If you want evidence that Fox News is full of shit look no further than No Go Zones. No Go Zones are cities in the UK that non-muslims don't go because it is dominated by muslims. Here's the thing; they don't exist, not at all. It is an utter lie, even the prime minister of the UK called it ridiculous after he spat out his breakfast over how ridiculous it was. Fox News is fear mongering about a minority of people. Imagine if they did that with christians, they'd be riots in the street, actually since the average age of Fox News viewer is 65 perhaps they'd just be more letters to the editor. This lie was so outrageous that even Fox News apologized for it. (on a Saturday show when they had already repeated the fiction about a hundred times)
The Pope said that there should be limits to free speech when it comes to religion. Really? He is the head of the Catholics and expects not to be criticized? He is living in a fantasy world. He pretty much said that one should expect a punch if they make fun of religion, surely if that quote came from a Muslim heads would explode at Fox News. I however don't disagree with the Pope if we're talking purely psychology. Religions thrive on emotions, when you attack something that people are heavily emotionally attached to people respond badly including with violence. That being said I'm going to continue making fun of religion in my stand up comedy sets, even my religious relatives appreciate my jokes about the Bible. | |||
Russia and Muhammad |
Russia has banned people with mental disorders driving. In Russia being transexual and having sexual fetishists are considered mental disorders. This is an incredibly backwards country. I see it as the Christian version of a Muslim country, it's less extreme than some, but still a fundamentalist country overall. The Russian economy is fucked, implementing laws like this could be seen as a distraction. I also find it interesting that the country with a prime minister that goes around shirtless on horses for the media is now judging others for the their behaviour.
There was fundamentalist Muslim terrorist attacks in France this week over the cartoons of Muhammad. The publisher was fire bombed in 2011 over similar drawings. That is brave. I know that a lot of people are about to disagree with me but the bottom line is that drawing Muhammad, or anything is not important to me. It's not particularly constructive to my life, there is no inherently valuable information I'm bringing to people. I wouldn't fight this battle. I also can't draw for shit. I do however make fun of religion in stand up comedy. However I am not the type of person that goes after people that likely will endanger my life, although I'm sure you can find some exceptions, but in general, no. If I were to do such a thing, there would be a good reason. People feel that they are standing up for free speech, if that is the route you take, good for you! To me, it's just free speech for the sake of free speech. I do believe standing up for the right not to be silenced is incredibly worthwhile, especially if it effects you. I have received violent private comments due to my blog, this happened years ago. I rightfully didn't take the comments seriously and continued writing. These were not death threats but death wishes. I think that I am more cowardly than the people who draw Muhammad etc. I have no problems admitting this, but give me the right cause and maybe I'll surprise people. | |||
Exodus International, Gay Marriage, Michael Hastings |
Exodus International has shut down; the biggest pray away the gay ministry. It also apologize for their actions which they acknowledge leads to suicide. Yes let's give them respect for apologizing, never mind all the psychological damage and suicide victims. Sorry, I don't work that way. Fuck these people. I thought this way even before I found out the group is actually reforming under a new name with new tactics and strategy. I don't know exactly what this means and I won't try to guess. I do know the people in the organization have the same attitudes towards homosexuality. Perhaps they will just do it in a nicer way. They're probably making this change due to a cultural shift. This is for publicly, so any kudos are misplaced. Fuck these people.
Meanwhile the US Supreme Court is about to rule on two gay marriage cases. The rulings will be out this month or next. Current thinking is that they'll rule in favour since the Obama Administration and the state of California are not actively defending their cases against gay marriage. If they don't rule in favour I highly doubt that this will be the end of the issue. Michael Hastings; an award winning journalist was killed in a car crash this week. Michael, unlike other journalists actually got to the truth and asked hard questions. He was a critic of both the Obama and Bush administrations, let's say he fucked a lot of people off. I'm not one to shout CONSPIRACY but let's say I am open to the idea. The crash was especially fiery, apparently that's unusual for modern cars. Also one witness describes the sound as like a bomb going off. In my view his death is suspicious, however it's also possible this is just a freak accident. Also if his death wasn't an accident it doesn't necessarily mean the government did it. Perhaps he just fucked the wrong person off. No matter the cause of his death, this is a loss to actual journalism. | |||
YOU KNOW OBAMA LOYALISTS ARE STARTING TO SOUND LIKE BUSH LOYALISTS. BOTH INCREDIBLY DELUSIONAL! I don't like either. I didn't like Obama before the NSA stuff, I don't like him after. Sure he's better than Bush on things like gay rights, wars, the economy but the man has massive faults and you shouldn't excuse the faults just because he doesn't fuck gay people! Now the NSA stuff, hideous violation of people's right not to be surveilled without good reason and also in violation of the constitution. This is according to four separate court rulings so when Obama says "the courts must decide", THEY ALREADY DID! They decided against his program, but the rulings were never enforced because to enforce rulings you have to prove harm was done and since nobody could prove they were being spied on, since the program was secret, they got off on a technicality. Now everyone knows they were being spied on, and there will be new court cases. I will be interested see where this goes from here.
If you don't have a problem with this, please just allow the government to put a camera in your bedroom! They could have two sets of four, one regular, one with night vision. How would you feel about that? If you have nothing to hide, you should have nothing to fear. So just let the government put cameras in your bedroom and be done with it. "If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear" Oh but they only go after terrorists you say. Yeah, not true at all. The Patriot Act was suppose to be about terrorism, yet they use it to prosecute drug charges 80% of the time. However let's say you feel safe with Obama doing it because he's a democrate, I imagine you would not feel safe if a crazed republican got into power. You think it won't happen? Let's take away the crazed part. What if another person like Bush or Nixon came to power with indefinite detentions and a mass surveillance state? I bet Obama loyalists would change their tune. Also what about abuse from federal employees and possible hackings, do you not think about that? The government is made up of individual people, you have no guarantee that they won't get corrupted. Then again if you're a nobody you probably won't have to worry, but if you seriously fuck someone off with access to this information, be concerned. I know people argue that private companies already have much of this information, but why put it into additional hands? Sidenote: Ed Snowden, gotta say, kinda cute! Bottom line: This shit wasn't acceptable under Bush, it isn't acceptable under Obama. People need to stop being Obama Apologists and face reality. | |||
Republicanworld And Celebrity Medical Advice |
OK, I am calling it. Republicans don't live on Planet Earth anymore. They actually live in their own little world. I call it Republicanworld. In Republicanworld, it's a grand idea to defund ACORN even though that organization was shut down 4 years ago. In Republicanworld it's a tremendous idea to vote to repeal Obamacare for the 37th time, yes, not 7th, 37th. In Republicanworld the threat is Sharia Law and the government must not have a certain number of bullets so that the citizens can overpower them; never mind the tanks, drones and nukes. In Republicanworld nobody needs to appeal to anybody else but white people; it doesn't matter that particular demographic is shrinking. In Republicanworld it's a brilliant idea to defund Planned Parenthood and disallow abortions for rape victims. In Republicanworld climate change doesn't exist and evolution is a lie from the pits of hell. These people have no business being in power. They are morons, They are delusional. The only people more delusional than the Republicans are their voters. My only question about the people in Republicanworld is when will they try to impeach Bill Clinton?
Michael Douglas says that his cancer was not caused by alcohol and chain smoking but by oral sex. Ummmmmmm ok. I don't think you can discount the chain smoking completely but oral sex alone can cause cancer through the HPV virus, so let's go with that. He also said more oral cures cancer, which is just not true, though it would be the best cure in the world. I hope he was joking otherwise this person is a fucking idiot. Doing that will only spread the disease and the risk of getting cancer in his partners. I have a problem when celebrities give medical advice, and that medical advice is complete nonsense. No matter how stupid their advice is a group of nutters will take them seriously. Jenny McCarthy routinely spreads anti vaccination nonsense due to some loopy vaccinations cause autism theory despite the fact the "evidence" has been debunked over and over. Like I said idiots actually listen to these people, partly just because they're celebrities. These celebrities are spreading shit and endangering peoples's health with their nonsense health advice. Fuck off and stick to showbusiness and if you're stupid enough to listen to these people without looking at the science, you're fucking stupid and it's your own fault if you get a disease. | |||
War on Journalism and RonPaul.com |
Obama's war on journalism continues. This time it's a journalist at Fox News. Oh Obama, don't make me sympathize with Fox News, you have major problems. It's the same as the Associated Press scandal. They monitored his phone calls including from his family. The strange thing to me is that the specific story was about North Korea nukes, this doesn't seem the type of thing that the government is typically interested in, they usually go after leaks in the US. I suppose that the one good thing from this is they are monitoring what North Korea is doing, although in a very crappy way.
Ron Paul lost his recent domain name dispute case! He originally was offered RonPaul.com but refused to pay for it. He was then offered RonPaul.org for free but again refused and then filled a complaint with the United Nations' World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) under the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP). This makes Ron Paul a massive hypocrite for two reasons: 1. He regularly speaks against the UN saying that America should cut their contributions, now he's crying to them wanting to take away someone's domains. 2. This goes against everything he stands for. He is meant to be all for the free market yet when he was given the option to purchase the domain through the free market he didn't, instead he tried to use a "big government" organization to take away someone's property. This is very anti-libertarian and makes Ron Paul a complete hypocrite. What else do you expect from a person once dubbed \'the most corrupt man in congress" for double billing his travel expenses? These professional libertarians couldn't give a damn about libertarian principles, they just use libertarianism as an excuse to cut programs for the poor! As for the UDRP decision itself, it's hard to see how Ron Paul didn't have a valid claim to these domains, then again the domains were used by a supporter for a site supporting his campaigns. The domains were being used legitimately. Perhaps historical context came into play. RonPaul.com was registered in 2000 so why on earth did it take 13 years for him to object to its usage? People object to people being able to profit off someone else's name, but really, shouldn't he have the freedom to do this according to libertarianism? FREEDOM BABY! | |||
Benghazi, IRS, Associated Press |
Shut up about Benghazi already, yes some people died but the same thing happened under Bush many times with a total of 60 dead. Where was the republicans outrage then. They appear to be more outrage that Susan Rice got her talking points wrong on a Sunday talk show than the deaths themselves. Then they were complaining about how Obama never called it an act of terror, despite the fact that he said exactly that the day after, but who needs facts when you're republican? This scandal is nonsense. It is simply an excuse to attack Hilary Clinton since she is probably running for president in 2016. My views on this has changed. I now see the Clintons as pretty pro establishment and her husband's time was pretty problematic as he like Obama signed many republican bills. Among other things these included banking deregulation and anti gay regulation. I couldn't give a fuck about his sex life, I care about actual policy. I'd be OK about a Clinton run if nobody more progressive shows up.
To one nonsense scandal to another: The IRS was targeting Tea Party/conservative groups in reviewing applications for tax exempt status. Here's why this is the most non-story ever. Political organizations are not supposed to have tax exempt. I repeat. POLITICAL ORGANIZATIONS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO HAVE TAX EXEMPT STATUS! When you have Tea Party in your name when you apply for tax exempt status, yeah you're going to find that sets off a reg flag, duh! Liberal groups were also targeted and 75% of the groups that were denied tax exempt status were liberal, not conservative, so the Tea Party and the media should shut the fuck up about this. By the way Bush also targeted liberal groups, except he went after active groups, where was the republican outrage then? Here's an actual problem with the Obama administration, they basically went after the sources of the Associated Press without any kind of legal work, against their own regulations. This is nothing short of wire tapping and it's unacceptable. It was unacceptable under Bush and it's unacceptable under Obama. The media's sources are supposed to be protected under the constitution, apparently not anymore. This undermines the media's ability to do its job. Not that the media is known to do their job these days, but let's ignore that. These rules are there for a reason, if sources don't feel protected, they won't talk, simple! This is a fundamental right that the Obama administration has pissed on. The damage won't be undone until Obama is out of office, can anybody really trust the Obama administration after this combined with the constant abuse of power with Aaron Swartz, Bradley Mannering and Wikileaks? The Obama administration is toxic. | |||
Abercrombie And Fitch , Hawking, Limbaugh, Wall Street Deregulation |
According to a new book "The New Rules of Retail" Abercrombie & Fitch CEO doesn't want larger people shopping in his store, he wants thin and beautiful people. This is consistent with his 2006 interview where he said "Are we exclusary, absolutely!" I actually don't care about this. He's an asshole, so what? It's his company and he should be able to market to whatever people he wants. Some companies cater to plus sizes. I know it's a bit different; they don't pick on the skinny people and some of the companies are in business because some companies don't cater to plus sizes. I will defend his right to be an asshole; at the same time he doesn't need to say these things publicly. Many people have security and sensitivity issues with their weight, they don't need to hear what this obvious asshole thinks. I'll give him props for honesty though. This doesn't surprise me at all, years ago I saw a sketch on MadTV parodying how shallow the stores are, contained a very hot shirtless guy... Anyway, moving on...
Stephen Hawking has decided to join an academic boycott of Israel. I think that this is great. I don't like the Israeli government, at all. Its treatment of the palestinian people is disgraceful. From taking their land to killing them outright. It's also egging on a possible US war with Iran. The Israeli government are bad people. I don't know how effective this academic boycott is going to be, but at least it's something to raise awareness. Hey, do you know who's not popular? Rush Limbaugh! According to three different sources advertising are pulling out of Limbaugh's programme. Some figures are as high as 96%, that is a percentage of advertisers who exclude Limbaugh's show. He recently cost advertising agency Cumulus 5 million due to advertisers pulling out and Cumulus could dump Rush entirely according to Think Progress. Is this right wing hate monger about done? Time will tell. Coming soon: Wall Street deregulation, because that always works out fabulously. A bill has passed through the senate to repeal some parts of the Dodd-Frank act which added pissy little rules to banks, it was hardly implemented anyway. So the pissy little rules that basically do fuck all to protect us from another global economic collapse are going away. Also they're removing some transparency with derivatives which basically caused the 2008 collapse. I don't know if another collapse is coming but if it is the blame will be solely on Obama for failing to rein in the derivatives markets. | |||
Gun regulations and boston bombing |
It seems nothing will be done on gun regulation at this time, an already watered down bill was in the senate, got majority support, but it was fillabustered, so poof, gone! Nice knowing you gun regulations. One fillabuster and majority senate along with support from most of the country means NOTHING! The now irrelevant bill, was irrelevant, it basically made it so you had to have a background check at a gun show but you didn't for private sales, so in effect a person could buy a bunch of guns at a gun show, take them outside and sell them, making the gun show regulation pointless. Even that couldn't get passed. Well, tick tock America, massacres will just keep happening, it's really only a matter of time before the next 20 people die from some madman. How many more massacres will it take for something to be done?
So the Boston bombing happened. Let's just ignore the crazies, well mostly. There's people saying free the suspect, he's cute. Well if you like psychopathic murderers I guess he is. From what I can tell the older brother was a loner and bitter, that was probably a big motivater, at least one of the brothers were involved in religious fundamentalism. There is evidence of the older brother having no friends and having social problems. Fundamentalism is not mainstream Islam. We should not use it to make insane generalizations about a group of people. In additional he and his family listened to Alex Jones, take what you want for that. If he had Jones' crazy delusional ideas about everything is a conspiracy, that could have contributed. Fortunately only three died. Note massacres in recent years have caused much more death per time. Not that it's terribly relevant but it is just interesting, I don't want to belittle the victims of this. It was a bombing that happened in a populated area, about 130 were injured. This was a very significant event for these people and America in general. | |||